$35 [FORMATTED] WorldEdit respect WorldGuard

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by KingWar92, Dec 18, 2011.

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    You are checking every single block. So yes, you are checking 500000 times.
  2. Offline


    Lol i think i know what you are getting at, Ok for example:

    Ok your server spawn is saved as the region ServerSpawn pretend, So if you wanted VIP to be able to build in ServerSpawn type /rg addmember ServerSpawn g:VIP i think that will make it so they can only use worldedit there but you would have to give them permission to use worldedit then only add them as Member to that place where you want them to build, also if you are trying to give VIP permission to use Worldedit in a creative world using PlotMe, PlotMe teamed up with Worldedit to make it so they can only use worldedit in their plot, so if you are talking about PlotMe its already coded to work with it
  3. Offline


    Why don't you just use the //gmask function?
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