Comments on Profile Post by hammale

  1. tyzoid
    Why, hello!
    Dec 1, 2011
  2. hammale
    i noticed ur a sleep coding expert :)
    Dec 1, 2011
  3. tyzoid
    I don't claim to be an expert. I just read a lot of programming, and at least two said that solutions tend to come when you think over stuff when you sleep... That is when your brain is active.

    To be more accurate, your brain is most active in the REM stage of sleep (Dreams) this is when your brain thinks this stuff over. This stage of sleep finishes up one sleep cycle of about 90 minutes.

    AP Biology ^_^
    Dec 1, 2011
  4. Kohle
    What if I don't remember any dreams?
    Jan 19, 2012
  5. tyzoid
    Dreams are an analysis of memories, and dreams are removed from your short term memory once you leave REM sleep (i.e. once your dream is over).

    The only time you will remember your dream is if you wake up from a dream, as it will not have been immediately deleted from your memory.
    Jan 19, 2012
  6. tyzoid
    You will find that you will often forget the dream soon after anyway. However, thinking about the dream, or having a recurring dream will often cause you to remember the dream.
    Jan 19, 2012
  7. Kohle
    We got a genius over here!

    Anywho, how are you supposed to think of a dream if you forget it....
    Jan 19, 2012
  8. tyzoid
    That is a tricky one...

    it is kinda like retracing your steps to find lost glasses. If you can remember what you did the night before you had the dream, you might be able to remember the dream itself.

    Remember, time links memories just as well as similarity between them. The mind is just full of hidden links to memories, and just writing the previous two messages about dreams made me remember one.
    Jan 19, 2012
  9. hammale
    ummm wow im speechless :D
    Jan 19, 2012
  10. Kohle
    Okay, so what about nightmares. Why do they typically stay in your fresh memory more often than plesent ones?
    Jan 19, 2012
  11. tyzoid
    Lol @hammale

    Oftentimes, you will remember nightmares more often than regular dreams because you wake up from nightmares more often than regular dreams.

    Like I said in a previous message, the dreams you remember are the dreams you wake up from.

    That being said, unpleasant dreams shouldn't stay in your memory longer than pleasant ones.
    Jan 19, 2012
  12. tyzoid
    Also, Nightmares trigger an emotional response (fear). Dreams and memories that trigger emotions are the ones that are most often remembered.

    For example, can you remember what you ate for breakfast yesterday? the day before?

    However, if I asked you when the last time you hung out with friends (outside of school/work) you would probably be able to name it off of the top of your head.
    Mar 8, 2012
  13. tyzoid
    This is because you have an emotion (happiness) associated with the memory.
    In the case of nightmares, fear is associated with the memory.

    One last detail:
    Memories associated with fear, anger, or sadness, tend to be remembered over other dreams.

    This is because when you think about them, they trigger the same emotional response. (you feel very sad when you think of a relative who died)
    Mar 8, 2012
  14. tyzoid
    The same cannot be said for happy memories. You don't feel much happier by thinking about your trip to the amusement park, or the last hangout with friends.

    This is also why people hold grudges.
    Mar 8, 2012
  15. C0nsole
    Well, it is like ty said but as for how to think of a dream if you forget, when you wake up from a dream, and remember it for ~five minutes after, you can think really hard about it and store it in your long(er) term memory you will remember it for longer. Sometimes I can recall small bits of past dreams ;)
    May 9, 2012