Comments on Profile Post by Icyton

  1. Voxel Box
    Voxel Box
    Your 14, impatient, and not comprehensive enough to read. Come back in a few years.
    Jul 30, 2011
  2. Icyton
    Since you said "impatient", i guess the problem is incompatibility with build 1000. I will wait.
    Jul 31, 2011
  3. Voxel Box
    Voxel Box
    Your assumption fails you. We are running all of the plugins just fine. Your problem is stated above, you haven't matured enough to patiently read though a little bit of documentation.
    Jul 31, 2011
  4. Icyton
    But i have read all the documentation i could find.
    Aug 1, 2011
  5. Voxel Box
    Voxel Box
    And with all that reading you didn't find that you must be listed on admns.txt to be permitted to use any of the commands?
    Aug 1, 2011
  6. Icyton
    Yes, i put the admns.txt file in my plugins directory. Im sure that its not named admns.txt.txt since i use Linux so my OS doesn't hide file extensions.
    Aug 5, 2011