RealTimeSet - Set/get the time in a 24 h format. Version: 0.7 Moved to: Older downloads: Download v0.6 Download v0.5 Download v0.4 Download v0.3 Download v0.2
its no runing , but its a good idee . Error code: 2011-07-27 01:00:51 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\RealTimeSet 0.2.jar' in folder 'plugins': lib24time org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: lib24time at at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin( at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>( at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init( at at
You mention the support of permissions, but what are the permission nodes? YOu might add that to the OP pls!
Lathanael: These are PermissionsBukkit perms, so have a look at the plugin.yml. If you don't want: realTimeSet.get = permission to get the time (/rtime or /rtime get, defaulting to all) realTimeSet.set = permission to set the time (/rtime set, defaulting to ops) And please report the working state because I don't use PermissionsBukkit (or any other permissions) for myself, so the code isn't tested! //EDIT: What do you mean by "add it to the op"? Sory if this is a stupid question but I'm already dead at the time of writing this. And even id I sayed this hours before: I will go to sleep now!
Thx I'll test them and see what i get as result What i did mean with adding to the OP was something like this: Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler ------------------------------------Your OP starts here--------------------------------------------------------------- Commands: This was inspired by SignClock and it also uses lib24time for time calculation. If you want to get the current time, simply send the command: Code: /rtime or Code: /rtime get or use a SignClock. *g* To set the time use: Code: /rtime set hh:mm where hh:mm has to be the time, example (1:35 pm): Code: /rtime set 13:35 Since 0.4 you can extend the normal "/time" command. To do that send the command "/rtime replace". Extending means that RealTimeSet tries to replace it but if it get's unhandled input (for example: "/time set 130oo") it passes it to the original /time command. Permissions: Code: realTimeSet.get = permission to get the time (/rtime or /rtime get, defaulting to all) realTimeSet.set = permission to set the time (/rtime set, defaulting to ops) Features: ------------------------------Your OP goes on here ---------------------------------------------------------------- So that there is an extra 'chapter' saying what the permission nodes are
NP, glad i could help The permissions seem to work. Just 2 little things i did notice. If a player is listed in the ops.txt he will get access to '/rtime set' regardless of the settings in the permissions plugin If a player does not have the permission to execute said command, he does not get any message about it, the command doesnt execute as expected, but you do not get any answer from the Server. Would be nice to get "You do not have the permission to do that" or something like that. Great Plugin, makes setting the time easier and not just the standard Day|Night|Sunrise/set. cheers Lathanael
1. That's strange and shouldn't be. It should default to ops if you don't use permissions but... I'll have a look into it when I'm home again (later, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow) because I'm very busy at the moment.
hi men i have an idea can ou make a realto game time cynchronizator if it 13:00 in game it will be too in 20:00 in real time i will have it in game and it will get auto check of rt and cens it wiwh a game clock and set new time
If I understand you right you want the real time as game time? There are still plugins doing that, like this one.
Hi, i have som trouble with your plugin ... everyone can change the time i don't know why, i deleted my plugins folder and just take this and the library ... and can still change the time and i'm not Op. The same happens with permissions 3.1.6
This shouldn't be but I'm not at home to test it right now... Sure, because this plugin doesn't support permissions, it supports permissionsBukkit (superPerms).
Today i tried to use it with CB#1318 and it worked. However it reported the wrong time upon /rtime set 23:00 for example. It returend "Time set to 20:30" or other random times. But if i did check the time (/rtime) it gave me the correct answer (It is 23:03 o'Clock shortly after setting time to 23:00)