[ADMN/SEC] VanishNoPacket 3.14.2 - Invisibility made easy! [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by mbaxter, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    The purpose of 1.8.4 is to be compatible with 1.0.0. 1.8.4 will work with the current version of minecraft server. 1.8.3 will work with bukkit for the previous minecraft server (1.8.1, eg RB 1337).

    So yes, 1.8.4 solves the kick-all.
  2. Offline


    I know it solves the kick-all, but can I use 1.8.4 on RB 1337?
  3. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    No. Use 1.8.3

    The only change between 1.8.3 and 1.8.4 is that .3 is for 1337 and .4 is for the 1.0.0 releases
  4. Offline


    This plugin has a bad habit of crashing my server on the newest spout, newest vanishnopacket and newest CB on 1.0.0 :D when using /vanish -_-.
  5. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Post the errors please
  6. Offline


    No error :D
  7. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    So... what happens then?
  8. Offline


    /vanish one time everyone was kicked and 1 time the server got read timed out.
  9. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Update to the latest version. The kick-everyone thing was because you were using a version for 1.8.1 not 1.0.0
  10. Offline


    Yes, I did now I get read timed out.
  11. Offline


    I am getting this error when I try to return visible:
    2011-11-26 18:36:33 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'v' in plugin VanishNoPacket v1.8.4
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:42)
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:163)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:355)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:757)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:722)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:715)
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:92)
    at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(SpoutNetServerHandler.java:501)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:471)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer.resetSkinFor(Lorg/getspout/spoutapi/player/SpoutPlayer;)V
    at to.joe.vanish.VanishSpoutCraft.unvanish(VanishSpoutCraft.java:127)
    at to.joe.vanish.VanishPlugin.hooksUnvanish(VanishPlugin.java:134)
    at to.joe.vanish.VanishManager.toggleVanish(VanishManager.java:281)
    at to.joe.vanish.VanishCommand.onCommand(VanishCommand.java:35)
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:40)
    ... 13 more

    Also, could you add in the config a way to remove auto vanish at join? It's pretty annoying.

    Thanks! :)
  12. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    First, update to the latest Spout. Second, if you are auto vanished on join, you gave yourself the permission vanish.silentjoin
  13. Offline


    Oh okay, I'll check the permissions. I'm using Spout 510, that is the last recommended build.
    Should I update to the last dev build?
  14. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    If you want to run spout on 1.0.0, yes
  15. Offline


    I'm still at 1.8.1 and I don't want to update to 1.0.0 until Bukkit release a stable build. I just want to fix that. Do I have to update to the dev build?
  16. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    If you are on 1.8.1, then you shouldn't use versions of vanishnopacket labeled as [1.0.0] :p

    Use VNP 1.8.3 instead.
  17. Offline


    I downgraded to 1.8.3 as you said and I'm still getting the same error.
    SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'v' in plugin VanishNoPacket v1.8.3
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:42)
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:163)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:355)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:757)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:722)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:715)
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:92)
    at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(SpoutNetServerHandler.java:501)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:471)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.getspout.spoutapi.player.SpoutPlayer.resetSkinFor(Lorg/getspout/spoutapi/player/SpoutPlayer;)V
    at to.joe.vanish.VanishSpoutCraft.unvanish(VanishSpoutCraft.java:127)
    at to.joe.vanish.VanishPlugin.hooksUnvanish(VanishPlugin.java:134)
    at to.joe.vanish.VanishManager.toggleVanish(VanishManager.java:281)
    at to.joe.vanish.VanishCommand.onCommand(VanishCommand.java:35)
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:40)
    ... 13 more

    Chat says internal error bla bla bla.
  18. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Sorry, 1.8.1, if you don't want to be using newer spouts.
  19. Offline


    Fake quit and fake join dont seem to be working with spout latest, 1.0.0 bukkit. I am OP.

    Nice work!
  20. Offline


    Doesn't work for me.. If I try and enable it using plugin manager, it doesn't even load, and if I do it and restart, my server doesn't start up. I'm on v 1.0.0

  21. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    You need spout.
  22. Offline


    Fixed it, spout was incompatible cuz of new version of minecraft, so had to get a dev version from an admin.
  23. Offline


  24. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Talk to the spout developers to resolve your problem.
  25. Offline


    Please add a configuration setting to completely disable vanish on join. Negative permissions only work when they want to in PermissionsEx and being vanished on join confuses some of my staff. Even an additional permission that overrides the silentjoin permission would work, that way people with the * permission won't vanish on join.
  26. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    If your permissions plugin gives permissions when you don't want it to, that's a problem with your permissions plugin and should be taken up with the plugin author.
  27. Offline


    Quality post, thanks.
    Nathan C likes this.
  28. Offline


    What is this?

    2011-11-28 20:53:13 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\VanishNoPacket.jar' in folder 'plugins': Spout
    org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Spout
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:135)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:215)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager.java:136)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:141)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(CraftServer.java:117)
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerConfigurationManager.java:52)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:141)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:388)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:457)

    @mbaxter What is spout?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  29. Offline


  30. Offline


    I was wondering if you could add an option to disable vanish on join in the config file because my admins automatically join vanished. Can't seem to find a way around this. It isn't as simple as removing a permission because they have '*'.

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