[Admin] Achievement Generator v0.8.8

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by scar413, Jan 27, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Achievement Generator for the Stats + Achievement Plugin by @nidefawl
    Latest Version: v0.8.8

    Download: http://v5.ancient-wow.de/mc/Achievement Generator.exe


    • generate fast and easy many unique achievements for your server
    • understandable interface
    • cross plugin support (iConomy, EssentialsEco, Permissions, Groupmanager and more in the future)

    • add woolcolors
    • add warp-command
    System Requirements:

    • Windows
    • .Net Framework 4.0

    • 0.8.8
      -added missing keys in items-category (357=cookie)
      0.8.8 Key Changes (+added / ~changed (from) /-removed) (open)



      [*]Bock Change

    • 0.8.7
      -added nidefawl's MySQL Converter to have everything in one place

    • 0.8.6
      -fixed "InvalidOperationException" (i think)

    • 0.8.5
      -new layout

    • 0.8.4
      -added missing and fixed broken keys, check the detailed changelist
      0.8.4 Key Changes (+added / ~changed (from) /-removed) (open)

      +26 (Bed)
      +94 (Redstone Repeater)
      ~brickwall (brickblock)
      ~cobble (cobblestone)
      ~gold (goldblock)
      ~iron (ironblock)
      ~irondoorblock (irondoor)
      ~rails (rail)
      ~reedblock (reed)
      -rock (what's that? oO)
      ~signblock (sign)
      ~stair (cobblestonestairs)

      ~painting (paintings)

      +lighter (yeah i know :/)

      ~drowning (DROWNING)
      ~fall (FALL)
      ~lava (LAVA)
      ~suffocation (SUFFOCATION)

    • 0.8.3
      -cosmetic changes to represent supported plugins
    Be aware that a few categorys and keys are not working at this point, but they will be in future versions of the stats and achievement plugin.

    Feel free to report missing items, blocks or bugs. the generator will be updated to work with future additions.

    PS: maybe you already noticed that english is not my first language, so if you find wrong spelling or similar, dont kill me with the doomhammer of death. i will fix it if necessary.

    Preview (open)

  2. Offline


    Great idea.
    I have noticed one bug so far.
    If I select blockcreate or blockdestroy it shows all the blocks that can be created or destroyed, working as intended of course. However when I then select anything pertaining to damage it won't let me go back to the list of blocks when selecting anything pertaining to blocks.
    For example if I select blockcreate it shows the blocks. When I then select kills or damage or deaths it shows the mobs/damage items. When I then select blockcreate again it only shows mobs/damage items.
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    is there iConomy Money support? the plugin does but does the program?
  5. Offline


    yes, there is
  6. Offline


    Thank you for making this! By the way, the updater links to a dead link.
  7. Offline


    was a temporary problem, should'nt happen anymore from now on
  8. Offline


    When you write software, it would be nice when you say how you did (Which GUI Class, or which Language). Some people dont have Windows and never would download any stuff to try "if this may could work"... Else it would be a nice idea!
  9. Offline


    good point. i wrote the system requirements in the first post.
  10. Offline



    now i know, it may will work in Linux with Wine (when you dont make big coding mistakes xD)
    So im going to try it, [grrr needs mono, im going to try it when i have more time]
  11. Offline


    anyone have an achievements file i can have?

    can you make it so i can have an achievement target a specific player?
  12. Offline


