[ADMN/GEN]AdminCmd 7.3.5-time, give, tp, repair,kill, warp,weather,afk,OpenInv [1.5.1]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Dark_Balor, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    AdminCmd - Fork of PlgEssentials:
    [​IMG] Website : www.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Wiki : http://wiki.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] BugTracker : http://bug.admincmd.com
    [​IMG] Downloads : HERE
    [​IMG] GitHub : http://github.com/Belphemur/AdminCmd

    AdminCMD is a powerful plug-in that brings you commands that can give you total management over your server. Featuring the most widely used commands in Bukkit server management such as: inventory management, banishment of bad players, limitation to teleporting, setting spawn and home way points, and much, much more! Blockface approved and rated as one of the best plug-in by server owners.
    Unleash the power of Bukkit!

    For the blog : www.admincmd.com
  2. Offline


    I have nearly finish the SQL Part, it should be done today or tomorrow then I'll release a Stable version for the 1.3.1 and the 1.2.5
  3. Sounds good!
  4. Offline


    I love the plugin it´s very good !!!:D
    But how can I turn of when i´m be an admin and die that I´m behold my items!!
    It´s very imprtant
    Please give me an answer!!!
    LG Ltulon
  5. Offline


    Remove this permission node 'admincmd.spec.noloss'
  6. Offline


    I can finally announce :
    Version 6.5

    New Features

    1. [NEW FEATURE] It is now possible to define group specific spawns. You define a list of groups in the config.yml. The groups will then be available as permissions in the form of: admincmd.respawn.<group Name>. If a user has one of the permissions he will be teleported to their specific group spawn or if none set to the default spawn point.
    2. [NEW FEATURE] Added commands to teleport to the group spawns and to set them.
    3. [BIG NEW FEATURE] Added import option of most of Essentials datas. See Issue #31
    4. [NEW FEATURE] Added an option in the config (turnPowersOff: true|false) to turn off all powers a player currently has when he leaves the server. See Issue #163
    5. [NEW FEATURE] Added an option to the config to en-/disable death messages. Also added a deathMessages.yml file which contains different messages for different death causes. See Issue #153 and Issue #221
    6. [ENHANCEMENT] Added a permission check to the /spawn command to prevent players from teleporting to another wolrds spawn location. They always can teleport to their current wolrds spawn location. Node: admincmd.spawn.tp.<worldname>, the name is the name of the desired world in lower case! See Issue #191
    7. [ENHANCEMENT] Added a new locale message displayed when the teleport delay is activated to prevent the user that the tp will only occur when the time is over. See Issue #206
    8. [NEW FEATURE] Possibility to set in the commands.yml some command to be executed on FIRST JOIN of the player. By default the feature is disabled, you can enable it in the configuration file. See Issue #216
    9. [MAJOR FEATURE] Added MYSQL AND SQLITE SUPPORT. By default AdminCmd will convert everything to SQLite. If you want to go back to YML, just change the convertTo to yml in the configuration file. See Issue #230

    Bug Fixes

    1. [BUG FIX] Corrected the lost of the fly when having the power and dying. See Issue #145
    2. [BUG FIX] Incorrect display of the “don't have the perm” message for the Colored Sign. See Issue #147
    3. [BUG FIX] Corrected error when an admin wanted to teleport to a users home and forgot to add teh home name. See Issue #151
    4. [BUG FIX] Made sure the Config is saved when server stops normally
    5. [BUG FIX] Fixed /search -i <IP> displaying a player twice if he is currently online. See Issue #152
    6. [BUG FIX] Fixed uncatched NumberFormatException thrown while using /banlist or /mutelist and not providing a number as input. See Issue #155
    7. [BUG FIX] Fixed fly not reactivated when returning to survival mode and having the Fly power. See Issue #154
    8. [MAJOR BUG FIX] Corrected the bugs with the processing commandArgs when using some empty string like ' ' at parameter. See Issue #158
      1. Example : msg b 'test ' 'test' 'sdsdsd' ' ' ' ' '' 'attatat atatat'
    9. [BUG FIX] Fixed NPE in the RemovePowerTask which occured if a player logged of and had a temp power which ran out as he was offline. See Issue #156
    10. [MAJOR BUG FIX] Correction of a miscalculation in chunk check before TP, this bug was leading to random chunk generation. See Issue #165
    11. [BUG FIX] Fixed NPE in the broadcastMessage function invoked by defining null strings in the locale with ' '. See Issue #169
    12. [BUG FIX] Saving correctly the inventory and the armor when dying and having the noloss or nodrop power. See Issue #180
    13. [BUG FIX] /whois command for offline player is now returning the right time. See Issue #167
    14. [SMALL BUG FIX] Correction in the Help when a plugin don't have any description for their commands. See Issue #159
    15. [ANNOYING BUG FIX] Corrected the bug with the permission limit when trying to get them from a another thread than the main one. See Issue #187
    16. [BUG FIX] Corrected a bug when trying to open a chest of an offline player when some incorrect file (not .dat) where in the players folders. See Issue #205
    17. [BUG FIX] OpenInv : openinv an online player, player goes offline, edit inventory, player comes back online with old inventory
    18. [BUG FIX] Corrected a little mess up with the banlist and the mutelist locale. See Issue #194.
    19. [BUG FIX] Corrected a problem with the command aliases system. When a command needed minimum one parameter to work, and this parameter was given in the alias, AdminCmd wasn't seeing it and return an error. See Issue #186
    20. [COMPATIBILITY] /mob command work with R4.0 and R4.1 See Issue #198 & See Issue #208
    21. [BUG FIX] Correct a possible NPE when sending news/motd/etc … when the file containing the message is empty. See Issue #207
    22. [BUG FIX] Space in the Ban default reason (after the by). No more NPE in the /getid command when used from the console. See Issue #211
    23. [BUG FIX] No more corruption of coloured sign when editing them. See Issue #213
    24. [BUG FIX] Corrected the display of the deathMessages. See Issue #218
    25. [SPELLING ERROR] Corrected an entry in the deathMessages.yml (poisen instead of poison). See Issue #219

