Comments on Profile Post by emericask8ur

  1. matter123
    i guess what do you want it todo
    Jul 16, 2011
  2. emericask8ur
    OMG Thank you! Your Prob the nicest person on here! :D :D Well I want it able to give you god mode and fly with one tool for example. You can take Certain Block out By typing a command and left click it once to give you God mode and click it Twice to fly? Possible?
    Jul 16, 2011
  3. matter123
    well plugins dont have the ability to make people "fly"
    Jul 16, 2011
  4. emericask8ur
    Theres a plugin called bFlight that allows you to type /bfly and with a feather you can fly.
    Jul 16, 2011
  5. emericask8ur
    What's the code for god mode?
    Jul 19, 2011
  6. matter123
    ok well you want to have an entity listener and you ovveride on EntityDamage check if the entity is a Player if so cancel the event
    Jul 19, 2011