
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Pazflor, Oct 19, 2011.

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    How can i make a /stuck plugin that teleports you to the highest block over you? Thanks for all help I can get.
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    Snap your fingers three times... but seriously you need to do some more research, no one is gonna write a plugin for you. Start at wiki.bukkit.org and jd.bukkit.org. Good luck ;)
    thehutch likes this.
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    I'm not a plugin dev, but start by installing a Java IDE (Eclipse or NetBeans)
    Then, import into it bukkit.jar (NOT craftbukkit) and from there I guess you need to learn some Java
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    You can import craftbukkit too, and it's much better, but not for new people ^^
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    Sagacious_Zed Bukkit Docs

    Click Docs up on the nav bar at the top of the page
  6. Naa, you wouldn't need it :confused:
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    Make a loop, starting at the location of the player and going up stopping when it hits two blocks of air right on top of each other. Teleport the player there. That's the basic idea behind what you want.

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    This wouldn't get you to the highest block above you necessarily. What if you're underground? You could just go into a cave. I would recommend start at the same 'x' and 'z' of the player but the y of 127 (minecraft ceiling) and then keep going down until you find the first block. This would safely put you on the actual highest block.


    Why is craftbukkit better? I mean it has its uses but really the BukkitAPI is made for what it does. 95% of the time you should not need to import craftbukkit. It's not necessary.
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    I have eclipse and the onCommand, just needed some tips to get me some ideas about what to write. ;)
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    @Walker Crouse
    It is better, because it has the API, + some more cool stuff!
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    1. player.teleport(player.getWorld().getHighestBlockAt(player.getLocation()).getLocation().add(0, 1, 0));
    fromgate likes this.
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    1. You can also access CB classes
    2. You do not need 2 separate files on hard drive (bukkit for dev and CB for test server), since CB also contains bukkit.
    3. When you update CB on your test server, it would also update API inside your IDE.
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    Those are convenient but do not actually make it 'better'.
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    True. I thought he wanted for him to simply go to the next space up, sloppy reading.
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