Development Assistance 1.8 Features

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by feff890, Jan 4, 2015.

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    Hey so I heard and saw that there were a few new 1.8 features but there are a few I was wandering how to do. Here they are:
    And second:
    Any help?
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    @feff890 The pictures aren't shown. Is it just me?
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    Windy Day

    No its not just you. But I was able to copy the link and open in a new tab to see them.

    Both are 1.8 packets, you can use protocol lib or view this resource on spigot to learn how to use these packets.
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    Windy Day

    The other packet name is PacketPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooter
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    You can also use an API for these new 1.8.x functions.. Maybe the BountifulAPI works for that (just google it)..
    But here's my code for a title:
    public void sendTitle(Player p, String title, String subtitle){
            IChatBaseComponent titleccomp = ChatSerializer.a(title); //String for the title
            IChatBaseComponent subtitlecomp = ChatSerializer.a(subtitle); //String for the subtitle
            PacketTitle time = new PacketTitle(Action.TIMES, 10*1, 20*2, 20*2); //fade-in, stay and fade-out
            PacketTitle t = new PacketTitle(Action.TITLE, titleccomp); //defines the action
            PacketTitle subt = new PacketTitle(Action.SUBTITLE, subtitlecomp);
            CraftPlayer craftplayer = (CraftPlayer) p;
            int version = craftplayer.getHandle().playerConnection.networkManager.getVersion(); //gets the version to avoid game crashes
            if(version >= 47){
                craftplayer.getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(subt); //sends the packets to the player
            } else {
    If you use this, just paste it in your project and put it for example in a command like this:
                    sendTitle(p, "{ text: \"§3§ltitle string\" }", "{ text: \"§eSubtitle string\" }");
                    //The text has to be in JSON-format
    xMakerx likes this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives.
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