Inactive [ADMN] HeroicRebuke v1.2.7 - Warn Players and Track Warnings [211~1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by SquallSeeD31, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    HeroicRebuke - Warn Players and Track Warnings (v1.2.7)
    Download HeroicRebuke 1.2.7 [CraftBukkit 561+]
    Download HeroicRebuke 1.2.4 [CraftBukkit 560-]
    SQLite | MySQL

    Latest Jar Only

    COMPATIBILITY UPDATE: Due to recent changes in CraftBukkit version 561, all server admins upgrading to this version of CraftBukkit or higher will need to download HeroicRebuke 1.0.5 or higher. Server admins running CraftBukkit 560 and below should download HeroicRebuke 1.0.4, thank you for your understanding.

    HeroicRebuke allows the server admin and his designated moderators to Warn players for misbehaving and persistently track the warnings issued. This project was originally developed for the HeroCraft SMP server based on demand for a port of the "Warn" hey0 plugin by bootswithdefer. HeroicRebuke is an original creation extending that design with optional (but emphatically recommended) support for a lightweight SQLite database.

    • Warn players for lesser infractions not meriting a kick or ban
    • List a player's previous actions to track chronic violators
    • Supports partial name matching! (Squall, ed3, and LLSEE all match SquallSeeD31)
    • Supports SQLite or MySQL
    • Warnings can optionally root players, preventing all movement (including teleports)
    • Acknowledging your warning can optionally require a randomly-generated code, preventing automation and encouraging thorough review of the message
    • Commands can also be issued from the server console
    • Support for Permissions plugin, defining your own list of admins or just using Server Ops
    • Configurable display colors for messages, names, and key information

    Help Interface

    Warning List for a Given Player

    Player Receiving a Warning

    Active Warnings List


    HeroicRebuke works best with a database (SQLite or MySQL). The plugin is configured to look for the database connector "sqlitejdbc-v056.jar" (SQLite) or "mysql-connector-java-bin.jar" (MySQL) in the "/lib" directory of your server root. If you already have these files, you do not need to re-download them.
    1. Download latest .ZIP archive from the link at the top
    2. Extract the archive into your main server directory (archive contains directory mapping)
    3. Open /plugins/HeroicRebuke/config.yml and configure to taste
    4. Save configuration file and reload your server
    Using MySQL
    1. Check to be sure "mysql-connector-java-bin.jar" is in /lib (from server root)
    2. Set options.database to "mysql" in your config.yml
    3. Set options.mysql.location to the path (IP:port/DatabaseName) to your MySQL server
      1. It is not necessary to create a new Database for HeroicRebuke, but is recommended. The only table created currently is "warnings"
    4. Set options.mysql.username to a username that has access to the named Database on your MySQL server
    5. Set options.mysql.password to that user's password
    6. Save config.yml and reload your server

    The config file contains default text colors, options, and designated HeroicRebuke admins (if not using the Permissions plugin).

    This file is saved in the YAML format, so please be sure to maintain the formatting and change only the element values.
    Default configuration:

