HELP (combineing bukkit with simpleserver wrapper)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Tucker, Feb 21, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    The Title kinda explains what i need
  2. Offline

    Padeius Etoh

  3. Offline


    One line responses are useless. Either help, or move on.

    I would start by reading this forum thread. You need to determine if it has support for CraftBukkit. If it doesn't, you should post on that thread asking the author of simpleserver if they can update it.
  4. Offline

    Padeius Etoh

    Hi mod TnT, nice of you to drop by, sometimes one word answers are not only appropriate but useful, at least I think so, as you may or may not know simpleserver is probably not compatible with craftbukkit, I suppose I could have written out a line of text like, "they both do somewhat the same thing and so there is no need to combine them" or "more than likely that is not going to work but you can ask somewhere else, because its not really within the purview of this forum", instead I just said, don't, its so much easier, But I will take your advice and in the future make sure to write out a full explanation as to why something is or is not what ever it is or is not. I think, telling the OP don't was helpful, you disagree, oh well, sorry for your disagreement. Happy minecrafting.
  5. Offline


    I think "It doesn't" would be OK, but "don't" just wasn't even an answer you know.
  6. Offline


    Telling the OP don't doesn't explain why. I like to promote understanding.
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    Padeius Etoh

    You are right, the semantics of my response to the title could have been better. I will make sure to think a little more before posting to a thread of this nature in the future, thanks.
  8. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    SimpleServer is a server wrapper, and it has worked all the way to CB 440. Now, with Bukkit's console improvements, ALL server wrappers have been broken. If Bukkit could please have an alternate build for server wrappers (just the RB is fine, I care less for development builds), I would greatly appreciate it and update. Otherwise, I'm staying with CB 440 unless someone comes by and makes a plugin that functions very similar to SimpleServer.
  9. Offline


    Was reading there wiki and come across this.
  10. Offline


    ok so i've been trying to figure out how to install this 5|-|17 for a long time now and i googled this thread thinking ill finally find the answer, and instead, i find a thread being derailed by over sensitive mods picking on the only person on the entire world wide PhU(|<1|\|9 web who actually solved my problem.

    and by the way... here is your answer. i love how the mods didnt even try to answer your question.

    also, this is an invalid statement, as the mods do bind, if you were going to redirect etho's statement it would be to say "you shouldnt"

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  11. Offline


    You realize this post is 4 months old and a lot can change in that time, right? I'm glad you found your answer.
  12. Offline


    You don't even get what I was referring to.
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