Comments on Profile Post by coffeehedake

  1. Sherryberry
    They're going very well, thank you! My sibling is working on a huge city that covers about a quarter of a map, so I'm helping him a bit.

    I have an addiction to adding mods to the server, though. I think I'm going to destroy it one of these days.
    Aug 19, 2011
  2. coffeehedake
    LoL! You have more than one!? Nice. Are you renting or running from home?
    Aug 19, 2011
  3. Sherryberry
    I am running from home. The computer it is being hosted on is 16gigs, which is more than enough for our tiny little server.
    Aug 19, 2011
  4. coffeehedake
    coffeehedake Excellent! I'm running one from home as well, though it's on older hardware with Fedora. You have 16 GB of RAM in your server?
    Aug 19, 2011
  5. Sherryberry
    No, the server is only using a small portion of it. But at least if we ever need to expand, we have the RAM available. :D
    Aug 19, 2011
  6. coffeehedake
    Nice work there then. Jeez, I only have 4GB in mine, and 2GB is dedicated to Java/Bukkit. Here I thought I was doing pretty well!
    Aug 19, 2011