[ADMN] AutoPromotion v1.3.6 [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by xDjBomber, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Yes, i will try to add more Ranks, with new Commands, in 1.4. Like so: /Promo <Name>, Manuelly Promote, and a new Command like: /PromoteHigh for set Rank higher! and make it configurable :)

    That will fixed in version 1.3.1

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  2. Offline


    Sweet. Ill be looking forward to it!
    xDjBomber likes this.
  3. Offline


    With this new invention i can finally give myself a PRRRRROMOTION
  4. Offline


    So anyone can promote them self?
  5. You can test it, if you are an operator of you server, or give you the permission nodes and type /Promote .....

    Intervals added

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  6. I could not find any suggestion pages, and i will write my suggest here.

    So i suggest you to add php link to the plugin and when a user register there, automatically he will be promoted :D
    also it would be great if that could be linked with drupal/joomla ;)
    xDjBomber likes this.
  7. I'm at beginng with java-developing, since 5 days, i mean i don't know, how its work. - But i will see at version 1.6 maybe, will now make 1.4 // Sorry :)

    I will make an Suggestion page^^

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  8. Offline


    It's a very nice plugin! I will test it on my server! ;)
    xDjBomber likes this.
  9. Offline


  10. Yes, if you mean essentials-groupmanager, is support, and fixed so i think. :)
  11. Offline


    also, how do i change the group for the person to be promoted too, it doesnt seem to work, i just get the armor lol i satay group default(guest)
  12. Download, latest version, reload the server go to the config.yml and change group for Essentials:
    Group: Member, did you understand?
    If you have an old-version of my plugin, this does not work, but Essentials Group Manager, was implemented with 1.2
  13. Offline


    dont really understand lol sorry, heres what i have, maybe copy and paste what i have and change the stuff then send it back? basicly they need to be promoted to the group Builder, heres my config file
    # AutoPromotion
        broadcast: ' is now promoted!'
        Server: ''
        group: Member
        group: Builder
        Promote: 0
        Message1: ' This shows'
        Message2: ' you how'
        Message3: ' its gone'
        helmet: 298
        chest: 299
        legs: 300
        boots: 301
        Shovel: 273
        Pickaxe: 274
        Axe: 275
          Axe2: 275
          Pickaxe2: 274
          Shovel2: 273
          item1: 12
          item2: 22
          item3: 33
          item4: 44
          item5: 55
        item1: 32
        item2: 32
        item3: 32
        item4: 32
        item5: 32
          Message1: 12000
          Message2: 30000
          Message3: 36000
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
  14. So, i made a little change, by essentials, but i don't know, if essentials works ... (Sorry) Essentials not testet, when it not works, i will fix that in 1.3.4, which command? /Manpromote <Group> <Name>? so?
  15. Offline


    to manually add somebody to a group is /manuadd name group

    just tested it, doesnt work :"(

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  16. Ok, i will make 2 little fixes (Promote Reload, and will fix the essentials) i have made /Manpromote Group Name, in the source, big sorry.

    1.3.4 will goes out in 30minutes, so i think.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  17. Offline


    Awesome! so you made the plugin? thats awesome, so 1.3.4 will be able to use groupmanager? awesome!!! ty, btw again manual command is /Manuadd Name Group, Ty!
  18. 1.3.4 will be uploaded now (Sorry for bad english, I'm german), i think group manager is now fixed. :) & /Promote Reload, is now fixed (so i think) Use the Dropbox link, (download), now the latest version (1.3.4)
  19. Offline


    just posted a comment on the link you send to me, but idk if you will reply back on there, so heres what i said:

    Can you send me basicly the whole config and edit it so it basicly promotes default, to the rank Builder in groupmanager? thanks!
  20. I will post it to my dev-bukkit Collaborate page, in 2 minutes, because of the Spam in this thread, wait a moment.
    # AutoPromotion
        broadcast: ' is now promoted!'
        Server: ''
        group: Builder (Change this)
        helmet: 298
        chest: 299
        legs: 300
        boots: 301
        Shovel: 273
        Pickaxe: 274
        Axe: 275
          Axe2: 275
          Pickaxe2: 274
          Shovel2: 273
          item1: 12
          item2: 22
          item3: 33
          item4: 44
          item5: 55
        item1: 32
        item2: 32
        item3: 32
        item4: 32
        item5: 32
      Promote: 25
      Promote2: 2500
      enabled: false
      Group1: Member
      Group2: Admin
      Message1: ' This shows'
      Message2: ' you how'
      Message3: ' its gone'
      Delay1: 12000
      Delay2: 30000
      Delay3: 36000
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
  21. Offline


    Okay sorry, Thanks again for all the help
  22. So, i postet it here as Code, you can see?^^
  23. Offline


    Looks promising. I need to look into this more when I get the time.
  24. Yes, but is a little bit buggy, the latest version, sorry. :p
  25. Offline


    Hey, me again!

    Did you ever make it so that higher ranks can promote lower ranks 1-2 groups below themselves (or configurable)? :)

    Keep up the great work! Love the activity!
  26. 1.3.5 is already in dev-Stage
  27. Offline


    Just want to point out, isn't this like../promote wait 5 second's.../promote wait 5 seconds.../promote LOOK I'M ADMIN! (I might be missing something...) Cool plugin though, add requirement's though? Such as at least level 5 (exp) to do a /promote then level 15 and so on. That'd add a real use to the exp bar. Except for the enchantment table. Good plugin though mate!
  28. Take a look, in my ToDo list (New-Features with 1.5) 1.3.5 is at the time in Development, 1.4 / 1.5 will take time (= sorry, but thanks for feedback, dude!
  29. Offline


    This is not working for me. I'm using essentials groupmanager and when a guest types /promote it does not move them to member! I have it set to move them to the "Member" group in the config, but for some odd reason it doesn't work. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
  30. Yep, fixed in 1.3.5 (tested)

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