[ADMN/ECON] MoneyManager V1.0 - Set up wages and tax, pay everyone with 1 command. [1597]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Hotshot, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Offline


    MoneyManager v1.0

    The Bukkit Dev Page: Dev Page
    The MoneyManager Jar File: Download



    Money Manager allows admins to set up groups, put people in those groups, and set the wage or tax for that group. They can pay everyone, or just one group with one simple command. These groups that you make DO NOT have to align with your current permissions groups. You can make whatever groups you want and put whoever you want in them and set the payment to whatever you want.

    I tried to use Register and it was a complete nightmare, so then I tried Vault and it was AMAZING. Just make sure you have Vault plugin in the plugins folder. Vault supports all of the following:
    Below are links to DevPage and Direct Download.

    Dev Page: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/vault/

    Screen Shots
    (/mm list all)

    (/mm list SomeRandomGroup)

    (/mm create pay NEWGROUP 100$ Hotshot2162,AnotherPlayer,SomePlayer,LOLPlayer)

    Red - General command form.
    Blue - General description
    Green - Example usage
    LightBlue - Description of usage.

    /moneymanager - Brings up the general info... Version, programmer, stuff like that.

    /mm - Is an alias for /moneymanager. Use this if you dont feel like typing a lot.

    /mm help - Brings up the help menu that has all of the commands.

    /mm list [group:all] - You can use this one of two ways...
    /mm list all - Will give you the wages/taxes of every group.
    /mm list SomeGroup - Will give you the wages of the group, and all the players in the it.

    /mm pay [group:all] - Also can use one of two ways.
    /mm pay all - Will pay everyone's wages. (Wages only, not taxes.)
    /mm pay NoobGroup - Will pay that group's wages. Everyone in that group will get paid.

    /mm tax [group:all] - Also can use one of two ways.
    /mm tax all - Will tax everyone (Taxes only, not wages.)
    /mm tax [group] - Will tax everyone in that group.

    /mm set [pay:tax] [group] [amount] - Will set that group's wages/taxes to specified amount.
    /mm set pay Admins 10% - The [pay:tax] specifies whether the group is a payment group or a tax group. The Admins targets the Admin group. The 10% sets payment of Admins to 10%. Now anyone in that group will get paid 10 percent of what they currently have.

    /mm add [pay:tax] [group] [player1,player2,player3...] - Adds players to specified group.
    /mm add tax ApartmentRent Hotshot2162,AnotherPlayer,AndAnother - Adds myself, and the two others to ApartmentRent. The word tax points the plugin to the TaxGroups side of the config. Note: You can have more or less than 3 players on the last argument.

    /mm remove [pay:tax] [group] [player1,player2,player3...] - Removes players from group.
    /mm remove tax ApartmentRent Hotshot2162,AnotherPlayer - removes myself and AnotherPlayer from the ApartmentRent list. The word tax points the plugin to the TaxGroups side of the config file.

    /mm create [pay:tax] [group] [payment] <player1,player2,player3...> - Creates a new group.
    /mm create pay NewGroup 100$ Hotshot2162,AnotherPlayer - This creates a new group called NewGroup in the PaymentGroups section of config. It's payment is 100 dollars. Its only members so far are myself and AnotherPlayer.
    /mm create tax NewTaxGroup 50% - This creates a new tax group called NewTaxGroup. Its tax is 50%. So if you had 1000 in your account, after being taxed you would have 500. There are no players in the group yet because none were specified.

    /mm delete [pay:tax] [group] - Deletes a group and everything in it.
    /mm delete pay NewGroup - Deletes the group that the previous commands made. It also deletes all payments and players that were in the group.

    Permission Nodes
    • moneymanager.welcome (/mm)
    • moneymanager.help (/mm help)
    • moneymanager.list (/mm list)
    • moneymanager.pay (/mm pay)
    • moneymanager.tax (/mm tax)
    • moneymanager.add (/mm add)
    • moneymanager.remove (/mm remove)
    • moneymanager.create (/mm create)
    • moneymanager.delete (/mm delete)
    Change Log

    • Version 2.0 (Coming Soon!)
      • Maybe getting rid of [pay:tax] argument?
      • Command that does all payment and all taxes?
      • Better config?
    • Version 1.0 (12/20/11)
      • Came out with first release.

    Attached Files:

  2. Offline


    please don't hard-link Vault files.
  3. Offline


    Sorry, wont happen again.... Did you try out the plugin though?

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