    ################################# Achievements #################################
    ####### BLOCK CREATE ########
    1:&6[Trinitrotoluene]&3:1:blockcreate:tnt:1:Wait, what are you doing with that?:money 10
    1:&6[Laying Down the Foundation]&3:1:blockcreate:wood:10:Placed 10 Wood blocks.:item torch 10
    1:&6[He Who Lives in a Glass House...]&3:1:blockcreate:glass:10:Placed 10 Glass blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Lighting the Path]&3:1:blockcreate:torch:10:Placed 10 Torches.:money 10
    1:&6[Maestro]&3:1:blockcreate:music:10:Placed 10 Note blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Sandopolis]&3:1:blockcreate:sand:10:Placed 10 Sand blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Maestro]&3:1:blockcreate:music:10:Placed 10 Note Blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[A Rose By Any Other Name]&3:1:blockcreate:rose:12:Placed a dozen Roses.:money 10
    1:&6[Walk Like an Egyptian]&3:1:blockcreate:sandstone:10:Placed 10 Sandstone blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Order Up!]&3:1:blockcreate:dispenser:10:Placed 10 Dispenser blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Higher Learning]&3:1:blockcreate:bookshelf:10:Placed 10 Bookshelves.:money 10
    ####### BLOCK DESTROY #######
    1:&6[Global Warming]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:5:Destroyed a tree.:item sapling 1
    1:&6[Deforestation]&3:1:blockdestroy:log:500:Cut down 500 logs.:item sapling 10
    1:&6[Apprentice Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:50:Dug out 50 Stone blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Apprentice Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:50:Dug up 50 Dirt blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Sandcastle Crashers]&3:1:blockdestroy:sand:50:Dug up 50 Sand blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Journeyman Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:500:Dug out 500 Stone blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Journeyman Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:500:Dug up 500 Dirt blocks.:money 10
    1:&6[Expert Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:5000:Dug out 5k Stone blocks.:money 100
    1:&6[Expert Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:5000:Dug up 5k Dirt blocks.:money 100
    1:&6[Artisan Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:50000:Dug out 50k Stone blocks.:money 100
    1:&6[Artisan Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:50000:Dug up 50k Dirt blocks.:money 100
    1:&6[Master Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:500000:Dug out 500k Stone blocks.:money 1000
    1:&6[Master Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:500000:Dug up 500k Dirt blocks.:money 1000
    1:&6[Grand Master Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:5000000:Dug out 5m Stone blocks.:money 1000
    1:&6[Grand Master Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:5000000:Dug up 5m Dirt blocks.:money 1000
    1:&6[Illustrious Miner]&3:1:blockdestroy:stone:50000000:Dug out 50m Stone blocks.:money 10000
    1:&6[Illustrious Digger]&3:1:blockdestroy:dirt:50000000:Dug up 50m Dirt blocks.:money 10000
    1:&6[Dungeon Runner]&3:1:blockdestroy:mossy:10:Dug out 10 Stone blocks.:money 10
    ####### DAMAGE DEALT ########
    ####### DAMAGE TAKEN ########
    1:&6[Don't Stand In Fire!]&3:1:damagetaken:fire:1:Took fire damage.:money 10
    1:&6[Slippy]&3:1:damagetaken:fall:1:You took fall damage.:money 10
    1:&6[It Looked Much Closer]&3:1:damagetaken:fall:6:You took more fall damage.:money 10
    1:&6[Just Wanted a Hug]&3:1:damagetaken:creeper:1:Hugged a lonely Creeper.:item apple 1
    ########## DEATHS ###########
    1:&6[It's Dangerous to Go Alone]&3:1:deaths:total:1:Died once.:item woodsword 1
    1:&6[It was Lag! I swear!]&3:1:deaths:total:10:Died 10 times.::money 10
    1:&6[They Called Me...Phoenix]&3:1:deaths:total:100:Died 100 times.:money 10
