[ADMN] SetRankPEX v1.7 - Change ranks (groups) easier [PermissionsEx] [1.5.2-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Irock23, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SetRankPEX - Change a user's group in PermissionsEx easier
    Version: 1.7
    CB: 1.5.2-R0.1


    Tired of having to type /pex user <User> group set <Group>? With this plugin you can simply type /setrank <User> <Group>.

    • Makes a shorter command to change a user's group (a.k.a. rank)
    • Can be configured to broadcast when a user's rank is changed
    • Message is configurable with color support (see here for color codes)
    • Separate join message for admins and owners that is configurable and optional
    ~Go here if you have problems with permissions~
    • srpex.setrank.(group in lower case) - /setrank <User> <Group> (aliases: /rank, /setgroup, /group) - Allows you to set a user's group, but only to a specific one. If the group contains a space, use an underscore (_), same with the command. To set to all, use srpex.setrank.*.
    • srpex.from.(group in lower case) - Allows you to change a user's group from the specified one. If the group contains a space, use an underscore (_).
    • srpex.version - Allows you to check for a new version. Notifies users of a new version when they join.
    • srpex.reload - /srpexreload (aliases: /reloadsrpex, /srpexr) - Allows you to reload the configuration of SetRankPEX.
    • allow-ops-changes - Boolean - If set to true, Ops do not need to have permissions to do the commands.
    • broadcast-rank-change - Boolean - If set to true, will broadcast a message when a user's group is changed.
    • broadcast-message - String - The message used when a user's rank is changed. Use +player and +group to insert the player name and group they are getting set to. If you are going to use colors, make sure to put it in apostrophes (single quotes). If you don't specify a color, it will default to being blue. Ex: broadcast-message: '&3+player is now a(n) +group'.
    • announce-ranks - String List - The ranks to be checked for when a player joins the game. If the player is one of the specified ranks, a special join message will be set. Ex: announce-ranks: [Admin, Owner].
    • ranks-message - String - The message to used for when a player joins the game and has in one of the announce-ranks ranks. Use +rank and +player to insert the player's rank and name. If you are going to use colors, make sure to put it in apostrophes (single quotes). If you don't specify a color, it will default to being yellow. Ex: ranks-message: '&f+rank +player has joined the game.'.
    • version-check - Boolean - If set to true, will check every hour for a new version of SetRankPEX.
    • check-interval - Long - The amount of seconds to wait between each check for a new version of SetRankPEX
    • PermissionsEx - Required for SetRankPEX
    • PEXRank - Conflicts with /setrank command
    If there are any features you would like me to add or any suggestions, please tell me.

    Source code included in JAR file

    Recent Change Log:

    Version 1.7 (05/20/2013) [Download ZIP | Download JAR]
    • Updated to 1.5.2-R0.1
    • Changed the permissions slightly
    Version 1.6.3 (03/07/2013)
    • Fixed problem with getServer()
    Full Change Log (open)

    Version 1.7 (05/20/2013)
    • Updated to 1.5.2-R0.1
    • Changed the permissions slightly
    Version 1.6.3 (03/07/2013)
    • Fixed problem with getServer()
    Version 1.6.2 (02/26/2013)
    • Updated to CB 1.4.7-R1.0
    Version 1.6.1 (11/17/2012)
    • Made version check interval configurable
    • Cleaned up code
    Version 1.6 (08/02/2012)
    • Made hourly version check optional
    • Changed admin/owner option for join messages to a list of ranks
    • Now uses Java 7
    Version 1.5.2 (05/05/2012)
    • Removed "[SRPEX]" from most messages
    • Fixed default config file creation
    Version 1.5.1 (04/10/2012)
    • Version check implemented
    Version 1.5 (04/03/2012)
    • Admin and owner messages now configurable
    • New permission for not allowing to change a user's group if they are in a certain group
    Version 1.4.1 (03/21/2012)
    • Admin/owner message now optional
    • Code cleaned up a bit
    Version 1.4 (03/21/2012)
    • Updated for new event listeners
    • Now says when an admin or owner joins the game
    Version 1.3.4 (10/22/2011)
    • Fixed a problem that made it so you could not change a user's group to a group they were inheriting from
    Version 1.3.3 (10/21/2011)
    • Updated for YamlConfiguration
    • A player no longer has to be online for you to change their rank
    Version 1.3.2 (10/07/2011)
    • Changed command to use underscores in the place of spaces when doing /setrank
    • Source code is now included in the .jar file
    Version 1.3.1 (10/04/2011)
    • Allowed the use of spaces in a group when doing /setrank
    • Changed permissions so you use underscores for spaces in a group's name
    Version 1.3 (10/02/2011)
    • Fixed a few minor errors
    Version 1.2.2 (10/01/2011)
    • Added color support for the broadcasted message
    Version 1.2.1 (10/01/2011)
    • Changed the permissions to make more sense
    Version 1.2 (09/30/2011)
    • Made the broadcasted message configurable
    • Specific permissions for each group
    Version 1.1 (09/29/2011)
    • Fixed a problem causing the plugin not to enable
    Version 1.0 (09/29/2011)
    • First Public Release
    Miki4000, DoomLord and jenks1999 like this.
  2. Offline


