[ADMN] FreeSlot v1.0 - Find out how many items you can give to a player [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Nitnelave, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Download v1.0
    Tested on CB935

    This plugin allows you to get the number of empty slots in a player's inventory, or the number of a specific item you can give him (including completing stacks). Works from the Console or from a player, given that he is op or that he has the permission (Permissions plugin).

    /getfreeslot (or gfs) <playername> [itemid or itemname] [durability]

    Permission node:
    - FreeSlot.use

    Features :
    • Get the number of empty slots of a player
    • Get the number of a specific item you can give a player
    • Supports durability
    • Supports OddItem
    Allow users to use it (with Permissions)
    Support OddItem

    Changelog :
    • v1.0 - Supports Permissions, OddItem, can be used by players
    • v0.1 - Initial release
  2. Offline


    Nice ! Thank you !
  3. Offline



    Error (403)

    It seems you don't belong here! You should probably try logging in?

    I did try logging in...

    EDIT: Downloaded via github and it works perfectly! THANKS :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    Well, I still need to work out how to make a file public on dropbox, it seems...
  5. Offline


    Find (or create) the folder called "Public." Put the files you want to share in that folder. Right-click and select "Copy Public Link." Use that link for people to download from. :)
  6. Offline


    Oh, ok, it's that simple ! Thanks, I'll do that!
    EDIT: Link updated!
  7. Offline


    Version 1.0, players can now use it. Supports Permissions and OddItem for the item names.
  8. Offline


    This will go great wit your GiftSend mod <3
  9. Offline


    Yes... But you don't really need it. If you send stuff to someone and they don't have enough room, they get a warning that they have to make room in their inventory, and they get the stuff when they re-login.

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