Spontanious crash. Cannot track source of issue. Lag?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by dragos240, Sep 13, 2011.

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    Problem: A spontaneous crash, I suspect this happened once before.
    When did this occur: I was watching my brother go on the server, it gave a read error, he tried reconnecting, and it didn't work. My guess is that it shut down due to to much lag.

    What's odd is this server is fine for a small server, one person was on, doing nothing out of the ordinary. I started my VPS this morning. The server has 3gb of guaranteed ram and 5gb burstable and a quad core processor. I see no reason why it crashes.

    Clues: Despite it being a good VPS and server, it gives me an error every 5 to 10 seconds, even when nobody was on:
    2011-09-13 23:41:57 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    I suspect this was due to the server being overloaded. I don't know why it would be though, it has enough power under the hood. Could it be a faulty plugin?

    1. What OS are you using (Brand and version - Ex. Windows XP SP3)?: Linux. More specifically CentOS 5. x86_64
    2. What architecture is the OS you are running (x64 or x86)?: As stated above x86_64 (x64)
    3. What version and architecture is your java install?:
    java version "1.6.0_20" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.8) (rhel- OpenJDK Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)
    4. Are you running any wrappers? McMyAdmin, mcadmin, Hamachi, etc?: Nope.
    5. What build of CraftBukkit are you running?: 1060
    6. What command are you using to run your CraftBukkit server?: java -jar server.jar
    7. What plugins are you running?:

    18:30:53 [INFO] Plugins: WorldGuard, PermissionsEx, ChatManager, CraftBookCommon, mcbans, WorldEdit, Permissions, Multiverse-Core, BlockLog, CraftBookCircuits, Multiverse-NetherPortals, DropChest, Spout, CraftBookMechanisms, CraftBookVehicles, Honeypot, Modifyworld, TntMiner, MiningTNT, CommandBook, iConomy, Multiverse-Portals
    8. What error are you getting (post your server.log file)?: Just "shutting down" and the other one I posted above.
    9. What have you tried already?: I don't know what plugin might be causing this, so I'm at a loss of what it could be. Is there a particularly ram expensive plugin I'm using?

    vapid2323 likes this.
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    Whoa, you read the big red post!! *dies*

    As for the cant keep up message, your not going to be able to stop it unless you can replace the hard drive on the VPS with a SSD. Its something you will have to get used to, it is mostly caused because minecraft servers require a huge amount of I/O

    As for the other error, I am unsure based on the information >.<
  3. Offline


    Ah. I see.. That's too bad. And yes, I read that post. At least I know why the server is displaying that, as for it's crashing issue. I only wish I knew where to start..
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    i think it is becous you start your server with "java -jar server.jar" that meens you dont assign ram to the server
    i think the standaard value of ram is 512M.

    maby you can try to start it wich
    java -Xincgc -Xmx2G -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. Offline


    Oh. Well if that's the case, the command is now:
    java -Xincgc -Xmx2256M -jar server.jar

    The reason for the exact number is it's the highest it allows
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    oke did it help?
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    Not sure. The crash is usually after 6 hours or so.

    Alright. It's been up significantly longer than it has before. It is not crashing either. The one problem remains. How can I take advantage of my burstable ram....? *uses search function*

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
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    Install 64bit Java to get >2GB RAM.

    One thing I found was if people were stupid distances away (1m blocks+, I think) the server can't handle it and gives off a ton of read errors whenever they try to connect. Only fix was to delete their player.dat :/
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