Inactive [ADMN] BanHammer v2.0.2 Bans, kicks and records [1.3.1-R2.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by grandwazir, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Offline



    BanHammer is a plugin that allows adminstrators and other trusted users to ban and kick players. The basic idea is to have a lightweight banning solution that includes all the features you help manage your server. Additionally the plugin stores all bans using the Bukkit persistance system, using permissions for all commands and is simple to configure.

    • Simple and easy to configure.
    • Supports permenant as well as temporary bans.
    • Custom configurable limits to prevent moderators banning for too long.
    • Ban offline and online players.
    • Player name matching when kicking or banning players (no need to type every letter)
    • Can broadcast notifications to other players.
    • Review previous bans of a player, even after they have expired.
    • Review recent bans to see what has been happening while you have been away.
    • Banned names are cached for quick logins.
    • Reload the banned name cache on command (useful if you alter the database outside the plugin)
    • Uses Bukkit persistence for data storage; you choose what is best for you.
    • Supports built in Bukkit permissions, operators have all commands by default.
    • Command help system, simply type /bh.
    • Bukkit Persistence needs to be configured in bukkit.yml
    • If using MySQL for Persistence, you need a MySQL database

    Ensure you are using the latest recommended build.

    Before installing, you need to make sure you are running at least the latest recommended build for Bukkit. Support is only given for problems when using a recommended build. This does not mean that the plugin will not work on other versions of Bukkit, the likelihood is it will, but it is not supported.

    Getting BanHammer

    The best way to install BanHammer is to use the symbolic link to the latest version. This link always points to the latest version of BanHammer, so is safe to use in scripts or update plugins. Additionally you can to use the RSS feed provided by BukkitDev as this also includes a version changelog.

    Alternatively older versions are available as well, however they are not supported. If you are forced to use an older version for whatever reason, please let me know why by opening a issue on GitHub.

    1. Configure permissions if necessary.
    2. Optionally configure your ban limits (config.yml) and assign them to moderators.
    All documentation for BanHammer is available on the GitHub wiki, including example usage.

    Reporting issues

    If you encounter any problems using BanHammer, and you believe it is due to a bug in BanHammer, report the issue on the issue tracker. Please do not report issues in this thread as I will not see them as quickly as if you place them on the tracker.
    klarnet, PatrickFreed and fromgate like this.
  2. Offline


    Hello! great plugin, however, I was wondering if you could make a feature where, for instance, if you got kicked 20 times you would be banned (this is just an example), and if you could be able to cange the amount of kicks it required to be banned.

    Also, It would be awesome if you could add a temporary ban like
    /tempban garrett2smart87 10m

    Thanks for your time,​
  3. Offline


    Somehow it doesn't work with me.. Using Permissions 3.1.6 (Yeti)...
  4. Offline


    Men, I edited 1.4.2 for making it so temporary bans have a maxium (I set that maxium on code ofc) and I needed to make a new node for making a difference of temporary bans and permanent bans, if you can please add it to your new version with the maxium time on the config file can you? Like I think much people will like to set some kind of "Supervisors" on their servers with a MAXIUM ban time not permanent only :/.

    Please if you can add this to the updated you will make for 1.0.0 (if you need to make an update for) this would help me a lot instead of changing it by myself each time you release new version with all bugs fixed :p

    Thanks bro and really thanks for this plugin, seems to be a very good plugin for banning people ^^
  5. Offline


    How would I write a script to do that? Would it be one that sends commands to the console, or edit the SQLite for for bukkit? I can do either, whichever you recommend.
  6. Offline


    can you add a setting so after X number of kicks the player gets temp banned for X time and after X number of temp bans the player gets perm banned
  7. Offline


    This has been implemented in version 1.6.0 although it has not yet been released due to a couple of outstanding issues. In the new version unless someone has the permission banhammer.ban.permenant they are restricted to the maximum ban time set in the config.yml.

    An export and import command has been added to version 1.6.0 as well and will be available later this week. It will let you export the banned names to and from the banned-players.txt in the minecraft server folder.

    This is not something I would add as it goes outside the scope of what I want to do. However you could create a plugin that uses the BanHammer API that keeps track of the number of kicks which bans them when they reach a certain limit.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  8. Offline


    Does anybody have a list of plugins that use BanHammer API?
  9. Offline


    Great, really thanks!
  10. Offline

    The Wizard

    If an admin set a wrong ban time, he has to unban the user and then reban him. A command to edit bans will be great.
    Also unban should not remove the ban from the database.
  11. Offline


    BanHammer version 1.6.1 has now been released and can be downloaded in the usual place. See the documentation for details on the new features.

    This is not something I am keen to add. An edit command would be fiddly, might be easier to separate the pardon command into two, pardon and pardon.others to enable admins to fix their own mistakes without allowing them to undo other players bans.

    I do not know of any yet. Feel free to make one. The API is stable and I use the same handler to do the banning in my own plugin.

    Permissions API support has been removed in BanHammer version 1.5.0. If you want to continue using Permissions 3.1.6 with BanHammer use a version below 1.5.0.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  12. Offline

    The Wizard

    Separating the pardon cmd into 2 will work.
  13. Offline


    Why did you take away the message when you ban someone it says for how long and the reason? Can you please put that back that feature was very helpful.
  14. Offline


    It is still a feature of the plugin, just you need to make sure that you give the banhammer.notify permission to them.
  15. Offline


    Seems that the banhammer.ban permission can still permanent ban people :p, I was just testing it and the maxium limit on config file doesn't work or doesn't limit.

