HellsEdit I NO LONGER GIVE SUPPORT HEREIF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS PLEASE GO TO http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/hellsedit/
you mean like, when u place a sign? If yes then no because bukkit dont support something like that, but i am working on something like attaching sign-text to a stick to copy it to another one.
i go and change it, thnks for the hint. thnx for the hint, i l fix it in next version EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I really like this plugin, good job. Not sure if its just me but placing text with multiple spaces is kind of goofy though , it seems to lose a letter after each space (except the last word). An easy work around is to add an extra letter /hedit edit 1 'This iis mmy text' to get it to read This is my text on the sign.
a lot of sign editing plugins are able to edit text on right click (unfortunately they are all out of date, which is why i'm here). You right click on a sign with another sign, and it places another one on the block you'd expect, and it has the text of the one you clicked. When you finish editing, the sign you clicked on takes the text of the editing sign. I'd really appreciate this feature!