    Recent Changes

    1. [OPTIMIZATION] Some optimization of the use of the fly. See Issue #145
    2. [TRANSLATION] Added translation in German of the Readme.txt (made by MrMysterious)
    3. [WORKAROUND] Added a workaround to be sure that the WebBrowser library is correctly loaded, and if not the case, only write a little warning instead of an error.
    4. [ENHANCEMENT] Added support for bold, italic, underline and strikethrough in texts. See Issue #170
    5. [DELETE] No more use of WebBrowser, the plugin will still download it (since there is some usefull class as dependencies) but will not use it. No more use of CPU, crawling other page, etc … AdminCmd return to be as light as possible !
    6. [ENHANCEMENT] Added a broadcast sent when a player is kicked due to beeing AFK too long (with locale). Also added a message sent to the console when the kick occurs! See Issue #217

    Known Bugs

    1. [Minor]
    2. [Moderate]
    3. [Major]

    API for developers
  7. Offline


    where does i have to write it in???
    because i don´t have a permissions.yml in the admin cmd
    i hope you understand me!!![sheep]
  8. Offline


    You need permission plugin, i suggest PEX(PermissionsEx)
  9. Some sweet fixes and updates there, i will start testing it right away.


    Gives this NPE on first load. And stop command stops working, on second load it seems to work again. Is it related to SQL conversion?

    13:52:57 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling AdminCmd v6.5.1 (BUILD 08.08.2012 @ 13:47:41) (Is it up to date?)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.getWorld(CraftServer.java:786)
            at be.Balor.Player.FilePlayer.getLocation(FilePlayer.java:254)
            at be.Balor.Player.FilePlayer.getLastLocation(FilePlayer.java:249)
            at be.Balor.Player.PlayerManager.convertFactory(PlayerManager.java:85)
            at be.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.ACHelper.convertFactory(ACHelper.java:1626)
            at be.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.ACHelper.dataWrapperInit(ACHelper.java:1385)
            at be.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.ACHelper.setCoreInstance(ACHelper.java:1201)
            at be.Balor.bukkit.AdminCmd.AdminCmd.onEnable(AdminCmd.java:227)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:217)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:365)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:265)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:247)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.i(MinecraftServer.java:296)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:275)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:225)
            at net.minecraft.server.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:140)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:378)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:539)
    Edit 2:
    It also wiped all players homes.
  10. Offline


    Version 6.5.1

    New Features

    Bug Fixes

    1. [MAJOR] Corrected the no-mob spawning.

    Recent Changes

    1. [MINOR] Removed the use of an external library.
    2. [OPTIMIZATION] Of the convertor when the world of the home is not loaded.

    Known Bugs

    API for developers

    Please redownload and use the 6.5.1 ... a major bug as slip out my control ...
    By the way, in every case, do a backup of the userData/worldData folders (even if nothing should happen to them).
    Normally with SQLite and MySQL all problem for the player data should be resolved.

