Comments on Profile Post by Waffletastic

  1. gamerluke
    Well you may be able to give me a blunt answer right away,
    I noticed your IP is just a website with :25565 after it

    I have my own website that I have full control of so how would I go about setting up a port on that server so it would be running 24/7
    Apr 18, 2011
  2. Waffletastic
    A port on what server? Are you talking about opening a port on your web host? You don't want to do that.
    Apr 19, 2011
  3. gamerluke
    How is your server hosted, let me put it that way
    Apr 19, 2011
  4. Waffletastic
    On a VPS- Virtual Private Server, costs me $50 a month
    Apr 19, 2011