    And I tried checking out GitHub code and seems outdated to 1.6.0 xD

    I'm using bPermissions and latest CB dev-build 1577, so the error is just there :p

    Can you fix that please? ^^ Thanks
  16. Offline


    This has been fixed it the latest release of BanHammer which is available from the main post. Source code is now current on GitHub as well. Thanks for telling me about it!
  17. Offline


    I gave my admins the permission nodes banhammer.ban and banhammer.ban.permanent but it still tells them they dont have permission to ban. What am I doing wrong?
  18. Offline


    What version of BanHammer are you running? Also it would be helpful if you can post which permissions plugin you are using and how you have set it up.
  19. Offline


    Hm, I cant understand how BanHammer store date in MySQL. There is a huge number and cant get how to decode it.
  20. Offline


    Where is config ?..

    Plugin only create it:
  21. Offline


    All around the server.
    19:17:05 [SEVERE] FATAL: DataSourcePool [BanHammer] is down!!!
    com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
    The last packet successfully received from the server was 60,040 milliseconds ago.  The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago.
            at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor19.newInstance(Unknown Source)
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
            at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createCommunicationsException(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.reuseAndReadPacket(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.reuseAndReadPacket(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeQuery(
            at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.sql.DataSourcePool.testConnection(
            at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.sql.DataSourcePool.checkDataSource(
            at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.sql.DataSourceManager.checkDataSource(
            at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.sql.DataSourceManager.access$100(
            at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.sql.DataSourceManager$
            at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.BackgroundThread$Runner.runJobs(
            at com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.BackgroundThread$
    Caused by: Can not read response from server. Expected to read 4 bytes, read 0 bytes before connection was unexpectedly lost.
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readFully(
            at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.reuseAndReadPacket(
            ... 15 more
    19:17:05 [INFO] Reseting DataSourcePool [BanHammer] min:2 max:20 free:1 busy:1 waiting:0 highWaterMark:1 waitCount:0 hitCount:991
    19:17:05 [INFO] PSTMT Statistics: name[BanHammer.93] startTime[1323875795880] pstmtHits[0] pstmtMiss[3] BanHammer.93 size:3 max:20 totalHits:0 hitRatio:0 removes:0
    19:17:05 [INFO] Closing Connection[BanHammer.93] psReuse[0] psCreate[3] psSize[3]
    19:17:05 [INFO] Busy Connections:
    name[BanHammer.94] startTime[1323875825907] stmt[null] createdBy[null]
    19:17:05 [INFO] Closing Connection[BanHammer.94] psReuse[0] psCreate[1] psSize[1]
    19:17:05 [SEVERE] Closing Connection[BanHammer.94] that is already closed?
    19:17:15 [SEVERE] RESOLVED FATAL: DataSourcePool [BanHammer] is back up!
    19:17:15 [INFO] Reseting DataSourcePool [BanHammer] min:2 max:20 free:0 busy:0 waiting:0 highWaterMark:1 waitCount:0 hitCount:992
    19:17:15 [INFO] Busy Connections:
    19:17:15 [INFO] DataSourcePool [BanHammer] grow; id[BanHammer.95] busy[1] max[20]
    19:17:15 [INFO] Closing Connection[BanHammer.95] psReuse[0] psCreate[0] psSize[0]
    19:17:35 [INFO] DataSourcePool [BanHammer] grow; id[BanHammer.96] busy[1] max[20]
  22. Offline


    That is all there is to configure at the moment.

    That looks like a MySQL error rather than a BanHammer issue. It means that it is losing the connection to MySQL and then fixing it. Is MySQL working correctly on your server? If issues persist you could always switch to SQLite3.

    It is in milliseconds since the start of the Unix epoch which is the standard for Java timestamps. Just divide it by 1000 for a normal unix timestamp.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  23. Offline


    the plugin works great but how do i unban someone ?? =/
    and if you didnt make that ability.. then *epic facepalm*

    thx for helping
  24. Offline


    You know the plugin easyban? Well its not working anymore, you should add its features of IP banning, IP v4 and v6.
  25. Offline

    The Wizard

    use /pardon username
  26. Offline


    Great plugin... Tnx for the hard work you have put in it... :)

    One small issue.. in the latest 1.2.6 <- if not that well it is the latest that i'm using.. Trust me.. OK so for a reason or few it won't give me "Banned [reason] [time] Announcement to the chat.. Nor is the Op who is banning or pardoning is getting any info.. Of the action what was taken..

    I how ever have * in pex 1.17 (RB)

    And I get a small red message saying "banned player"..

    I have given the permission for the banhammer.notify for default user group + admin group <- me. + Op group.

    I do have world specific permissions but this souldn't effect on admin or Op groups...

    and No info is coming out..
  27. Offline

    The Wizard

    Will you add pardon.own permission in the next version?
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    Could u add feature to ban ip ranges for dynamic addresses?
    i mean, vanilla mc doesnt support wildcards, etc. 70.80.*.*

  30. Offline


    If, for example, I were to be banned from my server, would I be able to reach some list somewhere and delete my name off of that list?
  31. Offline


    why i cant ban people permanently?

    i have 'banhammer.ban.permanent'

    it says 'you cant ban for longer than 7 days'

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