    Show Spoiler
    # HeroicRebuke Configuration
    ## Color options
    ## message: Text color of all notifications, wrapped around info and names.
    ## name: Color for player names.
    ## info: Color for informational elements to make them "pop", such as command usage
    #Color is defined according to the Bukkit enum ChatColor
    #Acceptable entries:
    #If color entered is inappropriate, HeroicRebuke will default to the following values:
    ##message: RED
    ##name: DARK_AQUA
    ##info: GOLD
        message: RED
        name: DARK_AQUA
        info: GOLD
    ###sqlite - Expects "sqlitejdbc-v056.jar" in the "/lib" directory of your server root, and uses SQLite.
    ###mysql - Expects "mysql-connector-java-bin.jar" in the "/lib" directory of your server root, and uses MySQL. MUST configure options.mysql section for this to work
    ###<anything else> - HeroicRebuke will not use a database and no data will persist
    ##permissions: String containing which permissions system to use.  Acceptable values:
    ###Permissions - Nijikokun's Permissions plugin
    ###Config - Define your own HeroicRebuke admins below under the "admins:" property
    ###Ops - Only Server Ops can use HeroicRebuke (Ops can use HeroicRebuke anyway regardless of setting)
    ###use: If true, a random alphanumeric code will be generated on warning, preventing users from automating the /warn acknowledge command.
    ###length: Length of random code string to use
    ##server_name: Name to display when warnings are issued from the server console
    ##block_move: Whether or not to restrict a user from moving (and teleporting) when being warned.  Move block is aggressive.
    ##only_warn_online: If true, you can only warn players who are online (enables partial matching)
    ##lines_per_page: How many warnings to display when using /warn active and /warn list commands
    ##timeformat: Uses format strings from Java SimpleDateFormat.  Read all here:
    ##MySQL - If using "database: mysql", you must define the location, username and password to your MySQL server
    ###location: IP:PORT/DATABASE
    ###username: Self-explanatory
    ###password: Self-explanatory
        database: sqlite
        permissions: permissions
            use: true
            length: 6
        server_name: SERVER
        block_move: true
        only_warn_online: true
        lines_per_page: 4
        timeformat: MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss z
            location: localhost:3306/HeroicRebuke
            username: root
    #If you want to use the "Config" permissions system, define your admins here
    #Each line below "admins:" *MUST* be formatted as such-> "    - 'username'"
    #Four spaces, hyphen, space, single quote, name of the admin, single quote

    Admin Definition Example:
    Show Spoiler
        - 'SquallSeeD31'
        - 'DThielke'
        - 'Kainzo'

    heroicrebuke.add (use /warn add)
    heroicrebuke.clear (use /warn clear)
    heroicrebuke.delete (use /warn delete) (use /warn active) (use /warn info)
    heroicrebuke.list (use /warn list - Displays only YOUR previous warnings)
    heroicrebuke.list.others (use /warn list <name> to display OTHER players' warnings)
    Recommended Settings:
    - 'heroicrebuke.*'

    - 'heroicrebuke.list'

    - 'heroicrebuke.add'
    - 'heroicrebuke.clear'
    - ''
    - ''
    - 'heroicrebuke.list.others'

    Changelog (Download Full Changelog)

    Version 1.2.7
    • Updated listener to use PlayerMoveEvent.setTo for the "bind" effect.
    Version 1.2.6
    • Updated to 617, added author to plugin.yml
    Version 1.2.5
    • Updated to Recommended Build 600/602
    • Changed type of code column to TEXT
    Version 1.2.4
    • Bugfix: Fixed potential NullPointerException in /warn clear command.
    wassilij, Killie01 and dark_hunter like this.
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Someone should fork this. Like.. This plugins is an amazing idea! D:
  4. Offline


    works in bukkit 1000:cool:
  5. Offline


    Guys this has to be updated due a break from 928 onwards. The player movement events have changed.

    Temp fix: Edit config.
    block_move: false
  6. Offline


    This appears to be a very useful and needed plugin, what are the chances for an update? Bring it current?
  7. Offline


    Where I can find source of this plugin?
    I want to try to fix DB connection problem in my server.
  8. Offline

    Josh Harwood

    Does this Plugin Still Work?
  9. Offline


    Multilanguage support, please.
  10. Offline


    Players are given +25 warnings for one /warn add.
    After typing in the confirmation code, it gives them a new one. Over and over.
    Also, players have to rejoin to be unfrozen.
  11. Offline


    What version of craftbukkit, what does your config.yml look like, is it all users or a specific group?
  12. Offline


    All users, CB 1060
        message: RED
        name: DARK_AQUA
        info: GOLD
        lines_per_page: 5
        server_name: meaCraft
            message: '[meaBans] Banned for cumulative violations!'
            enable: false
            threshold: 5
        block_move: true
        canAcknowledge: true
        permissions: Permissions
        only_warn_online: true
            length: 6
            use: true
        database: mysql
        timeformat: MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss z
            username: root
            location: localhost:3306/minecraft
            password: ********
  13. Offline


    If you don't mind, could you do me a favor and change database to "sqlite" temporarily? I don't want to suggest this as a permanent solution, but if we can isolate the problem I can diagnose it further.

