[ADMN/WEB] CommunityBridge v1.10 BETA - Integrates Players with MySQL + Stat Tracking [1.6.4]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by NoRC, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. Offline


    18:04:15 [WARNING] [CommunityBridge] Error at SQL Query: Unknown column 'field_11' in 'where clause'
    18:04:15 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerJoinEvent to CommunityBridge

    Using IBP 3.3.2, and it can connect to the DB's.
  2. Offline


    Have you tried to disable the limitations of joining the server and making sure all your BS connections are successful first?

    aka do not place any white listing on the server until the rest of your connections are successful. Once they are successful enable the additional settings one by one until you reach this issue again. this will give you much better debugging abilities.

    I am still unable to figure out how to change the order in which my ranks are listed in PEX. I cant seem to figure out if community bridge or PEX is writing the order. Once I figure that out I might be able to fix it. If anybody know how to change the order in which the ranks are listed in PEX please let me know. I have some ranks that are listed above but are unable to inherit each other. In essence, a 'memeber' cannot have donor permissions because donor perms are blocked in the members group. So if 'Member' is listed first for the player the hierarchy collapses


    - -command.2


    This turns into the following permissions in order.

    - -command.2

    Because command.2 was denied prior to allowing it, the command is not allowed to be used if the user is in groups memberr and donor

    However if the player is in the following order it will work.


    getting the following permissions in order

    - -command.2

    This will allow it prior to disallowing it making the entire command structure work properly.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  3. Offline


    So this plugin won't work with IP:B 3.3.1?
  4. Offline


    I am running this plugin with a MyBB forum. I have the "Online Status" setup and it is inserting a 1 or 2 into the table but it seems to be random. It has a 1 for some players and a 2 for some, but it does not update. Not sure if I did something wrong when setting up the database or what. Anyone have any advice on what to look at?
  5. Hello all,

    I would like to know is it backwards compatible too, so if I assign a server group it also assigns the forum rank with it. we use buycraft on our server and that automaticley sets our donators to the right group, If this is not an option then we have a possible work around anyway.

    Thanks in advanced.
  6. Offline


    has any one got a config for vBulletin
  7. Offline


    Gotta love work... we're shifting our companies offices shortly so will be a while between visits. Also due to the large flood of requests for new features again despite my posts I am releasing the source code. I dont have time to do much for this at the moment so hopefully someone else can pick this up and carry on with it. Check the initial post for the source dl link.
  8. Offline


    Could you make a pre-made website too? I got confused.(I only know css and html)
  9. Offline


    Based on my own config.yml for my phpBB3 forum, here's a phpBB3 sample config.

    phpBB3 has support for custom profile fields. To manage them go to: Administration Control Panel-->Users and Groups Tab-->Custom profile fields (on left sidebar menu).

    Note that the field names shown in the control panel are prefixed with pf_ in the database. So for example, if you name the field minecraft_name it will be pf_minecraft_name in the database. The custom fields are stored on the phpbb_profile_fields_data table in the database.

