[ABANDONED PLUGINS] I will bring them up to date for you! {help required updating, loads to do!}

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by codename_B, Mar 1, 2012.

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  1. codename_B . If you need help I can offer some time to go through some of the plugins.
  2. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    it will have, you will need to switch blocks and signs though.. just keep in mind that without somebody behind the plugin this will break again..


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  3. Offline


    Hey, sure, grab any one you fancy. Got a lot of requests for OwnBlocksX atm, so maybe hit that one up? Otherwise just pick one at random :)
  4. Offline


    Yes, I think he need help (he is looking for help)...
    Maybe you can help me, update these:
    Show Spoiler

    Alerter *VERY IMPORTANT*
    Thread~ Source
    CommandSigns *VERY IMPORTANT*
    Thread~ Source
    Planetoids *VERY IMPORTANT*
    Thread~ Source
    worldMode *IMPORTANT*
    Thread~ Source
    CartJump *IMPORTANT*
    Thread~ Source
    WorldInventories *IMPORTANT*
    Thread~ Source
    HandyTorch *IMPORTANT*
    Thread~ Source
    BlockHat *IMPORTANT*
    Thread~ Source
    GlowHat *IMPORTANT*
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
    FastMining (Author is working on it)
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
  5. Have you also checked BukkitDev? For example CommandSign is updated there!

    @ Everyone
    Please check BukkitDev before asking us to update! Do some research yourself, it's enough work to update the plugin :)
    tyzoid, billofbong and Don Redhorse like this.
  6. Offline


    That really hurts me. I don't think you should give me more priority than others. And no, I check all of my plugins (80+) more then twice per day! I can't find an updated BlockHat. And I am not lazy/selfish! I help others all the time... I have 17 likes, you? 1... I am just pushy, cuz all my players on my server are. They want a update for 1.2.3, but I have 80+ plugins. I take a lot of effort on updating. Its just I know nothing about java development. I can't update them by myself.
    I hope you understand...

    Didn't you read my reply on that thread? I already saw that...
    EDIT: I always check the forums AND bukkitdev!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  7. Offline


    BlockHat is a single classfile, it won't take long at all to update, however you should probably you know... check through all that list and prune out the ones the author is already working on/updated.

    As I've said to people before, you're more likely to get it updated if you post ONE plugin that you NEED updated, then once it's updated post another, rather than posting 80 at once.

    Also what does your number of likes have to do with anything?
    tyzoid and mushroomhostage like this.
  8. Offline


    codename_B I have really respect for you. And I am sorry, I don't want to spam. For you too, look at this:
    That I am not selfish...

    It began when I made a list of ALL my broken plugins, I thought, I post the whole list and then I began updating and add the links (thats why more posts). I just need the top 3 (most important) updated, the others don't matter so much. So, it was NEVER my intention to spam!

    But I have respect what you're doing...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  9. Offline


    There isn't an updated BlockHat, I had a look. If that's the one you NEED updated I can add it to the list.

    You could create an alternative account and like yourself, it proves nothing.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
    tyzoid likes this.
  10. Offline


    See my edit... And btw thats not true. But I am off...
  11. Offline


    So post those top 3 with a link to source and that's fine, thanks.
  12. Offline


    My Top 3: Need To Be Updated

    Alerter (can't find source, maybe in the plugin .jar itself?)
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source
    Thread~ Source

    NOTE: I am going to search for the source codes, if I find I'll edit this post...
  13. Offline


    He has ALOT of work to do. Just wait.
  14. Offline


    If you go on bukkit dev find block hat and look at the comments. Someone updated block hat.

    Also royal it's selfish just to spam over and over again. If I look at your list I see 2 plugins that have already been updated. Blockhat and worldinv have already been updated.
  15. Offline


    [quote uid=90630417 name="mrcheesete0" post=1005997]<font color="#ff0000">[​IMG]</font>

    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Wormhole XTreme
    Rebuild Plugin
    Lockette (Chest/Door/Furnace/Gate/Trapdoor Locking Pluging. Replaced Deadbolt.)
    Vanish (vanish.vanish is permission node, /vanish to toggle on/off)
    CreativeGates (Untested)

    [quote uid=77260 name="Justin The Cynical" post=1006963]FYI, it's been updated by the original dev and does work under R6 and the current 1.2.3 betas (it's on dev bukkit).[/quote]
    Then they shouldn't be asking for an update here, as they should be following the original dev's dev.bukkit link of the forum topic for the update.

    EDIT: this may have come accross as me jumping down your throat, but I didn't mean it to. Basically I am saying if there is an original-dev's update AND codename's update, I will link to codename's as it is the easiest accessible to me, and requires the least amount of fact-checking on my end. It is up to them to keep checking the original dev for supported updates.

    HOWEVER, once I get the google doc finished, I will be keeping check with the original devs to help limit codename's workload by weeding out already-updated plugins.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
  16. Offline


    Also for you:
    "It began when I made a list of ALL my broken plugins, I thought, I post the whole list and then I began updating and add the links (thats why more posts). I just need the top 3 (most important) updated, the others don't matter so much. So, it was NEVER my intention to spam!"
  17. Offline


    It's fine. I was just getting annoyed. I posted a plugin then you go and post another 30 list plugin post. All my posts have been buried by your spam. That's why I was annoyed.
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    Yes, that is true. There are almost 2 pages added by this thread, because of our conversation :p
  20. Offline


    I had no Java experience about 2 months ago, until I needed a plugin updated and I couldn't get the dev to do it. I needed the plugin so badly that I downloaded Eclipse, picked up a few books and started teaching myself a bit of Java.

    Thanks to that and all the great Bukkit tutorials, videos on Youtube, etc, I'm to the point that I can update the event and config systems, make minor to moderate changes/additions to plugins, etc. In fact I think I'll start updating some of the more simple plugins on this list for the practice.

    I didn't sit and beg for updates (ok I did a little), but instead I got off my butt and did something about the fact that my server's plugins were falling behind. You can do it too, I believe in you, etc!
    tyzoid, Don Redhorse and codename_B like this.
  21. Offline


    Thats ok, but I get IT next year (also teaching about java). I'll learn it then. But maybe I'll teach myself...
  22. Offline


    This is what I am trying to do. Unfortunately my public library's Computer Programing section is sorely lacking.
  23. Offline


    I'm self-taught too! you can do it!
    tyzoid likes this.
  24. Offline


    residence man, I really need this one to be working and can't move forward without it. I am stuck on r-4 since most of my plugins break past that =/
  25. Offline


    requires vault
  26. Offline


    Nice, ty. Can you do commandsigns too?
  27. Offline


    Commandsigns! Me too... There is an updated, but doesn't support [command] signs YET (read my comments there): http://dev.bukkit.org/client-mods/commandsigns/ (same author)
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    Hi I know this may be asking abit much but would you be able to tell me a few books that would help in learning Java? I know theres a few on Amazon but im not sure what one would actually be usful for me. I would love to learn some Java so I can help keep my own servers plugins up to when the devs fall behind.
  30. Offline


    The latest version of Jobs is working on 1.2.3.
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