    Honestly I believe you, but it just makes no sense that it would add 25 warnings per /warn add and I've never observed that behavior before. I run a 1060 server that does not experience this issue, so I want to see what differences we have that may account for it.
  14. Offline


    Blah, it stopped happening, if it happens again, I'll switch it SQLite (Users hate restarts/reload)
  15. Offline



    Do you intend on updating the plugin to support Bukkit's built-in SuperPerms?
  16. Offline


    I still have to read up on that and figure out how to do it. I really don't like switching standards, but if this one hangs in there, I'll probably get it plugged in eventually. People have asked me to support X permissions plugin in the past, and I just sort of smile and nod and then not do it and a month later that plugin is [INACTIVE].

    Since the Bukkit team is trying to do it themselves, it has a better chance of getting adopted, but we'll see.
  17. Offline


    permissions doesnt work. what perms do u support
  18. Offline


    Nijikokun/TheYeti's Permissions plugin is the only standard currently supported.
    EDIT: If you were trying to say that you're using Niji's Permissions and it doesn't work, I'd need to know which version of Permissions, which version of CraftBukkit, which version of HeroicRebuke, and any error message or further description of "doesn't work". Thanks!
  19. Offline


    yetis permissions.1060 bukkit newest rebuke ithink errors
  20. Offline


    Which version of Yeti's Permissions? Do "/version Permissions" in your console.

    Describe the problem; if there are no error messages, what "doesn't work"?

    When you're testing this, are you using an account that's in ops.txt? (by default, ops get access regardless)

    In config.yml, do you have "Permissions" set for options.permissions?
  21. Offline


    yeti 3.1.6

    those that arent ops cant use it event though i have permissions

    yes using ops file since its only way and in config file do u mean like this...

    block_move: true
    canAcknowledge: true
    permissions: Permissions
    only_warn_online: false
  22. Offline


    Do you have any other plugin that uses Permissions and do they work fine?

    Which permission nodes are you giving to the users who aren't able to use it?

    If you grant a player "heroicrebuke.*", are they able to use it?
  23. Offline


    all my other plugins using perms work
    admins have hero.*
    still dont work
  24. Offline


    HeroicRebuke uses the following permission nodes:
    heroicrebuke.add (use /warn add)
    heroicrebuke.clear (use /warn clear)
    heroicrebuke.delete (use /warn delete) (use /warn active) (use /warn info)
    heroicrebuke.list (use /warn list - Displays only YOUR previous warnings)
    heroicrebuke.list.others (use /warn list <name> to display OTHER players' warnings)
  25. Offline


    OK ... I know you said you only support Yeti's Permissions plugin, but since doesn't list Permissions any more, what's the recommended approach to use your plugin? Have you tested using PermissionsBukkit, with or without the Super Perms Bridge?

    Thanks very much!
  26. Offline


    This is a mature plugin that hasn't changed or broken in hundreds of CraftBukkit builds; Yeti's Permissions was the only show in town for the longest time. I haven't had time to learn the new Permissions systems that are cropping up. Most server admins have been sticking with what they know and what the majority of plugins support, but I do plan on learning the new Permissions systems, just not right away.

    For one, I need to make sure these new systems are going to stick around. =)
  27. Offline


    Thanks - that's kind of what I figured. Does anyone know where / how to download the "traditional" Yeti plugin? When I search for Permissions at, I don't see it, even if I search by author.

    Never mind. I grew a neuron and just pulled a copy from another server. :s

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  28. Offline


    Use PermissionsEx, its compitable with the old yeti nodes, as well as the new superperms. Works with all plugins. :)
  29. Offline


    For real? I was hesitant to move to any non-Yeti plugin because we'e had problems in the past. Can others verify this is true before I drop it on my prod server? 'Twould be Nirvana.
  30. Offline


    PEX works great with yeti and bukkit nodes. Its nice. works fine for me
  31. Offline


    Thanks, Andre!

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