I know a lot about the workings of minecraft, but not the server-side stuff, so I don't know if this would work. What I thought was that, similar to Heroes, one could make damages from different item IDs different, so with the new anvils and item renaming, I thought it would work to have different weapons. Things like renaming a sword 'Longsword' would make it do a bit more damage, or have a longer attack range. If this is possible, please leave a comment so I can be entranced in wonderment.
I have yet to work with 1.4 so dunno how the API will get the weapon's name. but I believe it to be possible xD. I like the idea
I could absolutley make this when 1.4 craftbukkit comes out just PM me when I can get started! Hopefully the API will be able to read item names XD
Oh that was cold man. I can do anything I wanna do. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Very well. You managed to safeguard your ass(literaly) by adding the wanna part. I would issue you a challenge otherwise.
You said "Even this guy?". Which implies that you weren't certain I would concur with the character. Which means your subconscient has something against him. Therefore it was for you. Although I never said you were