[ADMIN] AdminsCanFly v1.3.0 - Allow select bypassing of the default flight kicking [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Lappy, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Allow select bypassing of the default flight kicking

    Allow OPs and users with the superperms permission to bypass the default flight kicking (allow-flight=false).

    If Permissions 2+ has been detected you have the ability to disable OPs being allowed to fly by default, just alter "auto-op" in config.yml.

    Permission nodes (Supports SuperPerms and Permissions 2+)
    Install Tutorial
    Thanks to IAMWIN for making the tutorial.

    Download - v1.3.0
    Download - Dev

    Download - v1.3.0
    Download - Dev

    1.3.0 (24/08/11) - Built against the 1060 Bukkit API, hopefully fixed issues with the plugin not working like it should
    1.2.1 (01/08/11) - Added config.yml with property "auto-op", used when Permissions 2+ is detected
    1.2.0 (29/07/11) - Added Permissions 2+ support and neatened permissions checking code
    1.1.0 (27/07/11) - Fixed console spam caused by default kick message
    1.0.2 (27/07/11) - Initial release
    Chike, lastern, TimboHSV and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Any progress on the update? :)
  3. Offline


    Hi DaveK,

    This plugin does not give you the ability to fly. The client has to be modded with something like Zombe's Flymod. All this plugin does is prevent someone from getting kicked for flying. There is no command, because the plugin does not need one.
  4. Offline


    Please hurry :/
  5. Offline

    Marco Moreira

    Still doesn't work with spout! Im still getting kick but as soon as i disable spout It works fine.... (Using the latest admin can fly spout version download)
  6. Offline


    Hello there is a problem with this plugin when we use it on our server it gets rid of our title like admin or owner is gone and so are most of our commands.
  7. Offline


    How do I install this like? Go to server.properties and make the fly-enable=false and install this plugin and give the permission to people?
  8. Offline


    download links are down. is it just me?
  9. Offline


    no, same for me =(
  10. same here :( I really need this Plugin :(
  11. Offline

    Jake Buly

    Link Down :'(
  12. Offline


    Whats the difference between the spout and bukkit versions and which is better?
  13. Offline


    Super, the spout version (AdminsCanFly 1.3.0) works. Thank you for this! With spoutflight a super combo.
  14. Offline


    this Plugin looks very nice, but all 4 Download Links had a time out by me ?!
  15. Offline


    Yup download links are down.
    I don't seem to get this plugin working. i put allow flight to false and install the plugin. i add the permission node to certain groups but they are still kicked for flying. I have no spout or plugins requiring it running. The fustrating part is that there are no other plugins available doing the same job. Is there anyway i can get this working? if it does, awesome plugin

  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    HOW TO FLY :)
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    I've got a little problem.
    My server.log is very big^^ more than 12Mo but I reloaded it all days^^
    So look my problem:

    2011-09-20 01:43:40 [WARNING] luciffron was kicked for floating too long!
    2011-09-20 01:43:40 [WARNING] XxAtraxxX was kicked for floating too long!
    2011-09-20 01:43:40 [WARNING] luciffron was kicked for floating too long!
    2011-09-20 01:43:40 [WARNING] luciffron was kicked for floating too long!
    2011-09-20 01:43:40 [WARNING] XxAtraxxX was kicked for floating too long!
    2011-09-20 01:43:40 [WARNING] XxAtraxxX was kicked for floating too long!
    2011-09-20 01:43:40 [WARNING] luciffron was kicked for floating too long!
    Juste 116700 lines of this type of Warning ^^
    For information, i'm using Bukkit 1.8 and i've juste AuthMe, Permission, Lockette and Essentials.

    Plugin work to perfection
  20. Offline


    spout version wont work for me, still get kicked
  21. Offline


    spout version fail for me too still get kicked...
  22. Offline


    is there source? id like to fix the spout version make compatible for 1185 possibly remove the '[warning] player was kicked for floating too long!' spam in the terminal too
  23. Any fix, this is not working correctly for us...

    09:34:39 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:39 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:39 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:39 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:39 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:39 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:39 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:39 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:40 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:40 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:40 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:40 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:40 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
    09:34:40 [WARNING] scarce123 was kicked for floating too long!
  24. Offline


    Can you please add Permissions 3.x.
  25. Offline


    the download does not work pls fix it
  26. Offline


    why can't i download
  27. Offline


    Any plans to fix this so it actually allows you to bypass the flight kicking? I haven't seen any development for a while...
  28. Offline


    link is DOWN
  29. Offline


    Damnit, it seems another great plugin tossed to the side. :<
  30. Offline


    Why did you stop this plugin, it seamed itd stop all my problems about flying. D=
  31. Offline


    what is dev and nice plugin :D

    download dosnt work

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016

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