Filled [Admin tools] New Anti-Grief plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JeromeAlbert, Feb 19, 2015.

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    Hey guys, I was thinking that it would be cool to have an antigrief plugin that can be used with a simple ingame command.


    /protectworld (world name) - Protects an entire world from griefing
    /protectregion (x) (z) - Protects a region from griefing
    /unprotectworld (world name) - Unprotects a world
    /unprotectregion (x) (z) - Unprotects a region
    /trustplayer - Lets a player build everywhere claimed

    Permissions: - Lets a player build on every claimed regions or worlds. - Lets a player build, but only on a certain world
    antigrief.protectworld - Lets a player protect a world
    antigrief.protectworld.(world) - Lets a player protect a certain world
    antigrief.protectregion - Lets a player protect a region
    antigrief.unprotectworld - Lets a player unprotect a world
    antigrief.unprotectworld.(world) - Lets a player unprotect a certain world
    antigrief.unprotectregion - Lets a player unprotect a region
    antigrief.trustplayer - Lets a player use the /trustplayer command

    Hope this will come! :D
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    @JeromeAlbert WorldGuard does that :
    /protectworld (world name) -> /rg flag __global__ build deny
    /protectregion (x) (z) -> /rg define <name> -> /rg flag <name> build deny
    /unprotectworld (world name) -> /rg flag __global__ build (allow)
    /unprotectregion (x) (z) -> /rg define <name> -> /rg flag <name> build (allow)
    /trustplayer -> With the permission "WorldGuard.region.bypass"
    JeromeAlbert likes this.
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    WorldGuard does this but if you need another plugin that is almost EXACTLY like worldguard look up a plugin called RegionPreserve it is basically this plugin.
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    Welp lol I feel dumb now xD
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