    why cant my mods promote guests people to builder?

            default: true
            - SimpleJail.jailtime
            - essentials.rules
            - essentials.help
            - essentials.helpop
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.mail
            - essentials.mail.send
            - essentials.mail.clear
            - heroicrebuke.list
            - essentials.helpop.recieve
            - essentials.ban.notify
            - essentials.kick.notify
            - lytreehelper.db.blockaccess
            - IPGet.self
            - modifyworld.chat
            - modifyworld.sneak
            - modifyworld.sprint
            - chaircraft.sit
            - -essentials.eco
            options: null
            prefix: '&5Guest&f>'
            default: false
            - Guest
            - nocheat.admin.chatlog
            - deadbolt.broadcast.*
            - deadbolt.command.*
            - essentials.portal
            - essentials.tell
            - essentials.help
            - essentials.helpop
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.afk
            - essentials.back
            - essentials.back.ondeath
            - essentials.clearinventory
            - essentials.compass
            - essentials.depth
            - essentials.getpos
            - essentials.geoip.show
            - essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited
            - essentials.sethome
            - essentials.home
            - essentials.info
            - essentials.kit
            - essentials.kit.list
            - essentials.kit.Building_starter
            - essentials.kit.Armor_starter
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.mail
            - essentials.mail.send
            - essentials.mail.clear
            - essentials.me
            - essentials.motd
            - essentials.msg
            - essentials.protect
            - essentials.protect.alerts
            - essentials.protect.damage.drowning
            - essentials.protect.damage.creeper
            - essentials.protect.damage.fall
            - essentials.protect.damage.lightning
            - essentials.protect.damage.projectiles
            - essentials.protect.damage.suffocation
            - essentials.protect.damage.fire
            - essentials.protect.damage.fireball
            - essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass
            - essentials.protect.ownerinfo
            - essentials.r
            - essentials.signs.create.protection
            - essentials.signs.break.protection
            - essentials.signs.use.protection
            - essentials.suicide
            - essentials.tpa
            - essentials.tpaccept
            - essentials.tpahere
            - essentials.tpdeny
            - essentials.warp
            - essentials.warp.list
            - essentials.warp.*
            - essentials.helpop.recieve
            - essentials.ban.notify
            - essentials.kick.notify
            - essentials.portal
            - essentials.time
            - BedHeal.Advanced.Use
            - mobarena.use.spectate
            - mobarena.use.*
            - mobarena.classes.*
            - mobarena.arenas.*
            - heroicrebuke.list
            - lytreehelper.destroyall
            - lytreehelper.db.forestlist
            - signlift.use.normal
            - signlift.use.private.own
            - signlift.create.private.own
            - dreamland.goto
            - dreamland.fly
            - NightClub.go
            - nomovedtooquicklykick.exempt
            - nSpleef.member.creategame
            - nSpleef.member.deletegame
            - nSpleef.member.join
            - nSpleef.member.leave
            - nSpleef.member.list
            - deadbolt.user.*
            - deadbolt.user.create.*
            - modifyworld.usebeds
            - modifyworld.chat.private
            - modifyworld.bucket.empty.*
            - modifyworld.bucket.fill.*
            - modifyworld.blocks.destroy.*
            - modifyworld.blocks.place.*
            - modifyworld.blocks.interact.*
            - modifyworld.items.pickup.*
            - modifyworld.items.drop.*
            - modifyworld.items.have.*
            - modifyworld.damage.deal.*
