Inactive [ADMIN] MC Server GUI .9.7 (cross-platform) - A GUI wrapper for your server (now w/in-game cmds)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by dumptruckman, May 18, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Yeah, they all look right. I'm not sure what you're saying exactly but I think I may know what you're talking about... It's a bug that I was kind of anticipating, i'll see what I can do..
  2. Offline


    cheers but I got it sorted left it as 0 and just ticked and again then set all days and months.
  3. Offline


    When you edit the Save-All Event you have to re-check the Save-All radio button, then it will update.


    That is one small bug I have noticed. If you edit any other type of event the selected option radio button will remain ticked except for the Save All. For some reason every time you edit it the radio button is unticked and you have to re-tick it.
  4. Offline


    What I mean is

    I set minute to 0 "andagain" 30

    Press create. Now lets say I forgot to tick "All" for hours I re open my schedual and tick "ALL" then press "Update"
    It does not update when I close and re open it has reverted I need to delete and start over.

    This happens when I have no announcements set to go off that need updating.

    There is no save-all in the schedualar section it just has Update and Close at least for me. its never greyed out tho jut does nothing u only modify the times and not add any new announcements.
  5. Offline


    Which version are you using? 5.0 has a Save Worlds (this is the Save All - my bad for not remembering this initially). It isn't necessary to create a command event to run Save-All. Also you don't need to re-create it, just re-check the Save Worlds radio button and it will update.
  6. Offline


    ah ok im running 5.0 I created a event to save worlds each 30min.

    since I run that performance tweak mod that greatly reduces this time I still wanted it forced every xx time tho.
  7. Offline


    That will do it. I have mine doing a Save Worlds every 15, Back Up every Hour and restart every 6 hours. :)
  8. Offline


    A window appear and it's write : "Unable to acces jarfile mcservergui.jar"

    i Don't understand because mcservergui.jar is in the good path :(
  9. Offline



    so, if i click on Start Server, it says this:

    and after 50 seconds, nothing. just

    148 recipes
    16 achievements
    //edit: and if i click on "Save Worlds", this come:(Its the full code)
    148 recipes
    16 achievements
    2011-06-11 11:39:21 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.6.6
    2011-06-11 11:39:21 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-06-11 11:39:21 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    2011-06-11 11:39:21 [WARNUNG] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
    2011-06-11 11:39:21 [WARNUNG] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2011-06-11 11:39:21 [WARNUNG] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.settings file.
    2011-06-11 11:39:21 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-823-gb9d0b04-b860jnks (MC: 1.6.6)
    2011-06-11 11:39:21 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    2011-06-11 11:39:21 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
  10. Offline


    Hmm, mcservergui.jar is in the same location as guilauncher.bat?

    Is the Bukkit checkbox checked under Server Config?
  11. Offline


    Yes of course :)
  12. Offline


    Interesting... So has the program still not started at all? Has it created a guiconfig.json file? If so, can you post it on I'm guessing it hasn't though... One thing you could try is including the full path to mcservergui.jar in the guilauncher.bat. Also, you could simply double click mcservergui.jar... The only reason you need to use the launcher is to get cpu/mem/networking info (and you may not actually need to do that, in some cases.) So, try that... If that still doesn't work try doing JUST this in the guilauncher.bat:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Djava.library.path=./nativelibs -jar mcservergui.jar
    (Notice it's java.exe and not javaw.exe.) That could reveal any errors that could be happening.
  13. Offline


    No :(
    and No :(

    So' , i've modified guilauncher.bat by :
    @echo off
    echo You may close this window!
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Djava.library.path=./nativelibs -jar "C:\Users\Romain\Desktop\Serv' MC\mcservergui.jar"
    And two windows appears , one command prompt windows and the gui :)
    But if i launch the server by the button of the gui , it's say : "Unable to access jarfile craftbukkit.jar"
    I don't understand because , i have rename the bukkit jar for the good name and i have check by use the path selection in the options :/
  14. Offline


