BukkitUpdater - The easy way to update: With this plugin you have the chance to search/install new plugins ingame. Also you the BukkitUpdater will check sequential your installed plugins for updates, if there are updates it will download and upgrade these plugins full automtically. This post has been moved to dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bukkitupdater
This is great! I was going to fork this and try to figure out some system, but looks like you beat me to it! Next task: Can you integrate this with BukkitDev? I hear CraftBukkitUpToDate does this with RSS feeds...
yes i have a selfsigned cert so if you want connect via ssl install following cert: cacert.org but i changed in the topic the links to non-ssl so now you can access normally .... cheers i missed zauberstuhl's plugin it was awesome BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bukkitupdater/
With the newest version all plugins are support which have a dev.bukkit.org page. If there is still a problem then you can make a ticket or post in the BukkitUpdater forum from dev.bukkit.org cheers
Nice plugin, but this one, dont work. I have install the last version and the new, with RB 1337. Bukkitupdater is running and do nothing. No update. I have wait a day and no update. Ingames commands works but say: "At the moment no plugins were updated!" The last Version (without autoupdate) says there are Plugins that need a update (with the "L" prefix), when i try to update one of them it say "something get wrong", nothing more. No update The new Version do nothing. No error Message. When i try the command : "/u2d update" it only display the help. Nothing more. Whats going on? Whats my mistake? Sry when i ask here, but i dont have and i dont want a Curse Network Account. So i cant post on the Bukkitdev site, cant post in your bukkitdev Forum and cant open a new Ticket. sry. btw. sry for my bad english, next time i ask in german.
Thanks for your reply! First of all BukkitUpdater2 has a new background engine which means that all updates are automatically (also backups!). The only thing you have to do is, to download the BukkitUpdater.jar into your plugins-folder and to reload/restart your minecraft-server. With the newest version (v2.0.1.2) you can enable a debug function. You only have to set in plugins/BukkitUpdater/config.yml: Code: debug: true then you see every 30 minutes for example following output: If not please write me a pm with a attached debug log or something like this. If you do not have a curse account you can also post bugs here... cheers It supports all plugins from dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/. cheers please verify that your plugins folder has correct user rights. If this is the case then download the latest version (v2.0.1.2) and enable the debug mode and try it again. regards 3nc0de
lol only update to v2.0.1.2 and all works fine, dont know why, but iam happy now xD nice plugin edit: ok bug ^^ the backupfiles are in the Bukkitupdater "root" Folder, not in the Bukkitupdater/backup Folder.
Nah, it was a Bukkit issue, I moved back down to the last recommended build and it created the files and folders.
It keeps updating MobDisguise every time I start the server and every once in a while. Is it your problem or...?
The problem is that the plugin developer makes a mistake in his plugin.yml. He wrote in his newest version: So the the BukkitUpdater will update in a loop... sorry you can only put the plugin into the blacklist of the BukkitUpdater. cheers