    # Sample phpBB3 Board Config
    # Please ensure if you run your minecraft server on a remote host
    # that your MySQL server allows REMOTE connections.
    # Feaelin: I'm assuming a default install, which means the table prefix is:
    # phpbb_
    # If your table prefix is different, change accordingly.
    # Hostname for your MySQL Server
    db-host: localhost
    # MySQL Port
    db-port: 3306
    # Database Name
    db-database: databasename
    # Database Username
    db-username: username
    # Database Password
    db-password: password
    # This will show you some basic configuration in logs when the plugin starts
    show-config: true
    # If set to true it will show a message to the user that they have been placed
    # into a group
    show-primary-group: false
    # This message is displaed when show-primary-group is false to registered
    # users
    registered-message: Registered Account, Linked to Server Forums
    # This is shown to users when they connect that arn't registered
    unregistered-message: Unregistered Account - Please Register at YOURFORUMURL for full access
    # This is shown when auto-sync runs to remind a user to register
    unregistered-messagereminder: Just a reminder to visit YOURFORUMURL and register today!
    # When true this will not allow un-registered players onto the server, and
    # show the unregistered-message in the form of a kick
    kick-unregistered: true
    # Multi-Tables are when you have all your tracking/minecraft usernames in a
    # different table to the users table
    multi-tables: true
    # Forums like XenForo (but not phpBB) use a table that has rows for each
    # custom field as opposed to columns for each custom field
    multi-tables-use-key: false
    # If set to true it will not allow banned players from your website to connect
    # Feaelin: Not currently possible on phpBB
    use-banned-field: false
    # If you have a second group level and want to make use of it
    # Feaelin: Not current possible on phpBB
    secondary-groups: false
    # The permissions system (PEX, bPerms, GroupManager)
    permissions-system: GroupManager
    # This is a timer that will check and sync all data with your database at a
    # set interval
    auto-sync: true
    # The interval for the auto-sync timer, this should be no less than
    # 15-20minutes (time in milliseconds)
    auto-sync-every: 1200000
    # This is for extra features of the bridge plugin that allow you to save Age,
    # Gametime, Last Online, Health etc to the database
    enable-basic-tracking: true
    # Main Users table configuration
      # Users Database Table
      table: phpbb_users
      # The field that contains their Minecraft Username
      user-name-field: username
      # The field that contains their Unique ID across your site
      user-id-field: user_id
      # The field that contains their Primary Group
      groups-id-field: group_id
      # The field that contains their Secondary Group
      # Feaelin: Not currently supported for phpBB
      secondary-groups-id-field: sub_group_ids
      # The Banned Field should be a 1 or 0
      # Feaelin: Not currently supported for phpBB
      banned-field: member_banned
      # The Group Banned Users are placed in on your site
      # Feaelin: Doesn't apply to phpBB default.
      banned-users-group: -1
      # The Default Group for when a group can't be found or they are unregistered.
      # Feaelin: 1 is the default number for the 'guest'/'unregistered' users on phpBB.
      default-group: 1
    # This is only for multi-table websites where information is not all contained in the users table
      # Table that contains custom information for MineCraft
      table: phpbb_profile_fields_data
      # The field that has their users id
      field-user-id-field: user_id
      # This is the field that contains the KEY for multi-tables-use-key (XenForo)
      # Feaelin: Does not apply to phpBB, ignore.
      field-key-field: key_str
      # The value that is to be matched in field-key-field when looking for their Minecraft Username
      # Feaelin: Does not apply to phpBB, ignore.
      field-key-value: mcusername
      # This is for when multi-tables-use-key is false (Invision Power Board) it contains their
      # Minecraft Username
      # Feaelin: This will depend on what you named the field when adding it via the administration
      #          control panel in "Custom Profile Fields". Whatever you name your field, phpBB prefixes
      #          with pf_
      field-value-field: pf_minecraft_name
    # Optional
    # You can place users in the default group if they do not have an Avatar or Minimum Posts or both
      # Enable Forced Website Avatar
      require-avatar: true
      # Message when Avatar Not Found
      require-avatar-message: This server requires players to upload an avatar to their profile.
      # Table that contains user avatars
      require-avatar-table: phpbb_users
      # Field that has their User ID
      require-avatar-user-id-field: user_id
      # Field that has their Avatar (Empty/null value for no avatar)
      # Feaelin: I've not tested this, since I'm not using this feature.
      require-avatar-field: user_avatar_type
      # Enable Forced Minimum Posts
      require-minposts: true
      # Messages when Minimum Posts not met
      require-minposts-message: This server requires players to have a minimum of 3 forum posts.
      # Required amount of minimum Posts
      require-minposts-count: 3
      # Table that contains their post count
      require-minposts-table: phpbb_users
      # Field that has their User ID
      require-minposts-user-id-field: user_id
      # Field that has their post count
      require-minposts-field: user_posts
    # Optional
    # This is for Online Status, Health, Age etc...
      # Table that contains the custom fields
      table: phpbb_profile_fields_data
      # Feaelin: Again, note that what you name the field in phpBB will be
      #          prefixed with pf_ the names below are the ones I used,
      #          the names don't matter as long as the ones below match what
      #          you used when adding the fields to phpBB, and you remember
      #          that pf_ is prefixed.
      #          You can ignore the field-???-key-value fields, they don't apply
      #          to phpBB.
      # Enable Tracking of Online status
      field-onlinestatus-enabled: true
      # Value to place in table when online
      field-onlinestatus-valueonline: 1
      # Value to place in table when offline
      field-onlinestatus-valueoffline: 0
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-onlinestatus-key-value: mconlinestatus
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-onlinestatus-field: pf_minecraft_online
      # Enable tracking if player is online or not
      field-lastonline-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-lastonline-key-value: mclastonline
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-lastonline-field: pf_mc_lastonline
      # Enable tracking how much time is spent on server
      field-gametime-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-gametime-key-value: mcgametime
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-gametime-field: pf_mc_gametime
      # Enable Total XP earnt tracking
      field-totalxp-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-totalxp-key-value: mctotalxp
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-totalxp-field: pf_mc_totalxp
      # Enable Current XP tracking (progress to next level)
      field-currentxp-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-currentxp-key-value: mccurrentxp
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-currentxp-field: pf_mc_currentxp
      # Enable Level tracking
      field-level-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-level-key-value: mclevel
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-level-field: pf_mc_level
      # Enable tracking of players health
      field-health-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-health-key-value: mchealth
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-health-field: pf_mc_health
      # Enable tracking of players time alive since last death
      field-lifeticks-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-lifeticks-key-value: mclifeticks
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-lifeticks-field: pf_mc_lifeticks
      # Enable Wallet Tracking (NOT IN USE YET)
      field-wallet-enabled: false
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-wallet-key-value: mcwallet
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-wallet-field: pf_mc_wallet
    # Group Configuration
    # Basicly the number of the left is the value in the database,
    # the text on the right is the group name in your permissions
    # system.
    # I suggest you map ALL forum groups to a group in your permission
    # system.
      # Feaelin:
      # These numbers will only match up this way if your install is a default
      # phpbb3 install. If it is an upgrade from a pre phpbb3 version...I can't
      # predict the group numbers. You'll need to look them up to make sure.
      # I've included all the groups here, but I only implement perms
      # for 'Guests' and 'Members' in my permissions file.
      '1': Guests
      '2': Members
      '3': registered_coppa
      '4': global_moderators
      '5': Administrators
      '6': Guests
      '7': newly_registered
  10. Offline