    1:&6[AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!]&3:1:deaths:fall:1:You made quite the mess, didn't you?:money 10
    1:&6[Creepers on My Roof!]&3:1:death:creeper:1:Killed by a Creeper.:money 10
    1:&6[Boned]&3:1:death:Skeleton:1:Killed by a Skeleton.:money 10
    1:&6[STTTAARRRRSSSSS]&3:1:death:zombie:1:Killed by a Zombie.:money 10
    1:&6[Venom Strike!]&3:1:death:spider:1:Killed by a Spider.:money 10
    1:&6[Glub Glub]&3:1:death:water:1:Forgot to breathe.:money 10
    ######### ITEM DROP #########
    1:&6[Garbage]&3:1:itemdrop:gravel:50:Got rid of 50 Gravel blocks.:money 10
    ######## ITEM PICKUP ########
    1:&6[Baconator]&3:1:itempickup:pork:1:Picked up some raw pork.:money 10
    1:&6[Baconator Double]&3:1:itempickup:pork:2:Double helping of raw pork.
    1:&6[Baconator Triple]&3:1:itempickup:pork:3:That's a lot of raw pork.
    1:&6[Wolf in Sheep's Clothing]&3:1:itempickup:cloth:5:Picked up 5 cloth...sheep puncher....:money 10
    1:&6[Stoned]&3:1:itempickup:cobblestone:500:Aquired 500 Cobblestone.:item ironpickaxe
    ########### KILLS ###########
    1:&6[Take That!]&3:1:kills:total:1:Killed 1 monster.:money 10
    1:&6[And That!]&3:1:kills:total:10:Killed 10 monsters.:money 10
    1:&6[And One of These!]&3:1:kills:total:100:Killed 100 monsters.:money 100
    1:&6[There Are Zombies On My Lawn]&3:1:kills:zombie:5:Killed 5 zombies. More will come, take this...:item flower 5
    1:&6[Boneless]&3:1:kills:skeleton:5:Killed 5 skeletons.:money 10
    1:&6[Friendly Neighborhood...]&3:1:kills:spider:5:Killed 5 spiders.:money 10
    1:&6[FIRST BLOOD]&3:1:kills:player:1:Killed another player.:item ironsword 1
    1:&6[Private]&3:1:kills:player:10:Killed 10 players.:money 10
    1:&6[Private First Class]&3:1:kills:player:20:Killed 20 players.:money 20
    1:&6[Corproal]&3:1:kills:player:30:Killed 30 players.:money 30
    1:&6[Sergeant]&3:1:kills:player:40:Killed 40 players.:money 40
    1:&6[Staff Sergeant]&3:1:kills:player:50:Killed 10 players.:money 50
    1:&6[Sergeant First Class]&3:1:kills:player:60:Killed 10 players.:money 60
    1:&6[Master Sergeant]&3:1:kills:player:10:Killed 70 players.:money 70
    1:&6[First Sergeant]&3:1:kills:player:10:Killed 80 players.:money 80
    1:&6[Sergeant Major]&3:1:kills:player:10:Killed 90 players.:money 90
    1:&6[Command Sergeant]&3:1:kills:player:10:Killed 100 players.:money 100
    ########### STATS ###########
    ##### ARMSWING #####
    1:&6[Left Hook]&3:1:stats:armswing:1:Threw a punch.:item woodpickaxe 1
    1:&6[Epic Flail!]&3:1:stats:armswing:1000:Swung your arm 1000 times.:money 10
    ####### BAN ########
    ### CHAT LETTERS ###
    1:&6[Twit]&3:1:stats:chatletters:140:Awarded for typing 140 characters in chat. Go back to  Twitter.:money 10
    1:&6[Gabby]&3:1:stats:chatletters:100000:Awarded for typing 100k characters in chat.:money 500
    ##### COMMAND ######
    ## DAMAGE HEALED ###
    ###### IP BAN ######
    ####### KICK #######
    ###### LOGIN #######
    1:&6[Server First!]&3:1:stats:login:1:You have logged in for the first time!:item woodaxe 1
    1:&6[SERVER FIRST!!]&3:1:stats:login:2:You came back! We didn't scare you away.:money 10
    ####### MOVE #######
    1:&6[Baby Steps]&3:1:stats:move:10:Congratulations! You've taken your first steps!:item woodshovel 1
    1:&6[Well Traveled]&3:1:stats:move:10000:Walked 10,000 steps.:item leatherboots 1
    1:&6[Marathon Runner]&3:1:stats:move:100000:Walked 100,000 steps.:item ironboots 1
    1:&6[Map Explorer]&3:1:stats:move:1000000:Walked 1,000,000 steps.:item diamondboots 1
    1:&6[These Boots Were Made For Walkin']&3:1:stats:move:10000000:Walked 10,000,000 steps.:money 1000
    #### PLAYED FOR ####
    1:&6[Hooked]&3:1:stats:playedfor:144000:Logged 40 hours.:money 100
    ##### TELEPORT #####
    Note: They don't all work yet, need for the creator to update his plugin for some additional triggers and for Bukkit to update some additional hooks.
    Feel free to make a change, modify or rearrange.
  13. Offline


