Question [1.9] Multiverse Inventories 2.5 Error.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Scatcher, Mar 5, 2016.

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    Now, this is really annoying me, as i can't start working on any other mini games on my server until this works. I've been using multiverse inventories (I have tried MultiInv as well) and have problems. Whenever i restart, it works for a couple of minuets, until... boom, it just shares the inventories per worlds. I don't know weather this is a 1.9 thing or i'm doing configs wrong but here are all the necessary files. - Error Log - MVInv Config File - MVInv Groups File

    Please ask if you need anything else.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Scatcher Report this to the developer, it is an updating issue.
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    Multiverse Invetories works with 1.9, it must be your setup or maybe a conflict with another plugin? However it is spamming the log with LOTS of errors.
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    Multiverse-Inventories has lots of problems, including not being UUID compatible, crashing the server if items have special characters, and not being updated since last October. I suggest you try other plugins. MultiInv didn't work for me. Maybe you should try
    I never tried that one.

    The plugin hasn't been updated since October, so don't hold your breath.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Most of mine not before 2015, doesn't mean that I won't update if it is needed.
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    Yeah, but Multiverse-Inventories has serious problems that need to be fixed. These known problems haven't been fixed for years. So why would you expect "the developer" to fix any new problems?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I didn't knew that it had known problems.
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    As I pointed out above, Multiverse-Inventories doesn't support UUIDs, so players who change their name lose their inventories. Mojang switched to UUIDs two years ago.

    Also, if a player uses color codes with inventory item names, Multiverse-Inventories will eventually crash the server.
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    Having same issue and I have reset config and reloaded. So is there a better multi world plugin I should switch to?
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    MV inventories was updated 2 days ago.

    My log is getting spammed by errors like this

    3:21:30 PM
    WARN]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    3:21:30 PM
    WARN]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Could not parse item: ItemStack{DIAMOND_BOOTS x 1}
    3:21:30 PM
    WARN]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Invalid key: 37 while parsing inventory
    3:21:30 PM
    WARN]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Invalid key: 38 while parsing inventory
    3:21:30 PM
    WARN]: [Multiverse-Inventories] Invalid key: 39 while parsing inventory
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  12. Offline


    Well I'm confused, it says build 406 2 days ago. As I dont know about programming, I'll take your work for it. So..and suggestions for a replacement?
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    My server basically depends on Multiverse-Inventories. XD Can someone please post a fixed source coded 1.9 version here?
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    If its two years out of date, probably not going to be as simple as compiling against 1.9. Need a real programmer to do this, or we find another plugin which I havent looked for yet.

    Found this alternative

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2016
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