    will this work on Vbulletin 4.2.0?
  11. Offline


    Is Enjin Supported ? :D
  12. Offline


    Is there a way that the plugin can only read the secondary ID's?

    There are cases where there are certain people who would be moderators/admins in the game, but yet don't need that access i the forum.
  13. Offline


    Hi I am currently using phpBB and was wondering how I would link these to things together. Thanks -Jristine101
  14. Offline


    Not sure about only secondary, but couldn't you just turn it around? Create a group on the forum side, "Game Moderators", and then in the config.yml map it to the permission group for game moderators. e.g., if the new group id # on the forum side is 67 and assuming you've named the gameside permission group 'Moderators' then in your config.yml:
    '67': Moderators

    CommunityBridge is flexible enough that it should support almost any webforum, CMS, or even some other MySQL based application. To hook this plugin up, you'll need to take a look at your given forum/cms/app's database structure and see if you can "map" the appropriate fields in the manner that CommunityBridge expects.

    At a minimum, you need to know:
    * MySQL database name, MySQL username, MySQL password, MySQL hostname and port.
    * What table and field/column user ids are stored in
    * What table and field/column a user's primary group id is stored in
    * What table and field/column you will be able to use for the user's Minecraft username (could potentially be the forum username, but that means the user will have to make they enter their minecraft username when registering to the forum).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  15. Offline


    Yeah, I figured it out. Thanks.

    Is there any way that there could be a list of users to not check. Like a VIP list.

    I have some players that I want in my minecraft server that I don't want to force them to create a user account on the forum.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  16. Offline


    Hello i need help, i everytime get this problem:

    [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling CommunityBridge v1.06 (Is it up to date?)
        at net.netmanagers.community.Main.onEnable(Main.java:150)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:215)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:337)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:256)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:238)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(CraftServer.java:552)
        at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload(Bukkit.java:182)
        at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute(ReloadCommand.java:22)
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:166)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:479)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand(CraftServer.java:475)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:612)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:581)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:459)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
    My config is this:

