New Players not allowed to speak?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by JayTheManiac, Feb 25, 2012.

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    Alright So ive had a Minecraft server for a few months now, Everything has been running smoothly and it has just been me and a few friends (who are admins) And I recently let a few others friends play and I do not want to make them OP's, And come to find out when they join my server they do not have 'permission' to use the chat? They can build/destroy, they just cannot speak in chat and its terribly annoying. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? A speak permission node or something? Im using Permissons3 and HeroChat Atm, And It's working perfectly fine for me. i just want to know if theres something I need to mark 'True' somewhere or something.
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    my guess is that you've had permissions problems all along, but since you've all been Ops the problem was concealed. This is one reason that I advise to not Op ANYONE. It forces you to keep your permissions tidy.

    The simple answer to your question is that yes, there is a permissions node for that. But...

    ... Permissions3 has been dead a long time. Maybe now is a good time to migrate to a supported permissions manager like bPermissions, PermissionsEX or PermissionsBukkit. I'd recommend them in that order.
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    I've tried to use them before but they mess up all of my other plugins that I have set for them, and I find it a pain to migrate, But I guess I have no choice but to sit down for awhile and redo it all ._.
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