Inactive [ADMN] AutoKick v1.7.2 - Need some downtime? Clear out your server. [1.4.5-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by thekris1234, May 17, 2011.

  1. Offline



    Version: 1.7.2

    What is AutoKick?
    AutoKick is a plugin that allows you to effectively shut down your server to all users except OPs and those with "autokick.nokick" permission. If you have to bring your server down for any reason (e.g. editing the map or testing plugins), you can enable AutoKick and it will kick ALL players except OPs and those with "autokick.nokick". It also blocks the kicked users from logging back into the server but allows everyone else to join and leave freely

    How to use
    1. Type /autokick list [page] - to see all messages with ID's
    2. Type /autokick enable <ID> - <ID> is the message id seen on the autokick list.
    3. If timer is greater than 0 AutoKick will run after that time
    4. All users will be notified.
    5. Only OP's and those with 'autokick.nokick' will be allowed to log into the server.
    6. To disable, type /autokick disable
    7. To change the current message type /autokick change <ID>
    AutoKick is persistent across reloads, meaning that if AutoKick is enabled before a reload it will be enabled after the reload

    • bPermissions and PermissionsBukkit Support (Others may work but have not been tested)
    • Kicks players whilst server is running. No need for restart for it to take effect (like whitelists)
    • Customisable kick messages
    • Timer
    • In game and server commands
    • Persistent across reloads
    • /ak enable <Message ID> - Enable AutoKick
    • /ak disable - Disable AutoKick
    • /ak time <seconds> - change Countdown Timer
    • /ak force - Force close the server during countdown
    • /ak add <New Message> - Add a new message
    • /ak remove <Message ID> - Remove a message
    • /ak status - Show status of AutoKick
    You can change this but the plugin uses this for persistence
    Message in use when the plugin/server was last reloaded
    timer=30 - Timer is in seconds
    - Server undergoing maintenance
    - Map cleanup in progress
    branding: true
    You can have as many messages as you like.
    autokick.nokick - // Gives player immunity from AutoKick
    autokick.list - // Allows user to view available AutoKick Messages
    autokick.enable - // Allows user to enable AutoKick
    autokick.disable - // Allows user to disable AutoKick
    autokick.change - // Allows user to change the current AutoKick message
    autokick.status - // Displays the current status of AutoKick
    autokick.set.add - // Add a message
    autokick.set.remove - // Remove a message
    autokick.time - // Change countdown timer
    autokick.force - // Force close a server during countdown
    autokick.* - // Gives player access to all of the above

    • Add messages by using /ak add (message)
    • delete messages using /ak delete msgid
    • change countdown timer with /ak time [seconds]
    • force close a server during the countdown by using /ak force
    • Cleanup of response messages
    • Permissions fixes
    • AutoKick.status open to all users
    • Status shows how many seconds until the plugin enables
    • Added config value to remove branding
    • Added support for CB 1.4.5-R0.2
    • Permissions cleanup
    • MOTD fixed
    • Stats have been added to see how many people are kicked in a session
    • 1.6 - Added AutoKick Alias /ak
    • 1.5 - Added autokick.status
    • 1.4 - Completely rewritten and compatible with latest versions of CraftBukkit
    • 1.3 - Fixed error when using /autokick list
    • 1.2 - Added Timer, Fixed GroupManager and Permissions issues. Added Server commands
    • 1.1 - Cleaned up various bits of code
    • 1.0 - Added Permissions. Persistence Across Restarts. No Longer Shows "User Joined/User Quit" when they are AutoKick'd
    • 0.4 - Multiple messages can be entered on AutoKick.txt. Each is given an ID and can be chosen from within the game.
    • 0.3 - Crafbukkit 798. Minor fix so it shows the default message when the AutoKick.txt is first created.
    • 0.2 - Added in game enable/disable commands
    • 0.1 - Initial Release
    Habbo4Life, efstajas, tombik and 6 others like this.
  2. Offline


    I've tested it and it works fine on 1.2.4 as it is. If you're getting any error messages please post them here.
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  3. Offline


    Ok. Thanks!
  4. Offline


    I got AutoKick so I could build a Hunger Games arena for my server, but when my friend pointed out that my message was cut off, I tried to use two messages. However, I've tried every way to submit multiple messages, but it isn't working. Last time I tried, it just switched messages. Please help!
  5. Offline


    I'm afraid this is a limitation in Minecraft. It only shows one line for the kick message with no wrapping. I can't make the plugin show 2 messages because once they're kicked from the server that's it, the message is shown.
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  6. Offline


    Thanks. Do you have any other plugins?
  7. Offline


    I did, ForumAcc, but I've stopped supporting. However, someone else has taken the reigns.
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  8. Offline


    Do you know of it works for 1.2.5?
  9. Offline


    Update 1.5

    Minor update - Added /autokick status to show the user AutoKick's current status including message currently used

    Download in OP.

    We've now moved to BukkitDev. Please report any problems there.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  10. Offline


    Apologies for the long delay. AutoKick 1.7.2 for 1.4.5-R0.2 is now available on BukkitDev. Here are the changes:

    • Updated to work with latest Beta build of Craftbukkit.
    • Permissions SHOULD now work, however I have only tested with BukkitPerms
    • AutoKick status should now be displayed when a player logs in
    • AutoKick.status is now enabled for everyone
    • Status now shows exactly how many seconds remaining
    • AutoKick.nokick players can see how long until the server is closed
    • You can now remove the AutoKick name from kick messages (helpful for long messages)
    • You can now add a message within Minecraft - /ak add Your new message here
    • You can delete a message - /ak remove msgid
    • You can change the time AutoKick takes to enable - /ak time [seconds] (without brackets)
    • You can now force enable AutoKick during a countdown - /ak force
    • General cleanup of response messages

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