[Admin] Achievement Generator v0.8.8

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by scar413, Jan 27, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    on my main comp if i switch from 125% to 100% the problem is solved. unfortunately i cannot run 100% only 125%
  2. Offline


    i try to fix this blind and made a few changes again. redownload and try if it works.
  3. Offline


    still no dice there scar413
  4. Offline


    Maybe a way to view the source?
  5. Offline


    i cant figure out how you install this one? do i need to have the stats thing?

    cause ive made an achivement in the program but when i save it i only get an txt file, where shall i put that or how do i do this?
  6. Offline


    you should get the plugins listed in the OP
    and then put the txt file in the place of the plugin folder (like plugins\pluginname\hereyouputit)
    look at the txt file name and find the old one in your plugins folder
    but note: save to txt will replace all your old ones with 1 new one
    you should just copy from the box
  7. Offline


    None of my blockcreate achievements work. Could be a problem with Achievements or the generator, I don't know:
    1:Expert Engineer :1:blockcreate:redstonewire:1:You have been rewarded for your adavancements in redstone technology!:money 100
    1:Cobble Stone Creator:1:blockcreate:cobblestone:1000:Castles, dungeons, galore! You're rewarded for your dedication to cobble creation!:money 150
  8. Offline


    the correct key is "cobble". i'll fix in in the next version. just change the achievements.txt.
    "blockcreate:redstonewire" doesn't work in the Stats Plugin at this point. (only blockdestroy and itempickup:redstonedust)
    • 0.8.4
      -added missing and fixed broken keys, check the detailed changelist in the op
  9. Offline

    Lord Chaos

    I have a major problem with this. Its an awesome program, but when running it on a windows server which I access through remote, the GUI is simply way too tall to fit and quite a bit of the bottom of the program is obscured and can't be moved up. (as you can't move windows beyond the top border of the desktop) Is there any way you can instead of making the GUI so tall, could split the column up into two columns, thereby making it wider instead of so tall?

    It is as it is, completely useless to me, as I can't even get to the save button or the bottom areas.
  10. Offline


    yes, i noticed the problem with the layout at some point earlier. i hope i can fix this today.
    0.8.5 released
    -new layout
  11. Offline

    Lord Chaos

    Awesome :)

    Erhm...your download link still downloads version 0.8.4 and not 0.8.5 :(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2016
  12. Offline


    ehm, no :confused:
    dont forget to delete/overwrite the old .exe
  13. Offline

    Lord Chaos

    Well, I did. But it still said it was version 0.8.4

    But downloaded it just now again, but now it won't start at all and is just saying right away that the program isn't working, the following error text follow:

    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:    CLR20r3
      Problem Signature 01:    achievement generator.exe
      Problem Signature 02:
      Problem Signature 03:    4d7f5439
      Problem Signature 04:    Achievement Generator
      Problem Signature 05:
      Problem Signature 06:    4d7f5439
      Problem Signature 07:    1d
      Problem Signature 08:    6
      Problem Signature 09:    System.InvalidOperationException
      OS Version:    6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:    1033
      Additional Information 1:    0a9e
      Additional Information 2:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
      Additional Information 3:    0a9e
      Additional Information 4:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Read our privacy statement online:
    If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
    The previous version worked fine, though unusable because of size.
  14. Offline


    well, it works for me
  15. Offline

    Lord Chaos

    This is Windows Server 2008. As said, 0.8.4 worked, so something must have been changed in 0.8.5 to do this.
  16. Offline


    please redownload 0.8.5 and report if it works
  17. Offline

    Lord Chaos

    No, doesn't work:

    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:    CLR20r3
      Problem Signature 01:    achievement generator.exe
      Problem Signature 02:
      Problem Signature 03:    4d7fc9a1
      Problem Signature 04:    Achievement Generator
      Problem Signature 05:
      Problem Signature 06:    4d7fc9a1
      Problem Signature 07:    1d
      Problem Signature 08:    6
      Problem Signature 09:    System.InvalidOperationException
      OS Version:    6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:    1033
      Additional Information 1:    0a9e
      Additional Information 2:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
      Additional Information 3:    0a9e
      Additional Information 4:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Read our privacy statement online:
    If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
    Seems like its the same as last time. I even downloaded the file in another browser cleanly to make sure nothing is there. But no go. :(
  18. Offline


    Please, repost 0.8.4 because it was more stable and keep link alive untill next releases won't crash at some part of users (like me).
    Thanks for handy tool, it saves nerves...
  19. Offline


    reuploaded 0.8.4.
    do you have the same problem as Lord Chaos?

    -uploaded v0.8.6
    found a nasty bug. i think this caused also the start-crashes

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2016
  20. Offline

    Lord Chaos

    Version 0.8.6 works like a charm :)
  21. Offline


    can you have multiple conditions?
  22. Offline


    in theory, yes. but i dont know if conditions are still supportet in the bukkit version of achievements. i have'nt tested it.
    if you want to test it, seperate the achievement names with a ";", like
    :achievement 1;!achievement 2 ( :needed;!blocked)
  23. Offline


    Also scar413 Im still having the appcrash on start. still doesnt work. tried with run as admin as well.
  24. Offline


    i tested it on 3 different system (win7 64bit, vista 64bit, xp 32bit) with 100%, 125% and 150%. i cant reproduce any crash. i'm sorry to tell you that i running out of ideas how to fix a problem that is not popping up here.
    did you try to run the .exe with any compatibily mode?
  25. Offline


    yes ive tried all compatibility modes avaliable and all combinations thereof
  26. Offline


    short list:
    working OS's (from posts):
    1. Windows 7 (32 and 64 Bit)
    2. Vista (64 Bit, 32 not tested)
    3. XP (32 Bit, 64 not tested)
    Not working:
    1. Windows server 2008
    thats from the posts

    i might just be a simple programmer but, you should try debugging

    This was edited: i don't have source and such, scar should debug it

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2016
  27. Offline


    Thanks.. but:
    Good luck with that ;)
  28. Offline


    most people use windows (i think), and .net framework 4 is becoming a requirement for alot of programs
  29. Offline


    Under the "Give Item" list I don't see several things...such as cobble and dirt. I know these don't sound very rewarding, but some achievements are humorous. Are these items supported to give and just not listed?
  30. Offline


    right, i totally forgot the items list. i update it with the next release
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