Inactive [ADMN/SEC] AuthDB v2.3.6 - Database authentication and protection [1.1-1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by CraftFire, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    I am getting the same results with the latest CraftBukkit builds as I did with 860. No difference between with and without AuthDB. Both result in EXCELLENT clock test result and basically the same for the rest of the results with the CPU fluctuating around the same in both cases.
  3. Offline


    say hmm. well I'll try again later when nobody is on and double check all my configurations. thanks for the response though
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Hopefully in the next version or soon after that. We got it installed, we just need to examine it more and add functions if needed for it.
  6. Offline


    as soon as possible would be great, cause i'd like to clear my phpbb3, it s*cks a little bit xD Thanks for your work!
  7. Sweet plugin!
    Only thing I like to see is that users have to activate their account before they can build :)
    Im using phpBB and disabled registration at the plugin. So users have to make an account on the forum in order to build. Still they can bypass the validation with this form :p
  8. Offline


    Activation/email validation options are a little tough as user's do not get an activation email through AuthDB being as we aren't using the actually PHP script. I am not sure how this could be implemented easily short of sending out activation emails of it's own that work with each script.
    I'll look into it to see what the cause is. I have an idea, just have to check.
    If you have a test plugin, that would help in recreating the issue.
  9. AuthDB, BukkitContrib (with "ForceSinglePlayerClient: true" config) and bukkitcontrib client on a fresh minecraft.jar would be enough to test and if you fixed it, it shouldn't kick you anymore.
    You could test for sure if it works using Player Edit plugin and add a cape or something.
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Yes, @contex has just been fairly busy with his job. We are hoping to find another dev or 2 to assist.
  12. Offline


    When somebody enters with another player nickname, the player gets kicked and culprit gets player's coordinates by pressing F3. This is very major issue, that should be fixed.
    One of the possible ways to fix it is to teleport a connected player to temporary default place at login and teleport him to his actual last place on successful login.
  13. Offline


    When I enable this plugin on my server, it starts world generating:
    [Info] Preparing spawn area: 85%
    And it always stuck at 70-98%

    Any idea?
  14. Offline


    Sounds like a good idea. I'll add it to the list. :)
    I haven't seen any issues with this and can't see how AuthDB would cause that.
  15. Offline


    When I delete AuthDB, everything works perfectly...
  16. Offline


    Well, AuthDB doesn't do anything to the chunks or world. Try backing up your world and generating a new one to see if the problem persists.
  17. Offline


    I'm kind of confused by this. I have an SMF Forum (2.0 RC3) and I have no clue how to configure this to make it use our forum's database.

    There are really no instructions on how to do it either. Please advise.
  18. Offline


    You would need to set version: to avoid warning messages.

    Here is a sniplet of what your config.yml could look like:
        driver: mysql
        port: 3306
        username: gossamersolid123
        password: solidgossamer321
        name: smforum
        prefix: smf_
        name: smf
        enabled: false
    We are working on some video tutorials and cleaning up documentation.
  19. For now if only the script could check if an account is activated should be enough..
  20. Offline


    It's still not working for me. I just updated SMF to latest stable so I should be at the version recommended.

    My username on my forums is GossamerSolid, my minecraft username is GossamerSolid. So theoretically I should be able to type /login MyForumPassword and it should work. It tells me I'm not registered. You aren't pulling the "NAME" from SMF are you? There's a username and there's a name. One is what you login with, one is what is displayed.

    So then I try /link GossamerSolid MyForumPassword and it fails to link. Now am I totally not understanding this correctly or not, but I thought the point of this plugin is to let my forum be the authentication location. So If I'm already registered on my forums, I should be able to login right away.

    Here's my config

        debugmode: false
        usagestats: true
        driver: mysql
        host: localhost
        port: 3306
        username: ********
        password: ********
        name: ********
        prefix: smf_
        name: smf
        enabled: false
        table: authdb_users
        userfield: username
        passfield: password
        emailfield: email
        encryption: md5
        enabled: false
        force: false
        method: prompt
        tries: 3
        kick: true
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        minimum: 3
        maximum: 20
        minimum: 6
        maximum: 20
        start: login
        time: minutes
        length: 30
        time: seconds
        length: 30
        kick: true
        whitelist: Contex,Wulfspider
        commands: false
        chat: false
        building: false
        destruction: false
        movement: false
        interactions: false
        inventory: false
        drop: false
        pickup: false
        health: false
        pvp: false
        mobtargeting: false
        mobdamage: false
        kick: true
        username: "`~!@#$%^&*()-=+{[]}|\\:;\"<,>.?/ "
        password: "&"
        whitelist: Contex,Wulfspider
        enabled: false
        tag: admin
        prefix: "%b%%green%[{PLUGIN}]%k%%b%"
  21. Offline


    Are you getting any errors in the server console? Double check that you are using the correct capitalization. I am unsure as to how it performs in a Linux environment as I only have a Windows machine in from of me right now.

    The fields it pulls from are correct. You are no the first to use AuthDB with SMF and we have tested it thoroughly.

    You only use linking if your forum username is different than what you have in-game.
  22. Offline


    i got the same probleme -.-
  23. Offline


    So what is your server and CraftBukkit setup? In what way did you install AuthDB? Did you start/stop your server to install it or did you just reload? Did you start with a new level or one that already existed? Do you have any other plugins installed? Without details, solving your problem is a little challenging as I have been unable to replicate the issue with the limited info supplied thus far.
  24. Offline


    It's a internal serveur for the moment and i foud the probleme , when i inform mysql log in config.yml it's stop at préparing but when i give rong info about the mysql like the defaut mysql it's work but say that it failed to connect to the mysql

        driver: mysql
        port: 3306
        username: exhelium
        password: ********
        name: exhelium
        prefix: phpbb_
    That is what i want to use but didn't work

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  25. Offline


    So you are connecting to a MySQL server on the same machine as your Minecraft server? More than likely it is like you said; it's just freezing after the generating messages when trying to connect to your MySQL server.
    It seems that your host does not allow remote MySQL connections. Check that the MySQL host is able to provide that or they have allowed your CraftBukkit server IP.
  26. Offline


    this is what I get in my server log:

    2011-06-27 17:03:27 [INFO] [AuthDB] 123 user registrations in database
    2011-06-27 17:03:27 [INFO] [AuthDB] AuthDB plugin 2.2.0 is enabled
    2011-06-27 17:03:27 [INFO] [AuthDB] AuthDB is developed by CraftFire <[email protected]>

    And that 123 is correct as there are 123 members on the forums. Are you sure that it's not taking the display name over the username, because that's the only thing I can think of.
  27. Offline


    I apologize, I thought it was correct, but I believe it's not. It's using real_name instead of member_name which is what it should be using I believe.
  28. Offline


    you know how i was saying it was causing lag earlier? well i turned usage stats off and it stopped :p Dont even know what it does O_O
  29. Offline


    Hmmm... guess I still haven't fixed that. It reports usage stats to us. It's a little heavy on what it reports right now, but we are going to trim it back to the basics without all the Java version, OS, players # and such.
    Usage stats still shouldn't be causing you to lag as it only reports at the start of the server. :/
  30. Offline


    I can get several characters being restricted. What for the whole character sequences? E.g. there are one admin on server, which username is exploited with added typically in-game invisible unicode-symbols in the beginning by someone. Or maybe it's possible to restrict all usernames just to letters and digits?

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