WorldEdit or Regios are affecting my ability to build.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Leo Liu, Dec 31, 2011.

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    Leo Liu

    OK, so I recently installed WorldEdit and Regios onto my Bukkit server. I created a zone with Regios and protected it, but I gave myself the permission: 'regios.*', so I could build and such. However, today I got onto my server and I couldn't destroy anything. I did not test if I could build before I created a zone with Regios. Outside of the Zone I created with Regios I still couldn't build, so now I think WorldEdit has something to do with it... Which permissions do I have to give my players so they can build? Please help, and thank you.
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    Deleted user

    Add the prefix :true, so give yourself the permission:
    regios.*: true
    Also, try giving your players the permission:
    Code: true
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    Leo Liu

    Yes, I have given myself the Regios.*: true, however, I fear it is not Regios. I think it is WorldEdit, but WorldEdit doesn't have a "build" permission node. Everyone has the true node, btw.
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