PigDriver - drive pigs!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Jantomedes, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Miscellaneous, Fun, Mechanic

    Suggested name: PigDriver

    What I want: First I need to ask is possible to guid a pig using WASD like you guid a boat? If yes I want that you can accelerate and slow down maintaining the momentum like in a boat. If this is possible too you can sprint on double W and brake using SHIFT. Also it would be wonderfull if you can jump with space.
    If player has a specifed permission or creative mode you can start flying with double space. When you stop pressing space the pig is slowly falling down. When a pig is flying and player hit double space pig will fall and take fall damage. It won't take only when player land pig when in flying mode.
    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions:
    PigDriver.drive - can guid your pig (default true)
    PigDriver.fly.creative - can you fly on your pig when you have creative mode (default true)
    PigDriver.fly.survival - can you fly on your pig when you have survival mode (default OP-only)
    PigDriver.piggod - can your pig won't take any damage (default false)
    PigDriver.kill - can you kill a pig wich somebody drive now (default true)

    Willing to pay up to: $0 - but I will be very glad I will tahnk you very much ^^ ...and maybe some day I bake you a cake =) [cake]

    When I'd like it by: No limits but maybe before Minecraft 2.0 :p
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    Don Redhorse

    hmm take a look at mobrider

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