
Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Don Redhorse, Oct 9, 2011.

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    Don Redhorse


    I'm having a project which I need some help with from the Bukkit Community.

    How would you define an Identity in the Minecraft World?
    What would be part of that Identity?
    How would you structure / devide / categorize those parts?

    To explain it a little more....

    A Player, a monster, an animal is an Identity in Minecraft... perhaps you could even say that perhaps we would have groups of entities... Admins, Moderatores etc for Players... Baby and grown up animals etc..

    So let's pick a player..

    What does the Player represent?
    Name, Nickname, Permissions, Status, PreFixes, Suffixes, Information, Money etc.


    Player ... Name, Nickname
    Permissions.... direct permissions, inherited permissions, group based permissions
    Chat... Prefixs, Suffixes
    Info.... Warp Restrictions, Join Date
    Money... Account, Bank
    Status... AFK, Banned

    Which of this information would be general information or more specific information?

    Let me explain that a little more...

    AFK Status would probably a general information... lots of plugin support afk, the player itself can be afk, bukkit directly supports it.. it is not something specific to ONE / FEW plugins..

    Warp Limits... well there are only a few Warp Plugin at all which would support that, so that would be a plugin specific information.

    So what would YOU add, and where..

    Feel free to brainstorm.. oh. yeah.. and there will be cake...

    nobody wants some cake?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
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    Your post is confusing. Your introduction is about mobs (=mobiles = units that move in the world), but then you focus only on player metadata.

    I think that how you organize your metadata for your project is up to you and your needs. It also depends on what plugins you're using as things like money, chat options, permissions and such aren't part of the standard minecraft.

    Maybe if you were a bit more specific, you'd get some better answers.
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