            - modifyworld.damage.take.*
            - modifyworld.mobtarget.*
            - modifyworld.interact.*
            - modifyworld.tame.animal.wolf
            - modifyworld.tame.wolf
            - modifyworld.vehicle.destroy
            - modifyworld.vehicle.enter
            - modifyworld.vehicle.collide
            - spouttrade.trade
            - ashtheking.tent.create
            - cm.init
            - cm.upload.mp3
            - cm.upload.midi
            - cm.radio.list.player
            - cm.song.list.player
            - cm.box.list.player
            - cm.song.play.global
            - cm.song.stop.global
            - bog.*
            - boi.*
            - bof.*
            - bol.*
            - bonf.*
            - bogl.*
            - arg.user
            - arg.claim
            - mcvote.vote
            - iConomy.holdings
            - iConomy.help
            - ChestShop.shop.buy
            - ChestShop.shop.sell
            - iConomy.payment
            options: null
            prefix: '&cBuilder&f>'
            default: false
            - Builder
            - essentials.gc
            options: null
            prefix: '&cDeveloper&f>'
            default: false
            - Builder
            - essentials.item.1
            - essentials.item.2
            - essentials.item.3
            - essentials.item.4
            - essentials.item.5
            - essentials.item.6
            - essentials.item.17
            - essentials.item.20
            - essentials.item.24
            - essentials.item.35
            - essentials.item.45
            - essentials.item.44
            - essentials.item.47
            - essentials.item.67
            - essentials.item.68
            - essentials.item.69
            - essentials.item.70
            - essentials.item.71
            - essentials.item.72
            - essentials.item.77
            - essentials.item.78
            - essentials.item.79
            - essentials.item.80
            - essentials.item.81
            - essentials.item.82
            - essentials.item.98
            - essentials.item.99
            - essentials.item.100
            - essentials.item.101
            - essentials.item.102
            - essentials.item.103
            - essentials.item.104
            - essentials.item.105
            - essentials.item.106
            - essentials.item.107
            - essentials.item.108
            - essentials.item.109
            - essentials.item.110
            - essentials.item.111
            - essentials.item.112
            - essentials.item.323
            - essentials.item.324
            - essentials.item.325
            - essentials.heal
            - essentials.feed
            - essentials.item
            - superpickaxe.use
            - essentials.repair
            options: null
            prefix: '&cArchitect&f>'
            default: false
            - Architect
            - worldedit.*
            - essentials.god
            - essentials.itemspawn.item-all
            - essentials.tp
            - essentials.tphere
            - lazyroad.build
            - arg.saveload
            - essentials.warp.otherplayers
            options: null
            prefix: '&cEngineer&f>'
            default: false
            - Builder
            - iConomy.holdings.others
            - iConomy.accounts.create
            - iConomy.accounts.remove
            - iConomy.accounts.give
            - iConomy.accounts.take
            - iConomy.accounts.set
            - iConomy.accounts.status
            - iConomy.accounts.status.set
            options: null
            prefix: '&cBanker&f>'
            default: false
            - Builder
            - ChestShop.shop.create
            options: null
            prefix: '&cShopkeeper&f>'
            default: false
            - Engineer
            - Banker
            - Shopkeeper
            - essentials.tp
            - heroicrebuke.add
            - heroicrebuke.clear
            - heroicrebuke.active
            - heroicrebuke.info
            - heroicrebuke.list
            - heroicrebuke.list.others
            - SimpleJail.jail
            - SimpleJail.unjail
            - essentials.home.other
            - essentials.kick
            - essentials.ban
