Please help me with my strange Server Problem (disconnect.genericReason)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by stroehl, Feb 24, 2011.

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    so, all the ports are opened, all software firewalls are deactivated. when my mate runs the server on his mac with windows running in our LAN everyone can connect from inside the LAN and from outside. everything works just fine.

    but: i want to host the server on my desktop PC, which is far better suited for that.
    as i said, everythin is open as it could be. today i also reinstalled win 7 (it had to be done anyway).

    so when i run bukkit, i can connect with my desktop using localhost as adress. works fine.
    if any other PC connects it gehts a "logging in..." message, joined on the server i can see "***** has joined the game", some time later "***** hast left the game"
    in the server logs of bukkit i get the msg:
    "***** lost connection: disconnect.genericReason"

    maybe im overseeing some pretty simple thing here... but if another PC runs in the server in our LAN everything works, the port forwarding is fine.
    it has to be my computer i think, but what could it be?
    thank you very much guys,
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    I use Hamachi to host my ip over the internet, maybe that would fix your issue...
    although i believe there is also the downside of the clients connecting to it also needing Hamachi.
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    we tried that already. same problem, my mate can host either with hamachi IP or with LAN ip, both does work.
    on my desktop neither hamachi nor normal...

    i think the most strangest error is that people actually can connect, they just get disconnected for that "generic Reason" :/
    --- merged: Feb 25, 2011 12:27 AM ---
    ok i kind of fixed it, im just using my lenovo edge notebook for hosting now...
    its hardware sucks, but i think it can handle 5-6 players (for now ;)
    thanks anyway!

    but im curios, does anyone else have the same problem with "genericReason"?
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