[ADMN/WEB] [BukkitDev] Buycraft -The most advanced Donation Plugin.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by lmc, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]
    Over 100,000 servers have used Buycraft over the last 2 years.
    What is Buycraft, and why does my Minecraft server need it?
    Buycraft enables you to sell in game items/memberships to your community, allowing yourself to fund your server bills to keep your Minecraft server alive. Buycraft is basically an online shopping cart system for your own server!​
    How will my players use Buycraft?
    After you have created a Buycraft account, you are given an online webstore which you can use to promote your items for sale. Your players will visit this website and be able to purchase the items that they want, be it a collection of armour, or a monthly VIP membership.​
    What can I sell to my users, and how?
    Buycraft enables you to sell ANYTHING to your users, from a collection of armour upgrades, to monthly VIP memberships. When a player purchases a product, it is automatically processed on your Minecraft server, and removes all hassle of managing payments by yourself. All these different options will take the worry out of funding your Minecraft server.​
    Some of the awesome features available:
    • Create donation packages which can reward your players with anything you imagine.
    • Setup advanced packages for memberships ranks, with support for automatic Paypal subscriptions.
    • Many Payment gateways supported! (Paypal, Stripe, Google Wallet, Paymentwall, 2Checkout, Onebip, Paygol, Payza, and Coinbase.)
    • Coupon codes to offer discounts to your players.
    • Run promotional sales to gain attention to certain donation packages.
    • Cumulative ranking to enable your players to upgrade their ranks.
    • Custom variables to offer advanced customisation of your packages.
    • Detailed donation statistics to see how well your server is performing.
    • Multiple webstores per account, with the ability to create sub accounts for your other moderators/administrators on your server.
    • Advanced fraud protection to prevent chargebacks.
    • Webstores available in over 8 languages.
    • You can change your webstore theme and even integrate it into your own website.
    • Everything is hosted by us, resulting in a hassle free and inexpensive way to run your own webstore! The Buycraft platform is updated regularly with many new features added each month.
    Have a feature suggestion? Post it below!

  2. I'm planning to add some of them features :) and thanks for the support
  3. Offline


    I have an issue. My users are trying to /donate, but the only thing they get is the list of items. When they do /donate 3 (the option for full donate) or any other item, the only get the 2 horizontal lines. (see attached image).

    Any ideas? I've checked my config, as well as refreshed my api key. So I'm at a loss, in more ways then one.

  4. Offline


    That is a minor glitch, how it was supposed to look was

    Type /ec to turn your chat back on!
  5. Offline


    Isn't it possible to use the Paypal notify_url param instead of forcing users to set the IPN in Paypal?
    Sayshal likes this.
  6. Offline


    Hi , CAn u try to add another sms Support ? Coz we can't whitdraw the onebip money to paypal account ...
  7. To enable paypal IPN, you need to supply an IPN notification URL in paypal, thats why. notify_url is actually used.
  8. Offline


    From PayPal's IPN Guide book found on the link at the bottom of this page https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?&cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_html_formbasics

    Chapter 3: "After you implement and test your IPN listener, you make your listener known to PayPal by
    specifying the listener’s URL in your account’s profile. Optionally, you can override the URL
    to specify another listener for specific payments."

    AKA Dynamically Setting the Notification URL (with notify_url for Website Payments Standard button).

    However, it sounds like you still need to at least enable IPN in your PayPal, but you can have a different URL set if you already use it for something else like myself:
    "The IPN message will always be sent to your notification URL unless receiving IPNs
    have been disabled. Even though you have not enabled receiving IPN messages in
    your Profile or you have reset your preference by turning off IPN messages, PayPal
    still sends IPN messages to the notification URL you specify for a specific payment.
    IPN messages not sent because you disabled the preference in your Profile will appear
    in the IPN history when you enable receiving IPNs. After they appear in the history,
    you can choose whether or not to resend them."
  9. I can look into it. However I don't log any payment other than what is relevant. I use the custom field to determin this.
  10. Offline


    I think everyone believes you, but some people might actually use IPN for something themselves. Also, I think it looks a little bit more professional, because people are really sure only relevant transactions are logged.
    I don't care, but I think you'll gain some more trust from other people.
  11. I completely agree, and I am looking into this matter.
  12. Offline


    Is the plugin broke?
    I type /buy, a list appears.
    I type /buy 2 (to buy the second package), and only a empty row appears..
  13. whats your server?
  14. Offline


    updated the plugin, works now.
  15. No problem, here to help.
  16. Offline


    got the plugin installed. added packages and set ipn in paypal and also set in the config the secret api number. had a person donate. the money went into my paypal account but system logged a failed.

    Paypal usernamehere 5th December 2011 16:29 Failed
  17. Offline


    Could you post that here, just removed any piece of information from it that is sensitive to you, IE your Paypal and their Paypal.
  18. Offline


    I found out why nothing worked and it's fixed now. I was so used to configuration files being inside their own folders that I didn't check the plugins folder itself.


    Well at least it works, cheers!
  19. Offline


    Just to everyone, the API isn't actually finished since right now it seems like it only shows current version, server id (used to make transactions), and packages. There should of been recent donators, but I guess lmc hasn't added it yet. So API is useless right now.
  20. Offline


  21. To enhance on this, tonight Iwill be adding documentation on all API features for you guys to use.

    Open a ticket at bukkitdet and assign it to LeeMcNeil, it will be easier for me to sort this issue out for you.
  22. Offline


    I Bought Premium!
    thank you lmc!
    Can you add expiration date to be unlimited please.
  23. Offline


    Well, if you don't add an expiration date its already unlimited!
  24. Offline


    Please enter all form fields

    doesn't work.
  25. That's because you have set the expiry length to something other than 0
  26. Offline


    If anyone is having an issue with the Thread-#### warning, please PM me and I will send you the Buycraft Dev fix. Note, the Thread problem is an issue with 1337 and the latest builds. It isn't necessary either to update to this since this causes no problems.
  27. Offline


    Can you have it so when they login if they have a claimable package they get it right away instead of waiting for the loop to execute?
  28. Offline


    Its already added, /buy claim
  29. Offline


    No that has been taken away.
  30. Offline


    It is automatic now, but /buy claim still works. For me anyways...
  31. Offline


    You are most likely running a older version then. 3.0 doesn't have /buy claim and my players don't like waiting for the automatic system to loop.

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