            - essentials.banip
            - essentials.broadcast
            - essentials.burn
            - essentials.ext
            - essentials.ext.others
            - essentials.invsee
            - essentials.heal.others
            - essentials.clearinventory.others
            - essentials.socialspy
            - essentials.unban
            - essentials.unbanip
            - essentials.weather
            - essentials.time.set
            - essentials.powertool
            - essentials.lightning
            - essentials.spawnmob
            - essentials.spawnmob.*
            - srpex.setrank.Builder
            - srpex.setrank.shopkeeper
            - signlift.use.private.others
            - signlift.create.private.others
            - signlift.create.normal
            - superpickaxe.breakBedrock
            - IPGet.other
            - icegeoip.geoip
            - deadbolt.admin.snoop
            - deadbolt.admin.signs
            - deadbolt.admin.bypass
            - deadbolt.admin.break
            - deadbolt.admin.create
            - adminscanfly.allow
            - spoutninja.use
            - nocheat.checks.moving.flying
            - nocheat.checks.moving.runfly
            - nocheat.checks.moving.swimming
            - nocheat.checks.moving.sneaking
            - nocheat.checks.moving.nofall
            - ashtheking.tent.size
            - cm.area.delete.player
            - cm.box.delete.player
            - cm.radio.delete.player
            - cm.upload.webradio
            - cm.area.define
            - cm.area.set
            - cm.area.set.overlap
            - cm.area.list.player
            - cm.box.set
            - cm.box.set.overlap
            - cm.box.list.player
            - arg.bypass
            - arg.player
            - permissions.manage.reload
            - acceptrules.notifyonaccept
            - nocheat.admin.playerinfo
            - ChestShop.mod
            options: null
            prefix: '&cModerator&f>'
            default: false
            - Moderator
            - SimpleJail.setjail
            - heroicrebuke.*
            - essentials.*
            - backup.canbackup
            - mobarena.admin.*
            - mobarena.setup.*
            - LockIP.admin
            - srpex.setrank.devloper
            - srpex.setrank.architect
            - srpex.setrank.engineer
            - srpex.setrank.shopkeeper
            - lytreehelper.generate.trees
            - lytreehelper.generate.forests
            - lytreehelper.generate.nursery
            - lytreehelper.db.registerforest
            - lytreehelper.db.deleteforest
            - lytreehelper.db.regenerateforest
            - signlift.*
            - craftbukkituptodate.broadcast
            - craftbukkituptodate.changelog
            - NightClub.build
            - superpickaxe.*
            - nSpleef.admin.define
            - nSpleef.admin.deleteanygame
            - nSpleef.admin.deletearena
            - nSpleef.admin.forceready
            - nSpleef.admin.forcejoin
            - nSpleef.admin.forceleave
            - geoiptools.geoupdate
            - deadbolt.command.reload
            - nocheat.admin.*
            - lazyroad.build
            - mcvote.cast
            - vault.admin
            - ChestShop.admin
            options: null
            prefix: '&cAdmin&f>'
            default: false
            - Admin
            - srpex.*
            - craftbukkituptodate.download
            - craftbukkituptodate.plugin
            - craftbukkituptodate.update
            - iConomy.accounts.empty
            - iConomy.accounts.purge
            options: null
            prefix: '&cOwner&f>'
            default: false
            - essentials.rules
            - essentials.help
            - essentials.helpop
            - BedHeal.Advanced.Use
            - heroicrebuke.list
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.mail
            - essentials.mail.send
            - essentials.mail.clear
            - IPGet.self
            - modifyworld.chat
            - modifyworld.sneak
            - modifyworld.sprint
            - chaircraft.sit
            - modifyworld.usebeds
            - modifyworld.items.have.*
            options: null
            prefix: '&4Jailed&f>'
  3. Offline