    Yeah related to conversion to SQL ...
    For now do that : stop server.
    in config : put dataWrapper and convertTo at YML (then you'll be able to still have your server working correctly with old format).
    In the folder of admincmd you can delete the admincmd.db.
    restart the server, nothing will be converted and you'll still be able to use your homes. I'll check for a fix ... I thought I done it --''

    Sorken : Okay now it's corrected in the 6.5.2.
    You can now re-configure convertTo to sqlite

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  11. Good, i will do another testing run on that build and report back any problems i find.

    Startup looks very good now. No errors, reports fine on not converting homes for non-loaded world. But if i may suggest, instead of listing every user name (i have 3800, im sure others have more) perhaps only display warns/errors and what user they belong to.

    Homes are converted and working now with SQL. I will start using it and if anything pops out ill give you shout.
  12. Offline


    Ah ... forgot to put that part on the "verbose" option. Well I'll do it, no really big deal.
    By the way the error you had is quite interesting, it mean at a point, one of the home was corrupted, because the "world" in the location (location is formed by world,x,y,z,pitch,yaw) was not set ... it shouldn't happen ...

    More reason to switch to SQL ...
  13. Offline


    Okay now i have PEX and where does i have to write admincmd.spec.noloss in?? ?
  14. Put it in your admin group.

    like this:
    - -admincmd.spec.noloss

    the minus before the node means remove it, or deny it.

    Users are reporting frequently ending up inside blocks when using /home.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  15. Offline


    Strange, since the location value didn't change ... well the only part that could pose problem is the pitch and yaw (that are float converted into double) but that's only for "were the user look at"
  16. Could be glitchy 1.3.1 teleporting aswell.

    Also, when dying it will say: playername nullVillageGolem or playername nullCreeper as death message.
  17. Offline


    Delete the deathMessage.yml to let AdminCmd regenerate it.
    Or disable the deathMessage in the config ... Seems to be buggy ...
  18. I let it regenerate and that seems to have fixed it properly.

    You still cant spawn cat/ocelot. Is there any way to spawn diffrent villagers instead of just the generic one?
  19. Offline


    Hello. I'm having a bit of an issue with mobs not spawning. I checked my world difficulty, and it is set at normal, verified by my server Control Panel. I've tried setting the mob limit very high, and to none, and they just won't spawn. Not even passive mobs will spawn. Existing passive mobs stayed, but no more aggressive ones are being created during the night. I have looked through the config, and found nothing, and have made sure I was typing in my world name correctly and case sensitive.

    Any idea what could be the issue?
  20. Im not having this problem on my server with build 2325 and latest AdminCmd.
  21. Offline


    I had the same problem - Mob not spawning , with craftbukkit #2317.
    With #2327, the latest atm mobs do spawn
  22. Offline


    You simply have the 6.5 and not the 6.5.2 version of AdminCmd. It's a major bug that I corrected the faster as I could.
  23. Dark_Balor
    When one player kills another player with a diamond sword, this pops up:
    playername never imagined to be killed by a null

    And this is with the freshly generated file. Other death messages appear to work.
  24. Offline


    I have already reported that this morning, on their bug tracker. And some other death messages work. Some doesn't work correct.
  25. Offline


    Oh ok. Kudos for the speedy reply! I'll download the newest version immediately. Thanks!
  26. Dark_Balor
    Ban reason is replaced with "You have been banned by Name"
  27. Offline



    When I kick/ban someone from my server, everyone can see the message ("<player> has been kicked/banned from the server. Reason: ...")
    How can I prevent normal players from beign able to read it? (Or, how can I only allow admins/ops to read it?)
    Before the 1.2.5 version of AdminCmd, normal players couldn't read the kick message, but still the ban message. I wish they can't read both.
  28. Dark_Balor
    Mute Name 60
    Unmute Name

    Still results in a second unmute after 60 minutes from first mute. Ie, the unmute doesnt remove the timer.
  29. Offline


    Hello, I need help.
    The groups SuperModerator and Admin have permission AdminCmd.*, but they still can't do anything, it always says "you don't have permission to do that (AdminCmd.bla.bla)". Even if they get those specific rights, they can't do it. Only if I op them; so AdminCMD falls back to OP perms, but I set official bukkit permissions!? So what can I do to correct this?
    Running v6.50 on CraftBukkit 1.3.1R2.0 without any permission plugin.
  30. I did find the issue and added a temporary fix which will be released with a new dev snapshot. This issue is caused by bukkit as there is a spelling error in the enum of all the Entities.

    If you are using version 6.5.2 or prior you can spawn an Ocelot with /mob Ozelot.
  31. Offline


    Just want to correct ... It's not a misspelling ... it's because Ozelot is how Swedish people call a Ocelot... then it's how the dev put it in the code ... but yeah the rest of the name are in English, it's more like a language error :)

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