    # Sample phpBB3 Board Config
    # Please ensure if you run your minecraft server on a remote host
    # that your MySQL server allows REMOTE connections.
    # Feaelin: I'm assuming a default install, which means the table prefix is:
    # phpbb_
    # If your table prefix is different, change accordingly.
    # Hostname for your MySQL Server
    db-host: localhost
    # MySQL Port
    db-port: 3306
    # Database Name
    db-database: xx
    # Database Username
    db-username: xxx
    # Database Password
    db-password: xxx
    # This will show you some basic configuration in logs when the plugin starts
    show-config: true
    # If set to true it will show a message to the user that they have been placed
    # into a group
    show-primary-group: false
    # This message is displaed when show-primary-group is false to registered
    # users
    registered-message: Registered Account, Linked to Server Forums
    # This is shown to users when they connect that arn't registered
    unregistered-message: Unregistered Account - Please Register at YOURFORUMURL for full access
    # This is shown when auto-sync runs to remind a user to register
    unregistered-messagereminder: Just a reminder to visit YOURFORUMURL and register today!
    # When true this will not allow un-registered players onto the server, and
    # show the unregistered-message in the form of a kick
    kick-unregistered: true
    # Multi-Tables are when you have all your tracking/minecraft usernames in a
    # different table to the users table
    multi-tables: true
    # Forums like XenForo (but not phpBB) use a table that has rows for each
    # custom field as opposed to columns for each custom field
    multi-tables-use-key: false
    # If set to true it will not allow banned players from your website to connect
    # Feaelin: Not currently possible on phpBB
    use-banned-field: false
    # If you have a second group level and want to make use of it
    # Feaelin: Not current possible on phpBB
    secondary-groups: false
    # The permissions system (PEX, bPerms, GroupManager)
    permissions-system: PEX
    # This is a timer that will check and sync all data with your database at a
    # set interval
    auto-sync: true
    # The interval for the auto-sync timer, this should be no less than
    # 15-20minutes (time in milliseconds)
    auto-sync-every: 1200000
    # This is for extra features of the bridge plugin that allow you to save Age,
    # Gametime, Last Online, Health etc to the database
    enable-basic-tracking: true
    # Main Users table configuration
      # Users Database Table
      table: phpbb_users
      # The field that contains their Minecraft Username
      user-name-field: username
      # The field that contains their Unique ID across your site
      user-id-field: user_id
      # The field that contains their Primary Group
      groups-id-field: group_id
      # The field that contains their Secondary Group
      # Feaelin: Not currently supported for phpBB
      secondary-groups-id-field: sub_group_ids
      # The Banned Field should be a 1 or 0
      # Feaelin: Not currently supported for phpBB
      banned-field: member_banned
      # The Group Banned Users are placed in on your site
      # Feaelin: Doesn't apply to phpBB default.
      banned-users-group: -1
      # The Default Group for when a group can't be found or they are unregistered.
      # Feaelin: 1 is the default number for the 'guest'/'unregistered' users on phpBB.
      default-group: 1
    # This is only for multi-table websites where information is not all contained in the users table
      # Table that contains custom information for MineCraft
      table: phpbb_profile_fields_data
      # The field that has their users id
      field-user-id-field: user_id
      # This is the field that contains the KEY for multi-tables-use-key (XenForo)
      # Feaelin: Does not apply to phpBB, ignore.
      field-key-field: key_str
      # The value that is to be matched in field-key-field when looking for their Minecraft Username
      # Feaelin: Does not apply to phpBB, ignore.
      field-key-value: mcusername
      # This is for when multi-tables-use-key is false (Invision Power Board) it contains their
      # Minecraft Username
      # Feaelin: This will depend on what you named the field when adding it via the administration
      #          control panel in "Custom Profile Fields". Whatever you name your field, phpBB prefixes
      #          with pf_
    # Optional
    # You can place users in the default group if they do not have an Avatar or Minimum Posts or both
      # Enable Forced Website Avatar
      require-avatar: true
      # Message when Avatar Not Found
