1.7 crash

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by kubson97, Dec 24, 2013.

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    My 1.7 have been crashing recently. Server is normally working, with no lag, but sometimes it just becomes unresponsive, server is still running but no one can connect to it. Then I always have to restart server.

    The last thing on console is:
    [Disconnect] User [20:12:19 INFO]: space has disconnected, reason: Illegal characters in chat

    craftbukkit version: 1.7.2-R0.2
    plugins: essentials, worldedit, worldguard, worldborder, vault, chestshop, automessage, nocheatplus, residence (all plugins are updated to latest version)

    I noticed that crash after updating craftbukkit 1.7.2-R.01 (beta) to 1.7.2-R0.2 (also beta).
  2. it could be that the server is having problems handling specific characters in the chat, because the disconnect reason is: Illegal characters in chat
  3. Offline


    Having the same problem, help!!
  4. do you have any common plugins? (i'll assume essentials, worldedit and worldguard are)
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    Thanks for trying to help me, but i alredy fixed. The error was that a certain player with the character _ was with his .dat file corrupted, i simply deleted it and in the AuthMe Reloaded config I blocked the _ character, With this the error dissapeared.
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