    why does it try to connect to the internet (my firewall detects it trying) well not that i think its dangerous.
    wondering why it does?.
    also i blocked it and the program worked just fine so seams a bit fishy
  14. Offline


    it checks for updates, it gives you a little info if a newer version is available. you can block it if you want, but theres is no reason t0 worry. it justs connects to http://minecraft.ancient-wow.de (not public yet)
  15. Offline


    moved to correct forum.
  16. Offline


    v0.8.0 released. check changelog in the mainpost.
    just hit the "update"-button in the generator
  17. Offline


    does it need net.framework version 4.0? or can i use an older version? if so, how old?

    also, could someone post a full list of all the keys and values?
  18. Offline


    I clicked update yet editor is still at .7.5 :( any direct links to download ?
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    DOES NOT work windows 7 64 bit. Is there a specific folder that this has to be in ?
  21. Offline


    It'd be great if this wasn't dependent on the .NET framework, because then people could still use this on Mac and Linux machines with Wine, even if there's no native binary.

    'Course, compiling for Mac and Linux as well would be even better. :p

    Nice plugin though. I'll keep this in mind for when I finally get around to setting up achievements for my server.
  22. Offline


    i have it running without problems on win7 64bit. do you get any errors? do you have .net framwork4?
  23. Offline


    There are no errors it just comes up with the "achievement generator v1 has stopped working, windows can check for a solution to the problem, -check online for solution and close the program -close theprogram"
    I do have .net 4 installed. might just need a restart or something. im gonna guess its something bigger though.
    [EDIT] did a restart no dice. still crashes out with the same problem.

    and heres the appcrash info from that window (it may be of some help)

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: Achievement_Generator.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 4d5fa27e
    Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
    Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bdbdf
    Exception Code: e0434352
    Exception Offset: 0000b727
    OS Version: 6.1.7600.
    Locale ID: 4105
    Additional Information 1: 0a9e
    Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Additional Information 3: 0a9e
    Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  24. Offline


    strange. could you redownload the generator? made a few changes. if its still not working, try to run it as administrator.
  25. Offline


    still no dice. still crashing out with the same error. just in case theres some weird relation using CB build 493 (recommended) stats and achievements v 0.7 each. does the file have to be in a specific folder at all or will it run anywhere?
  26. Offline


    this has nothing todo with cb or the achievements plugin nor the location of the file. i still search for the cause of this crash, just cant reproduce it.
  27. Offline


    Whats majorly odd is it wont work on my desktop but it will work fine on my laptop which both have the exact some configuration. Win 7 X64 .net 4 ... so on and so forth
  28. Offline


    Do you have any language packs installed? Have you had any viruses on the computer? I could be wrong, but kernelbase.dll seems to be linked to language packs. It's also obviously important since it's name is "kernel base" so it could be the target of a number of viruses, giving it a likely chance of becoming infected (again, speculation).

    Gotta love Windows and it's obscure error messages. :P
  29. Offline


    I dont get viruses. havent had any since windows xp... i do have language packs installed but only the default ones that are installed automatically when you install windows 7. i wonder if theres some obscure peice of software that could be causing this. but what im going to do is copy a known good kernalbase.dll over from my laptop and see what that does.
    --- merged: Mar 5, 2011 4:45 AM ---
    I just found your problem. Its a stack overflow thats caused by a users desktop text size being set to 125% try reproducing it like that. And also please fix it as i have to run my text size at 125% on my main cpu otherwise its hard to read at 1080p .
  30. Offline


    hit me, but i have no problems when i run it with 125% text size. but i still looking into it.
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