FreeSlot Download v1.0 Tested on CB935 Source This plugin allows you to get the number of empty slots in a player's inventory, or the number of a specific item you can give him (including completing stacks). Works from the Console or from a player, given that he is op or that he has the permission (Permissions plugin). /getfreeslot (or gfs) <playername> [itemid or itemname] [durability] Permission node: - FreeSlot.use Features : Get the number of empty slots of a player Get the number of a specific item you can give a player Supports durability Supports OddItem TODO: Allow users to use it (with Permissions) Support OddItem Changelog : v1.0 - Supports Permissions, OddItem, can be used by players v0.1 - Initial release
AWESOME! Dropbox: Error (403) It seems you don't belong here! You should probably try logging in? I did try logging in... EDIT: Downloaded via github and it works perfectly! THANKS EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Find (or create) the folder called "Public." Put the files you want to share in that folder. Right-click and select "Copy Public Link." Use that link for people to download from.
Yes... But you don't really need it. If you send stuff to someone and they don't have enough room, they get a warning that they have to make room in their inventory, and they get the stuff when they re-login.