2 Ideas

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by xXSniperzzXx_SD, Feb 9, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Well the first one is just to allow an author to prevent certain users from making tickets. So like ban them from the ticket page, the second is to allow authors to prevent certain users from commenting on the plugin. The first one i want, because i just checked my tickets and i had one guy make like 7 empty tickets, they were all titled "Test" so that's the reasoning behind that one. As for the 2nd one, i'd like because then you can't have people with the same type of plugin advertising theirs on your page. This has never happened to be but i bet it has to someone.
  2. Offline


    You can take care of the 1st by just taking away their permission to use the ticket system. One question though. Is this a plugin request, help thread or something that is happening to the Bukkit ticket system?
  3. Offline


    Im talking about a normal user, not a person who has permission on my plugin.
  4. Offline


    Ah, from BukkitDev. Sorry about that. I thought you were talking about an in-game ticket system. I thought I had read before that managers had the ability to ignore/ban users from their pages.
  5. Offline


    This is the BukkitDev and Feedback section...
    But i don't want to ban a user from my plugin, just from making tickets, or posting comments.
  6. Offline


    That was exactly what I read that the ignore/ban option did. It only prevented them from making comments or posting in the other BukkitDev areas of your project. But I'm just going from what I've read since I don't have my own BukkitDev project.
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