Inactive [ADMN/SEC] bPermissions v2.9.2 - no support on this post, ask for support on bukkitdev [1.2.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by codename_B, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    kahlilnc, Lappy, Gobiel and 4 others like this.
  2. Offline


    multi groups
    multigroup? so how would i fix it?
  3. Offline


    I just downloaded the new version a few minutes before my last post and also deleted the bPermission directory after asking you if I should do so. Sorry i didn't made myself clear enough: i started with version 1.2! I'm using bukkit build 1060.
    The files are in the attachment of this post. I used the /p command only and did no manual editing.

    Attached Files:

  4. Offline


    The error you got shows that you haven't got the current version in /plugins as I moved line 35 to line 36 so you should have gotten the error there on line 36.

    Multiple groups, just reorder how things work, instead of inheriting you just give people multiple groups.

    I'm using the config file you sent me there with no errors, what other plugins do you have installed?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  5. Offline


    Seems like the bPermissions.jar in the Github and in the direct link aren't the same...
    ...And I have difficulties with the new config files as well :p
  6. Offline


    I think we have some serious timing issues :D
    Just downloaded again and received the same number of bytes, deleted the bPermissions directory, added the node via the /p command and reloaded the config afterwards. The .hasPermission() method still returns false.
    I think I will wait for tomorrow before posting again. I have the feeling we are confusing each other.
    Anyways: great support and thanks for everything until now!
  7. Offline


    They're not :p

    EDIT: now they are

    You know superperms nodes are lowercase? How are you checking the node anyway? Can you give me the plugin you are using to do that? Why not use something inbuild like to check this? It's possible that the plugin you're using to check the node is at fault.
    Please keep posting till we've sorted this.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  8. Offline


    so i am forced to lowercase?
    I'm checking the permission in an if statement like this:
    if (!Settings.PropKnownPlayers.contains(player.getName())
                    & player.hasPermission(Settings.PermReceive)){
                for (ItemStack stack : Settings.PropItems){
    PropKnownPlayers is declared like this:
    public static ArrayList<String> PropKnownPlayers = new ArrayList<String>();
    I checked the content of PropKnownPlayers and its correct (should contain no values)
  9. Offline


    Ok, it looks like an error in your plugin, not mine. Have you checked that "Settings.PermReceive" is what you think it is? That seems like the area where the error is. Also I think player.hasPermission() automatically lowercases it for you. If I am correct, these will return different.
    You shouldn't use statics unless you have to.
  10. Offline


    This new update seems great! Is there any way to set a global config permissions file? I understand how to edit global permissions with the commands, but I just don't need different permissions for different worlds.

    Of course I can just copy-pasta everything, and if the feature is too messy or something, I can live with this.
    edit: or symlink
  11. Offline


    symlink would be the way to do it I guess, I've completely abstracted each world into it's own little "zone" which was the reason for me adding the global commands.
    Just copy-pasta or symlink would work. Remember to use the global commands when setting nodes/groups etc :)
  12. Offline


    I tried it again with lower case and also tried hardcoding the string (player.hasPermission("welcomegift.receivegift")).
    All fields are returning the expected value but hasPermission still returns false. Of course i also adjusted the permission entry in the world files accordingly.
    I'm in the duty to care for some other things now. See you soon and thanks again.
  13. Offline


    Sorry I couldn't get it working for you, works fine for me!
  14. Offline


    If i have a group "default", and a group "op". The group "op" can have default's permissions and op's permissions ?

    Last question, how to make an admin's node ? For example : - *
  15. Offline


    If you give a player the group "op" and the group "default" he will have both sets of permissions.

    /op playername - instant * node
  16. Offline


    Thanks you !
  17. Offline


    No worries.
  18. Offline


    What about a new command, so you can see which groups a User belongs to.
    Mayber /p playerGroups Chumper?

    I missed it when i tested out your plugin.
    I had to look in the configfile everytime.
  19. Offline


    Also, don't use "&" that's not correct java syntax

    /p global lsgroup Chumper
    but you can change that command to whatever you want.
    You see the list-groups command? That's the command.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  20. Offline


    Oh, alright.
    I thought the command will list all the Users in a specific group.
    So thanks for the explanation ;)
  21. Offline


    No, that would be a fairly inefficient command as it would have to iterate through every user and check their groups...
  22. Offline


    Would world-mirroring be possible, like GroupManager had? Or, is that a bit out of the scope/ require some major code reconstruction?
  23. Offline


    Its on the todo list.
  24. Offline


    Is there any way I could 'convert' my Permissions 3.1.6 nodes to here? Without having to type it all out.. Because don't you have to write it say:
    worldedit.*: true
    BetterShop.user.*: true
    ??? Also, does '*' work?
  25. Offline


    Did you even look at my file formatting?
  26. Offline


    Well, that's simply not true. Bitwise logical operators are part of Java since its first version in 1995. When comparing two bits to each other the bitwise operator is faster than the conditional operator (short-circuit-evaluation). But it's not typesafe. Conditional operators are appropiate when comparing the results of other conditions (like the results of == or != conditions).

    I'm doing some experiments tomorrow morning and will let you know about the results.
  27. Offline


    Use &&, not &
  28. Offline


    Will this ever support the mystical '*' ?
  29. Offline


    No! I just told you why not.
  30. Offline


    So would this work? If I added this to permissions.yml then added the .* to your plugin?
  31. Offline


    How to define admin using all commands ? Can you give me the example for that ?

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