Cannot override method from superclass?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mine-care, Feb 28, 2015.

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    Hello bukkit members!
    up untill now i am trying to override the method called getFullReply in a class that extends RemoteStatursListnerer where the target method is kept in.
    Eclipse gives this error:
    The method getFullReply(DatagramPacket) of type Overridem must override or implement a supertype method
    and asks me to remove override anotation.
    Using craftbukkti 1.7.4 for the server and the api in the build path.
    What im i doin wrong?
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    Are you sure that the method "getFullReply" is the same as in the Superclass?
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    @mine-care The method is private, one does not simple override private methods
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    @Konato_K oh mai! i just noticed! ty! but... how do i override it, never been across such a prob :/
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    @mine-care You don't, you can only override public and protected methods, private methods are supposed to be used internally and they are not exposes, anyway, what exactly you're trying to do? You can use your not-overriden method internally too
    tomudding likes this.
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    @Konato_K Ahh :( ill find a way then... thanks!
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