2 Server Running 2 Dirfrent Ips

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Commander_Shran, Jul 22, 2013.

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    Ok i was wondering if this Is possible i have a friend who brought a server it has enough power to run 20 100 slot servers it is mega powerfull he said i can run my hub (5servers) off his server i know this is possible but my hub would need to be appart of his hub which would be a pain he allredy has a custom ip (e.g skhdjnci.net) i was wonderong if i can run a sepperate custom ip off that server so we can have both hubs running off one server so we can save some money i know there is a program where you can have many custom ips running but it will take you to one server is there a plugin/way that we could set it to tell what one someone is connecting to?
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  3. Offline


    So when it sais Servers? Does this mean actual servers or just hubs meaing ips? Because this looks great!
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  5. Offline


    Depends on how you're running things... As far as setting up bungeecord, please go to their forum at spigotmc.org.

    Otherwise, you can use a DNS SRV record to point to another port on the same PC if you don't want to purchase (or can't get) another IPv4 address. It also depends on how he's administering his server? What OS is he running? How does he want you to access your servers?
  6. Offline


    Its running deban linux
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  9. Offline


    I said the os he is useing and you dident respond
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