    No longer works....please fix asap :D worked with 1.0 not with 1.1
  4. Offline


    plz update this for new 1840. i got the new 1.18 pex and ur 1.3.4 does not detect it​
  5. Offline


    plz respond on one of ur pages ur the only thing holding me back from r3
  6. Offline


    Update someone! :(
  7. Offline


    This keeps happening

    [INFO] [SetRankPEX] Loading SetRankPEX v1.3.2.
    [SEVERE] [SRPEX] PermissionsEx not detected, disabling SetRankPEX
    [INFO] [SRPEX] SetRankPEX is now disabled.
    But all im using is PEX... I don't know why it keeps not detecting it
    all of my other plugins are detecting it
  8. Offline


    1.3.4 is the newest one and i have the same problem though
  9. Offline


    Come on! Please update i can't make my players Builder!!! :(
  10. Offline


    i did that but when i save it and close and open back up my text is gone that i put in :[
  11. Offline

    Deleted user

    Did you use Notepad++?
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    The next recommended build is for Minecraft 1.2, R5, and I and everyone who uses this plugin will greatly appreciate it if you can get a head start on the plugin so it's update to support the new revision when Minecraft 1.2 is officially released along with Bukkit R5.
  14. Offline


    I have PermissionsEX configured and it says:

    14:43:33 [INFO] [SetRankPEX] Loading SetRankPEX v1.3.2.
    14:43:33 [SEVERE] [SRPEX] PermissionsEx not detected, disabling SetRankPEX
    14:43:33 [INFO] [SRPEX] SetRankPEX is now disabled.

    plz help
  15. Offline


    PLEASEE update!! It means a LOT to all of us! Please!

    For example, if I wanted to rank YOU (Jhonz) to Super Moderator, I would do: /setrank Jhonz Super_Moderator

    I believe it IS CaPs SeNsItIvE

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  16. Offline


    how do i make ranks i dont know how but my players are leaving my server because i dont know how to set up the ranks :(
  17. Offline


    2012-03-18 20:29:47 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'setrank' in plugin PEXRank v1.2.3 R0.1
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:42)
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:166)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:461)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:818)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:778)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:761)
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle(Packet3Chat.java:33)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:229)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:112)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:78)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:554)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:452)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:490)
    Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
    at com.JnaniDev.PEXRank.PEXRank.onCommand(PEXRank.java:63)
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:40)
    ... 12 more
  18. Offline


    It now works 100% with RB 1.2.4-R1.0 and even has a new feature!
  19. Offline


    Works like a treat, thank you.
  20. Offline


    Version 1.5 out with some new features that definitely are needed! Please let me know what you think of this plugin, what you like, what you don't like, what you think isn't needed, and what you think is needed but isn't in the plugin.

    Thanks :D
  21. Offline


    the jar link is a zip links to a compile of the files no .jar available in this link.

    META-INF me .project .classpath plugin.yml

    But the Zip file has the needed jar for update... ty :)

    installed new version and noone can rank up or down anymore... installed old version and it works fine. Even the full op doesnt work.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  22. Offline


    Both the JAR and ZIP links work. Those files that you listed are within the JAR file and make it work.

    If this everyone you mention has the "*" permission to have them all, you need to add -srpex.notfrom.* before '*' to allow them to rank. If this is not your problem, I don't know why that would be happening. If there is any more info you can give me, maybe I could help you better. :)
  23. Offline


    Awesome Plugin! I love it! [diamond][diamond][diamond] for you!!! :)
  24. Offline


    i install a clean folder and jar and have those permission nodes added to rank listings and even then all i get in my display is "you do not have permission to do this" and the error is direct from setrank. no error code no nothing... seems odd.
  25. Offline


    Could you upload your permissions file or at least the group setup?
  26. Offline


    pex loads fine and groups are working ok, its literally when i upgrade the server to latest RB it stops working and says noone has permissions not even an OP can rank anyone.
  27. Offline


    Could you make it so we can Customize what it says when someone is Promoted? I don't like the [SRPEX] Thing, I want it so it says [Promotion]. Also maybe a setrank demote <Player>
    Thing would be nice so when I demote players, It says that.
  28. Offline


    For it to say "[Promotion]" just change the message in the config.

    I'm not going to make a command to demote somebody, if you want to demote somebody, just set their rank to a lower rank.
  29. Offline


    with new group announcing names feature can it support colors plz. unless it does in which case how i d that
  30. Offline


    It can use colors, just look here for the color codes.
  31. Offline


    But then it says [SRPEX] [Promotion] User promoted to group... blah blah blah.
    I want to replace the [SRPEX] with [Promotion]

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