[REQ] What plugin makes stone mines with random ores?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MultiBana., Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I saw many servers using this (mainly jail servers), there is just a big stone square with a bit of coal, iron, gold, diamond, redstone and lapis.
    I just wanna know what plugin does it, and how to do it?
  2. You can do this with world edit //set stone%80,ironore%5,coalore%5,redstoneore%3,goldore%2,diamondore%5,lapisore%5
  3. Offline


    not working.. //set stone%80,cobblestone%20
    is not working too.
    it says that there is no block named 'stone%80'..
  4. Sorry it's the format //set 80%1,5%15,5%16,3%74,2%14,5%56,5%21
  5. Offline


    Good, i will try because i need this too.

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