      require-avatar-message: This server requires players to upload an avatar to their profile.
      # Table that contains user avatars
      require-avatar-table: phpbb_users
      # Field that has their User ID
      require-avatar-user-id-field: user_id
      # Field that has their Avatar (Empty/null value for no avatar)
      # Feaelin: I've not tested this, since I'm not using this feature.
      require-avatar-field: user_avatar_type
      # Enable Forced Minimum Posts
      require-minposts: true
      # Messages when Minimum Posts not met
      require-minposts-message: This server requires players to have a minimum of 3 forum posts.
      # Required amount of minimum Posts
      require-minposts-count: 3
      # Table that contains their post count
      require-minposts-table: phpbb_users
      # Field that has their User ID
      require-minposts-user-id-field: user_id
      # Field that has their post count
      require-minposts-field: user_posts
    # Optional
    # This is for Online Status, Health, Age etc...
      # Table that contains the custom fields
      table: phpbb_profile_fields_data
      # Feaelin: Again, note that what you name the field in phpBB will be
      #          prefixed with pf_ the names below are the ones I used,
      #          the names don't matter as long as the ones below match what
      #          you used when adding the fields to phpBB, and you remember
      #          that pf_ is prefixed.
      #          You can ignore the field-???-key-value fields, they don't apply
      #          to phpBB.
      # Enable Tracking of Online status
      field-onlinestatus-enabled: true
      # Value to place in table when online
      field-onlinestatus-valueonline: 1
      # Value to place in table when offline
      field-onlinestatus-valueoffline: 0
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-onlinestatus-key-value: mconlinestatus
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-onlinestatus-field: pf_mc_online
      # Enable tracking if player is online or not
      field-lastonline-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-lastonline-key-value: mclastonline
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-lastonline-field: pf_mc_lastonline
      # Enable tracking how much time is spent on server
      field-gametime-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-gametime-key-value: mcgametime
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-gametime-field: pf_mc_gametime
      # Enable Total XP earnt tracking
      field-totalxp-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-totalxp-key-value: mctotalxp
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-totalxp-field: pf_mc_totalxp
      # Enable Current XP tracking (progress to next level)
      field-currentxp-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-currentxp-key-value: mccurrentxp
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-currentxp-field: pf_mc_currentxp
      # Enable Level tracking
      field-level-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-level-key-value: mclevel
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-level-field: pf_mc_level
      # Enable tracking of players health
      field-health-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-health-key-value: mchealth
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-health-field: pf_mc_health
      # Enable tracking of players time alive since last death
      field-lifeticks-enabled: true
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-lifeticks-key-value: mclifeticks
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-lifeticks-field: pf_mc_lifeticks
      # Enable Wallet Tracking (NOT IN USE YET)
      field-wallet-enabled: false
      # Multi-Tables-Use-Key value for multi-tables.field-key-field
      field-wallet-key-value: mcwallet
      # Multi-Tables / Single Table field for Value
      field-wallet-field: pf_mc_wallet
    # Group Configuration
    # Basicly the number of the left is the value in the database,
    # the text on the right is the group name in your permissions
    # system.
    # I suggest you map ALL forum groups to a group in your permission
    # system.
      # Feaelin:
      # These numbers will only match up this way if your install is a default
      # phpbb3 install. If it is an upgrade from a pre phpbb3 version...I can't
      # predict the group numbers. You'll need to look them up to make sure.
      # I've included all the groups here, but I only implement perms
      # for 'Guests' and 'Members' in my permissions file.
      '1': Guests
      '2': Members
      '3': registered_coppa
      '4': global_moderators
      '5': Administrators
      '6': Guests
      '7': newly_registered
  17. Offline


