Player Spawn Issue

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Ryan56k, Jan 10, 2012.

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    My problem is this: When a new player to my server joins they are put in a random location around my spawn point. I have reset the spawn multiple times and have no idea what is causing this issue. I used mcedit and reset the spawn point, it still didn't fix a thing. I am running the latest recommended builds and craftbukkit.

    I have reset the spawn with essentials, multiverse, and mcedit. Nothing seems to be fixing this problem. I have looked around but no one has a solution. Any input would be much appreciated.

    Thank you,
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    on the bottom of essentials config file you have priority of how essentials should let spawn points work i thing lowest was for multiverse check it and set it to multiverse and lets see

    1st go to game and type /spawn press F3 and look on your coordinates
    and than check in multiverse what are spawn coordinates and do they match game coordinates
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