Server hosting

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by extreme, Feb 28, 2012.

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    What host do you think I should go with? My budget is $55. I want at least 2 GB of ram. I want a control panel.
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    I Pay $17.95USD At beastnode 1gb RAM with 30 Slots NO LAGG at ALL! But Bare in mind that if you use NoLagg Plugin It will use all your ram UP! I've had experienced it. And About 6players on 512mb ram alrdy So Don't Use NoLagg ( JUST A TIP :D )
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    What NoLagg does is that it Allocate's all the available ram so that the ram doesn't have to be written over and over again from and to the hard drive.
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    darelle you WANT your RAM to be used up. Otherwise it is just sitting there unused = wasted. You want to fill it with as much useful stuff as possible so you don't have to go looking for it on a slow hard drive.

    extreme If you're comfortable doing basic stuff in a linux environment, your best bang for $55 is going to be a VPS. You should easily be able to find a VPS with 2GB for less thatn $55/mn.

    But if linux isn't your thing, then I'd do a search for a minecraft host. They are a lot more expensive than a VPS, but they'll give you a nice control panel that does pretty much everything for you. From my experience, service is key. Look for a company that has legit 24/7 response. Maybe even try to get ahold of someone at 3am just to test their service. If you do go with a Minecraft host, be sure to keep an offline backup. When those companies fold up, they tend to just disappear overnight, and your worlds go with them.
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