Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    can this plugin kick register ?
  3. Offline


    Can it do what? You want it to kick registered players? :confused:
    forceserver likes this.
  4. Offline


    yes !! yes !!! i want to kick registerd players
  5. Offline


    how do this recommendation?
  6. Offline


    oh... my mistake
    i want to kick not registerd players
  7. Offline


    And do you have any dev revision, or old revision working correctly with smf ?
  8. Offline


    That's on the list to-do, but not added yet.
  9. Offline


    nono.. .
    i don't want that..
    if not registser user join in game don't join game
    i am sorry..
    i don't know what i am talking about that too
  10. Offline


    Uhh, did you change servers or something? Sounds like there is a poor connection between your MySQL server and MC server.

    Not yet, we will get one out when we can.

    ?? What do you want then?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  11. Offline


    need bigger timeout, what options do it? and how enable autoReconnect=true in bukkit?
  12. Offline


    I get an error message saying that AuthDB could not connect to mysql because out of it was wrong password and username.Though it is right ...
  13. Offline


    Then either your MySQL permissions are wrong, the username and/or password are wrong, or you modified your bukkit.yml.
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    Why not check email? If you register ipboard 3.2.1
  16. Offline


    What do you mean, why not check email?

    All of what you linked is MySQL server settings that would be set on the server itself.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


  19. Offline



    20:49:08 [INFO] [AuthDB] messages language set to English
    20:49:08 [INFO] [AuthDB] commands language set to English
    20:49:08 [INFO] [AuthDB] Found supported plugin: Permissions 2.7.7
    20:49:08 [VARNING] [AuthDB] Could not find script's tables in database: members!
    20:49:08 [VARNING] [AuthDB]
    |--------------------------------AUTHDB WARNING-------------------------------|
    20:49:08 [VARNING] [AuthDB] Class name: com.authdb.AuthDB
    20:49:08 [VARNING] [AuthDB] File name:
    20:49:08 [VARNING] [AuthDB] Function name: onEnable
    20:49:08 [VARNING] [AuthDB] Error line: 308
    20:49:08 [VARNING] [AuthDB] Check log file: plugins/AuthDB\logs\error\2011-09-26-error.log
    20:49:08 [INFO] [AuthDB] is enabled
    20:49:08 [INFO] [AuthDB] developed by CraftFire <[email protected]>

    011/09/26 20:49:08 - Could not find script's tables in database: members!
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - --------------------------- STACKTRACE ERROR ---------------------------
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - Class name: com.authdb.AuthDB
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - File name:
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - Function name: onEnable
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - Error line: 308
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - AuthDB version:
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - Keep alive: false
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - MySQL connection: true
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - Latest query:
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - Script: phpbb
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - Script version: 3.0.8
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - Table prefix: phpbb_
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - Plugins: motd 1.1.1, Spout, AuthDB, MyHome 2.0, PermissionsEx 1.14, Modifyworld 1.14, Permissions 2.7.7, ChatManager 1.14,
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - --------------------------- STACKTRACE START ---------------------------
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeQuery(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.authdb.util.Util.checkScript(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - com.authdb.AuthDB.onEnable(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 -
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 -
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 -
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 -
    2011/09/26 20:49:08 - ---------------------------- STACKTRACE END ----------------------------
  20. Offline


    Is there any command that i can use to reset peoples passwords
  21. Offline


    Not yet. It is planned.

    Is your goal to use it with a script or just a custom table?

    Could not find script's tables in database: members!

    Make sure you got your settings right and using a prefix if you set one for your script during install.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  22. Offline


    I got a website with username and password, i whant to use them to login at my server.
  23. Offline


    Check name and e-mail, if there is a stop sign up
  24. Offline


    You can use AuthDB with custom MySQL databases. You just need to configure your MySQL settings in basic.yml and your custom database table information under advanced.yml.

    Make sure you enabled the customdb option too by setting enabled: true under the customdb section in advanced.yml.

    There are no activation options yet because we have no way of sending email yet. AuthDB doesn't use the script at all, it just adds the user directly to the database. So we would have to make something to send out activation emails. We will probably be making it as an addon, but not sure.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  25. Offline


    Hello guys.

    Another nasty problem.
    Server crashes every time player gets into lava.
    The only massage is "[AuthDB] Launching function: checkTimeout(Player player))". Then "Rad timed out".
    More details:

    Server is in online mode and lots of players are gone. Very frustrating

    Will be thankful for help
  26. Offline


    That AuthDB message has nothing to do with the issue you are having. Have you tested with ONLY AuthDB and CraftBukkit? AuthDB does nothing with blocks or lava after the player has logged in.
  27. Offline


    Yes. I left only CB and AuthDB. Crash repeats.
    If i remove AuthDB - 'lava crash' disappears. Even if I upload rest of plugins.
  28. Offline


    Is Contex MIA or something? :(
    Was hoping the planned release dates were going to be somewhat on time. Can blame you guys though, you have your own lives to live. Waiting for that 2.4 still! :D
  29. Offline


    I'll have to do some testing and see.

    Yeah, he's been pretty busy lately. I keep up with support and do what I can, but he does most of the work with it. :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  30. Offline


    15:48:57 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Nomoohyun: /list
    15:49:26 [INFO] DataSourcePool [AuthDB] grow; id[AuthDB.2] busy[3] max[20]
    15:49:26 [INFO] [world][Admins] Nomoohyun: .
    15:49:34 [INFO] [world][Admins] Nomoohyun: .
    15:49:38 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    15:49:41 [INFO] [world][Admins] Nomoohyun: .
    15:51:14 [INFO] Nomoohyun lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
    15:51:15 [INFO] There are 0 out of a maximum 50 players online.
    15:51:15 [INFO] Connected players:
    15:51:15 [INFO] There are 0 out of a maximum 50 players online.
    15:51:15 [INFO] Connected players:
    15:51:15 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    15:51:20 [INFO] There are 0 out of a maximum 50 players online.
    15:51:20 [INFO] Connected players:
    15:53:00 [INFO] Nomoohyun [/] logged in with entity id 647402 at ([world] 802.3000000119209, 65.0, -1145.4728201366452)
    15:53:02 [INFO] Reading data
    15:53:02 [INFO] [Spout] Successfully authenticated Nomoohyun's Spoutcraft client. Running client version:
    15:53:52 [INFO] [VANISH] Nomoohyun disappeared.
    15:53:57 [INFO] [world][Admins] Nomoohyun: .
    15:54:02 [INFO] [world][Admins] Nomoohyun: .
    15:54:05 [INFO] [world][Admins] Nomoohyun: ..
    15:54:07 [INFO] [world][Admins] Nomoohyun: .
    15:54:08 [INFO] [world][Admins] Nomoohyun: .
    15:54:19 [INFO] Nomoohyun lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
    15:54:20 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?

    like read time out
  31. Offline



    If the user join when authDB whas loading, the user lose inventory


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