[CHAT] ChatProtect V1.2 - Chat protection for Minecraft [1.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by junkmanuk, Aug 29, 2011.

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    [CHAT] JunksChatProtect V1.2 - Chat protection for Minecraft [1.2]

    Simple chat filtering with automatic warn, kick and ban functionality. Yes it's been done before but this was a short afternoon project for use on my kids server - it's designed for zero tolerance with minimal management.

    Project has been moved to BUKKIT DEV

    • Chat message obscenity filtering with automatic warn, kick, ban
    • Simple to administer
    • Ad-hoc warn, ban, kick commands
    • Sign logging option provided
    • Private chat is also monitored
    • Logs each warning with timestamp and violation message

    Simply copy the plugin into the plugins directory. A word list is available HERE
    (derived from word list @ http://urbanoalvarez.es/blog/2008/04/04/bad-words-list/)

    You may adjust the number of warnings given for infractions, as well as the messages that are sent to the player.

    (Also available on console)

    /jcp info [player]
    Gets information about a player's chat behaviour

    /jcp warn [player]
    Increments player violation count;

    /jcp kick [player]
    Kicks the player and also increments violation count

    /jcp ban [player]
    Bans the player for JCP violation and retains warning count

    /jcp unban [player]
    Unbans a player, while retaining their warning count

    /jcp pardon [player]
    Pardons a player, resetting both ban status and warning count


    - jcp.info
    - jcp.warn
    - jcp.kick
    - jcp.ban
    - jcp.unban
    - jcp.pardon
  2. Offline


    Where do I copy the words to?

    Will they auto warn the ppl who say cus words?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  3. Offline


    > Where do I copy the words to?
    Copy the words file (words.txt) to the directory created by the plugin after running it first time

    >Will they auto warn the ppl who say cus words?
    It has three levels of warning: Warn, Kick, Ban. You can set the number of warnings for each level in the config file (created automatically) and the ban message.

    ChatProtect bans are deliberately segregated from normal server bans because it's a very specific ban reason.
  4. Offline


    Jeez you know every one in the book xD
  5. Offline


    Hey Junkmanuk, this is great. Where do I put the permissions at. I have a bukkit server running essentials groupmanager. Thanks
  6. Hey, please help me! When i downloaded this plugin it got an error that the warnings and ban settings was empty, when i fixed that error an new error appeared. It said that the plugin was up to date. Can you please help me with this error, i really need a good chatprotector-plugin!
  7. Offline


    Omg! The error said the plugin was up to date! Geez! Lol, good plugin mate, I'll for sure recommend it to my friends ;)

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