    And two windows appears , one command prompt windows and the gui :)
    But if i launch the server by the button of the gui , it's say : "Unable to access jarfile craftbukkit.jar"
    I don't understand because , i have rename the bukkit jar for the good name and i have check by use the path selection in the options :/[/quote]
    Well... we're getting somewhere... Now you should have a guiconfig.json file. Please put that on and post the link here.
  15. Offline


    Well... we're getting somewhere... Now you should have a guiconfig.json file. Please put that on and post the link here.[/quote]

    No i haven't that. :(
  16. Offline


    No i haven't that. :([/quote]
    Okay... if the GUI actually started up, it should have created a config file called guiconfig.json. It would be in the same folder as the gui. What is the message when it starts up? It should says "Config file loaded succesfully" (or something similar.) If it says that then it MUST have created the config file.
  17. Offline



    This time , i have try to launch the gui normally by opening directly the jar and the file was created ! :)
    I can't test the program now beacause i have a lot of users on the server but if you want , there is the guiconfig.json file :
      "Window Title" : "MC Server GUI",
      "Input History Max Size" : 30,
      "Display" : {
        "Text Color" : "000000",
        "Background Color" : "FFFFFF",
        "[INFO] Color" : "339900",
        "[WARNING] Color" : "CC6600",
        "[SEVERE] Color" : "FF0000",
        "Text Size" : 3
      "CMD Line" : {
        "Java Executable" : "java",
        "Server Jar File" : "craftbukkit.jar",
        "Bukkit" : true,
        "Xmx Memory" : "1024M",
        "Xincgc" : true,
        "Extra Arguments" : "",
        "Use Custom Launch" : false,
        "Custom Launch Line" : "java -Djline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal -Xmx1024M -Xincgc -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui -d \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\" "
      "Backups" : {
        "Path" : "C:\\Users\\Romain\\Desktop\\Serv' MC\\mcservergui-backups",
        "Zip Backup" : true,
        "Paths to Backup" : [ ]
      "Schedule" : {
        "Events" : {
    Everything is good ?
  18. Offline


    Assuming your server jar is craftbukkit.jar and you only are using 1024M of memory, yes.
  19. Offline


    Unless you have renamed your bukkit server file the line that reads Server Jar File should be craftbukkit-0.0.1-snapshot.jar not craftbukkit.jar. If you have not changed that to match the name of your server jar file then the server will not launch because it can not find the server file.
  20. Offline


    Awaits 5.1 <xfingers> it has player list .
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    Work good for me but not the info for CPU usage and others. (with two ways)
    And when i launch by guilauncher.bat , a CMD appears with the GUI.
  23. Offline


    Post your guiconfig.json file on
  24. Offline


    In order to get the CPU/Network Usage you need to launch it from the guilauncher.bat. The CMD window that opens can be closed once the gui launches. On the Main Window tab there is a check box down below on the right side, you have to check this box to get the CPU/Network info.

    Displaying the CPU/Network usage adds a little more usage to the CPU, so it is best to use it to check your usage for a short period of time and then uncheck the box until you want to check usage again. This reduces the amount of usage on the CPU.
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    @Multivan could you edit guilauncher.bat and change it from javaw to java? Then when it starts up, leave the console window open and it should tell you about any errors that are happening. Let me know what, if any, it's having.

    Only Network Usage causes increased CPU load. That's why the checkbox is for Network Usage only.
  27. Offline


    My error about CPU usage. I wasn't looking at the GUI and quoted CPU usage when it should have only been Network usage. Next time I'll look before opening my big mouth :)
  28. Offline


    Updated to .6.0. Addressed some of the things you guys asked about and of course, added a player list. And hey, it's quite reliable! :)

    cc: @ledhead900
    ledhead900 likes this.
  29. Offline


    Cheere mate will install it soon.
  30. Offline


    Fantastic application (even though I'm not currently using it - I'm using the Windows version at the moment until this JAR provides the same functionality).

    I do have a question: ItemCraft requires you to use -cp with java to run the itemcraft JAR before the craftbukkit JAR. Any chance you could include that functionality so people can use this with ItemCraft?
    (or perhaps let me know how I run it using this JAR?)
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