    Will this work on a enjin website?
  18. Offline


    Thanks, worked perfectly. Do you have the custom converters for phpbb that convert for instance online: 1 or 0 to yes or no or Last logged in:1339225087 to something useful?
  19. Offline


    Nvm I found a plugin especially made for Enjin sites.
  20. Everything seems to work except rank sync.

    # Sample Invision Power Board Config
    db-host: localhost
    db-port: 3306
    db-database: xxxx
    db-username: xxxx
    db-password: xxxx
    show-config: false
    show-primary-group: false
    registered-message: Registered Account, Linked to Server Forums
    unregistered-message: Unregistered Account - Please Register at xxxx for full access
    unregistered-messagereminder: Just a reminder to visit xxxx and register today!
    kick-unregistered: false
    multi-tables: true
    multi-tables-use-key: false
    use-banned-field: true
    secondary-groups: false
    permissions-system: PermissionsEx
    auto-sync: true
    auto-sync-every: 1200000
    enable-basic-tracking: true
      table: mlp_members
      user-name-field: name
      user-id-field: member_id
      groups-id-field: member_group_id
      secondary-groups-id-field: sub_group_ids
      banned-field: member_banned
      banned-users-group: 5
      default-group: 2
      table: mlp_pfields_content
      field-user-id-field: member_id
      field-key-field: field_13
      field-key-value: mx
      field-value-field: field_13
      require-avatar: false
      require-avatar-message: This server requires players to upload an avatar to their profile.
      require-avatar-table: mlp_profile_portal
      require-avatar-user-id-field: member_id
      require-avatar-field: pp_main_photo
      require-minposts: false
      require-minposts-message: This server requires players to have a minimum of 3 forum posts.
      require-minposts-count: 3
      require-minposts-table: mlp_members
      require-minposts-user-id-field: member_id
      require-minposts-field: posts
      table: mlp_pfields_content
      field-onlinestatus-enabled: true
      field-onlinestatus-valueonline: 1
      field-onlinestatus-valueoffline: 0
      field-onlinestatus-key-value: mconlinestatus
      field-onlinestatus-field: field_14
      field-lastonline-enabled: true
      field-lastonline-key-value: mclastonline
      field-lastonline-field: field_15
      field-gametime-enabled: true
      field-gametime-key-value: mcgametime
      field-gametime-field: field_16
      field-totalxp-enabled: true
      field-totalxp-key-value: mctotalxp
      field-totalxp-field: field_18
      field-currentxp-enabled: true
      field-currentxp-key-value: mccurrentxp
      field-currentxp-field: field_17
      field-level-enabled: true
      field-level-key-value: mclevel
      field-level-field: field_19
      field-health-enabled: true
      field-health-key-value: mchealth
      field-health-field: field_20
      field-lifeticks-enabled: true
      field-lifeticks-key-value: mclifeticks
      field-lifeticks-field: field_21
      field-wallet-enabled: true
      field-wallet-key-value: mcwallet
      field-wallet-field: field_22
      '7': Pony
  21. Offline


    How do i get this to work??? do i nead the database so i was connect the PhpBB with ??
  22. Yes

    Hmm, I'm no expert of webpage coding

    <if test="mconline:|:$f->value == '0'">
    <img src="../minecraftimages/profile/poffline.png"/>
    <else />
    <if test="mconline:|:$f->value == '1'">
    <img src="../minecraftimages/profile/ponline.png"/>
    <else />
    But this is producing an issue. It works like I want it to, except the Level progression slot also changes to the offline image, unless someone has gained level progress. Any idea why?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  23. Offline


    I've had this on my server for a few hours and so far so good. I still have a few questions, but I think I can figure them out wist some more trial and error. My comment is that it would be great if there were more templates i.e. for SMF2. Otherwise great plugin!
  24. Offline


    But how and where shall i add it ?? shall i make a new PHP file or add it to another PHP file ?
  25. Offline

    Deleted user

    If someone can help me set this up for IP.board 3.3.2 please PM me!
  26. Offline


    i got 1.06 working beautifully on my server. good job to the creator
  27. Offline


    Hey so Im new to this plugin, how would I do it so that people vote and get in-game money?
  28. Offline


    Prob not the plugin you need. Try Votifier. This plugin just links the forum groups together.

    Shouldn't be that hard, just make sure you setup the MYSQL links correctly. I use Xenforo, so im not 100% sure how to setup for IP.Board. Just make sure you read the entire config and copy the table names from your MYSQL to the config do you dont mess up. If you need help i will try my best just PM me.

    Install the .jar in your Minecraft server, restart the server and edit the config for community bridge to link to your Forums MYSQL database.

    Remember if your Forum stores user groups in multiple places to have it look in Secondary User Groups, You have it disabled. THe Primary group will only read One group so if your forum stores more then 1 group in the same place set it to the secondary group as well as the primary so it will read the other groups. Other wise its only reading the first group. It dosen't give ranks by the Rank Priority either, The last rank it reads is the rank you will be visibly set to, you are set to every rank it reads if you have PEX.
  29. Offline


    Do i nead to use the same sql base as the Forum ?
  30. Offline


    Can someone please post a sample config for Simple Machine Forums.

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