Permission Problem ?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by, Sep 15, 2011.

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  1. Hey

    I am currently starting from 0 (after using other plugins for a year) and trying PermissionsEX...

    Now I have two problems, I created all my usergroups and stuff but when I want to use the "give" command aka "/give planetdune 15" for example it gives me " I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"

    Why ?

    Second problem, Im used to using Essentials and having /time day or /time night working, without essentials those commands don't work ofc. How do I set time to day ? (or maybe disable night completely)
  2. Offline


    you need to set the group your in the permissions to use it
    if you have an admin group or whatever i suggest u use this in console
    pex group <groupname> add *
    this gives you all commands
    if your 2nd question was how do i set the time to day without essentials thatn its /time set 0
    hope this helped
  3. But I already did that ! Here is me:

    prefix: '&0(&4Admin&0)&7 '
    - -modifyworld.mobtarget.*
    - '*'
    rank: '0'

    - Admin

    and I'm "Planetdune" ofcourse... I can chat and build and destroy blocks but not use /give ?
  4. Offline


    are you editing this through the yml? if so you should do this in-game so it does it for you with no errors
    if this were me id do this
    step 1.start with a fresh PermissionsEx file
    step 2.op myself if not done already
    step 3.create a group using /pex group Admin create
    step 4.then give them all commands usin /pex group Admin add *
    step 5.add myself to see if i can use all the commands by /pex user Planetdune group set Admin
    step 6. deop yourself
    step 7. try a command from a plugin
    If this fails im sorry but if it does your welcome
    Further tutorial
    if you want to give a group a prefix use /pex group Admin prefix "&0(4Admin&0)&7 "
    making the group on the ranking system by using /pex group Admin rank 0
    I know you have done all this but im just giving you this to make sure you didnt miss anything
  5. Still doesn't work .. but my "permissions.yml" is empty (the one in the root of the server), is that normal ? (permissions seem to be stored in the plugin folder itself and there is another permissions.yml in there with the info that using the console added itself)

    Also let's say I don't use any plugins at all, would that mean I just can't use the /give command on my server even though the server is running on my local pc and I got access to the full files and console ??

    I don't get it ... you NEED plugins to get basic bukkit functionality ?

    Wth ... I added some more stuff to my permissions and now it says:
    "Bukkit is sad. Bukkit wants you to access command but bukkit cannot let you. Bukit will leak tears :'(

    ............... what ?
    EDIT: For reference, I am using the latest dev build of Bukkit for 1.8.1.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
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