Iconomy Server money?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Rjames426, Feb 15, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Could someone tell me how to set up my iconomy so my users can buy from the server? as of right now we are all basically "trading" money around and the currency is not rising.. help please :)
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  3. This is included in essentials but it can also be done on the ChestShop Plugin.
  4. Offline


    Could you give me instructions on how to do this? i use essentials but am not aware of how to do this.
  5. I am doing this from memory so it might not be completely correct.

    1) Place a sign
    2) On the first line write [Buy]
    3) On the second line write the item id e.g. 98 for stone bricks
    4)Write how many of the item are to be sold e.g. 4
    5) Write how much the item should cost e.g. 4.00

    That should work, if it doesn't then google essentials bukkit buy sign

    Hope this helps
  6. Offline


    I installed ecoCreature. My players have a chance at a bit of gold every time they kill something.
  7. Offline


    Also probably have to give users access to the iconomy commands correct?
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